
作者&投稿:佘逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Dove(鸽子)
Dove,the spirit and the love
Who engendered Christ above,
Like you,I love a Marie.
May she marry me!

The Elephant(大象)
As an elephant his ivory,
My mouth holds a precious good.
Crimson death! . . . I buy my glory.
My coin is a gorgeous word.

The Dove(鸽子)
Dove, the spirit and the love
Who engendered Christ above,
Like you, I love a Marie.
May she marry me!

The Elephant(大象)
As an elephant his ivory,
My mouth holds a precious good.
Crimson death! . . . I buy my glory.
My coin is a gorgeous word.

The Dove(鸽子)
Dove, the spirit and the love
Who engendered Christ above,
Like you, I love a Marie.
May she marry me!

1. chicken鸡,rooster公鸡,公鸡的啼鸣用crow,母鸡的咯咯叫用cluck,小鸡的唧唧叫用cheep.

2. duck鸭,drake公鸭.鸭子的嘎嘎叫用quack.

3. goose鹅,gander公鹅.鹅的叫声用honk.

4. cat猫,tomcat公猫.猫的喵喵叫用miaow,meow.

5. dog狗,狗的吠叫用bark,汪汪叫用bowwow.

6. pig猪,boar公猪,sow母猪,piglet小猪.猪打呼噜用grant.

7. cattle牛,bull公牛,cow母牛,calf小牛.公牛的吼叫用belllow,母牛的哞叫用moo.

8. horse马,stallion公马,mare母马,foal小马.马的嘶鸣用neigh.

9. sheep绵羊,ram公绵羊,羊的叫声用bleat,绵羊的叫声还可用baa.

10. goat山羊, billy公山羊.

11. fox狐狸,其叫声用bark.


一把鲜美 触遇正无着落的企盼 影子两条 一个花初开的清早里 没有人知道 两颗跳动的心怎样地连牵 描写动物的现代诗四:猫咪 总是喜欢抚摸你软软的黑色毛发 你则像个婴儿似的乖巧听话 时常眯起眼睛亮出你的招牌动作 房间里摆满了猫样饰品 指甲上夸张的画着猫的图案 有时你小女人似地温柔依偎在我...

萤火虫 萤火虫,提着小灯笼,飞来飞去,因为 不知道要把灯笼 放在那里,所以到处乱跑,这棵树也不好,那棵树也不好。

北方的狼 我是一匹来自北方的狼,骨子里带着几分轻狂。时而在宁静的湖边徜徉,时而在茫茫的草原上流浪。有时带着几丝惆怅,抑或带着几许忧伤,偶而带着几多嚣张,兼或带着几缕迷惘。人生的号角已然吹响,前进的战鼓依然嘹亮。北方的狼已经不再属于北方,北方的狼决定南畔孤身独闯。跋山涉水有时尽,...

大海是我海爸爸,大洋是我洋妈妈。爸爸妈妈回到家,常把我家花园夸。珊瑚林,柠檬鲨,大龟大贝大龙虾。洋洋洒洒洋洋洋,花花绿绿花花花。小澳016:巴布亚新几内亚 步步销魂,棕榈红树沼泽林。处处清新,蝶儿蛙儿鸟儿音。上帝杰作,神韵高风吹亮节。天堂之花,巴布亚新几内亚。小澳017:七色海 一首水族圆...


我想要描写动物的古诗 短一点
我非好鹅癖,尔乏鸣雁姿。安得免沸鼎,澹然游清池。 见生不忍食,深情固在斯。能自远飞去,无念稻粱为。 5.兔 兔【唐】李峤 上蔡应初击,平风远不...燕子不归春事晚,一汀烟雨杏花寒。 即事【唐】杜甫 黄莺过水翻回去,燕子衔泥湿不妨。 绝句二首 【唐】杜甫 泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 7。关于鸟的诗句...

2011-01-27 描写动物的小学生的现代诗,要自创的 28 2014-11-23 请自编一首现代诗。赞美母爱的。要自编的 140 2014-12-21 写一首诗(自创,现代诗) 3 2011-11-15 求关于动物的现代诗 81 2015-11-11 帮我做一首有关动物的现代诗 1 2014-11-24 有关回忆六年级的现代诗,要自编,跪求。 12 更...

马 怒振雄风气宇昂,南征北战露锋芒。识途尽晓来和去,伏枥心驰万里疆。虞世南《蝉》垂穗饮清露,流响出疏桐。居高声自远,非是藉秋风。

回答:北方的狼 我是一匹来自北方的狼, 骨子里带着几分轻狂。 时而在宁静的湖边徜徉, 时而在茫茫的草原上流浪。 有时带着几丝惆怅, 抑或带着几许忧伤, 偶而带着几多嚣张, 兼或带着几缕迷惘。 人生的号角已然吹响, 前进的战鼓依然嘹亮。 北方的狼已经不再属于北方, 北方的狼决定南畔孤身独闯...

我喜欢的小动物是一只小狗,它全身长满白色的毛,像一团棉花糖;眼睛是圆溜溜的,像两颗宝石;耳朵是半圆形,鼻子是黑色,尾巴短短的,很可爱。我给它爱吃的骨头,它会一块一块,一小段一小段地啃。它啃完骨头后,就会汪汪地叫几 声,好像在说:“小主人,谢谢你。”每当我去上学,她总是会送...

乌兰县17861337511: 找一首描写动物的英语小诗 -
泊蓉防风: Pigs Pigs are playful. Pigs are pink.Pigs are smarter than you think. Pigs are pudgy. Pigs are plump.Pigs can run but never jump. Pigs are loyal. Pigs are true.Pigs don抰 care for barbecue.

乌兰县17861337511: 谁知道有关动物的英语诗?不要太长,要押韵,7 8句就可以了. -
泊蓉防风:[答案] The Elephant(大象) As an elephant his ivory, My mouth holds a precious good. Crimson death!...I buy my glory. My coin is a gorgeous word. The Dove(鸽子) Dove,the spirit and the love Who engendered Christ above, Like you,I love a Marie. May ...

乌兰县17861337511: 关于小动物的英语诗歌 -
泊蓉防风: a dog's lifeThe life of a dog is a dog's life. It is pain. It is suffering and grief. The life of a dog is a dog's life. Full of fear and gnashing of teeth.God/dog, dog/god. Palindromes and dreams of nod. God/dog, god/dog. And all I hear leaves me ...

乌兰县17861337511: 有关于动物的英语诗歌要押韵少一些要三首啊有关动物的英语诗句最重要的是要押韵 -
泊蓉防风:[答案] The Elephant(大象)As an elephant his ivory,My mouth holds a precious good.Crimson death!...I buy my glory.My coin is a gorgeous word.The Dove(鸽子)Dove,the spirit and the love Who engendered Christ ab...

乌兰县17861337511: 谁能给我一首写动物的英语诗歌?~ -
泊蓉防风: 这里有很多:http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/stories/poem_act/animal_poetry.html 如:The Elephant(大象) As an elephant his ivory, My mouth holds a precious good. Crimson death! . . . I buy my glory. My coin is a gorgeous word. The Dove(鸽子...

乌兰县17861337511: 求一首动物英文小诗 -
泊蓉防风: My pet My pat it a lovely rabbit. It has a long ear,red eyes.It fur is witer.I play game with it together.

乌兰县17861337511: 急!!!!!!!!!英语动物小诗!! -
泊蓉防风: The Elephant As an elephant his ivory, My mouth holds a precious good. Crimson death! . . . I buy my glory. My coin is a gorgeous word. The Dove Dove, the spirit and the love Who engendered Christ above, Like you, I love a Marie. May she marry me!觉得哪个好一些就自己选择啦!

乌兰县17861337511: 写一首英语诗,关于动物的,要用上比喻拟人什么的,十句以上 -
泊蓉防风: I've never known a dog to wag 我从未认识过狗一条 His tail in glee he did not feel, 感到不开心却将尾巴摇,Nor quit his old-time friend to tag 它也不会把老朋友抛 At some more influential heel. 跟随更有势力者后面跑.The yellowest cur I ever ...

乌兰县17861337511: 有没有关于动物的英语诗啊.........
泊蓉防风: Run! Said the mouse, As the cat came near, 'You're not going to eat, My little pink ear' Run! Said the Cat, As the dog took chase, 'Why must you chase me, All over the place?' Run! Said the dog, As the horse galloped by, 'Please don't trample me, ...

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泊蓉防风: 51Lively music51 festival51 seasons of laborTeachers from Moonlit to the war QiankunPoetic same glorious aroma dedicatedSpring Festival in May steel flowers are dancing Shakes the BarleyTo work for the most labor is the source of ...

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