汉译英 高手进 要自己翻译 翻译得好追加分数!!!

作者&投稿:淫旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Goal - Study the relationship between B-cell activity factor (BAFF) and the child patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

Approach - Use ELISA technique to compare the BAFF levels of 40 ITP child patients with the BAFF levels of 20 normal children, and then conduct statistical analysis by using Self-Propelled Semi-Submersible (SPSS).

Result - The serum BAFF levels of the ITP child patients were significantly higher than those of the normal control group (P<0.001).

Conclusion - ITP child patients suffer from an autoimmune disorder that leads to elevated serum BAFF levels.

此研究首次显示,具有明显症状的原发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)病患他们的血清B淋巴细胞启动因数(BAFF)水平是上升的。无明显症状的原发性血小板减少性紫癜病患其B淋巴细胞启动因数(BAFF)水平则是正常。有关上升的B淋巴细胞启动因数(BAFF)已在先前的系统性自体免疫疾病中做过说明,譬如系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)和类风湿性关节炎(RA)。这些疾病的共通点就是受到具自我辨识性(auto-reactive)B细胞和T细胞克隆的作用,这些克隆能对各种组织造成影响。相反地,原发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)主要受自我反应(self-reactive)B淋巴细胞的调控。这项特徵使原发性血小板减少性紫癜被归类为B细胞介导之自身免疫性疾病的原型(Cines & Blanchette, 2002)。但是,血小板导向之细胞毒T细胞所扮演的角色也曾被报导过(Olsson et al, 2003)。

到底是哪种机理突显过高的B淋巴细胞启动因数与血小板水平两者间的关系,目前仍不清楚。B淋巴细胞启动因数不只能提高CD19的表现,还能提高B细胞受体增强和磷酸化CD19的能力(Hase et al, 2004)。此外,B淋巴细胞启动因数还能调控”自我辨识性B细胞”的熟成(Thien et al, 2004)。因此,过高的B淋巴细胞启动因数可能会助长攻击血小板的”自我反应B细胞克隆”的累积。


White cloud is a friend of sky, river is a friend of ground, grass is a friend of tree, flower is a friend of greenery and you are my friend.
Everyone needs friends, it is friends that make our life more colorful, but how to choose friend correctly?
The ancients said:"Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.", which told us that we have to make those kind of friend who is share the same ambitions and purposes with us , and he must be sincerity , honesty and full of ideals and ambitions. We will get along well with this kind of friend then can we help each other not only in study but also in how to be a human.
I think friends can be diveded into three kinds: the first kind is the one you can have a heart-to-heart talk with them, that is bosom friend and sworn followers; the second kind is general friend, they can be your great friend in future, generally, the one who you just get known to each othe is general friend; the third kind is the one you just met once, just call them friends. Among these three kinds, the first kind is in most need, but you have to take great care; the second kind is indispensable, you have to give your true feeling; the third kind is necessary,you have to pay interest.
" It is friend you can't find easily, it is easy to live if we have many friend..." This lyrics of song that everyone is familiar with told us we have to make as many friends as we could but also we need to make good friends and be discreet in choosing friends.


Cloud is the friend of sky. River is the friend of earth. Grass is the friend of big tree. Flower is the friend of leaf. And you are the friend of me.

Everyone needs friend. It’s the friend to make our lives complete. But how can we make a wise choice of our friends?

The ancients said, a person takes on the color of his company. This saying tells us exactly to make friends with the people of the same camp, honest, righteous, and ambitious. We can always get well along with this kind of friends, in order to encourage and benefit from each other in our work and study.

I suppose, friends can be categorized as three types.
1. The friends you can have heart-to-heart talk with, in another word bosom friend.
2. The acquainted friends. Maybe you’ll become bosom friends in the future. Normally, the people you knew before soon belong to this type.
3. The people you met only once. Let’s also call this a kind of friendship here.

Among three types, the first category is in need mostly, and it requires your heart. The second one is absolutely necessary, and it requires your emotion. The third one is necessary, and it requires your feeling.

‘It’s one of the hardest things to find a true friend, but more friends easier life.’ This singing tells we should make friends widely, wisely and cautiously.

The white cloud is a friend of the sky, the river is a friend of the earth, grass trees are our friends, friends of the flowers are green leaves, and you are my friend.
Everyone needs friends, is a friend to make our lives more substantive, but how to correct it choose friend?
The ancients said, "person takes on the color of his company. " This tells us that to pay like-minded, good faith, integrity, ideals, aspirations friends.This cross-friends often get along very well, in order to learn from each other and promote each other on in life.
I think that friends can be divided into three categories:The first category can be a friend to talk, that is, friends, sworn followers; The second type is common friends, these people will probably become good friends, in general awareness is only just ordinary friends; the third category isThe people you met only once, it can be considered friends. In this category, the first category is most in need of a friend, but intentions; The second category is essential to a friend, the need Yongqing; third type of friend is necessary, with a sense of need.
"Trinidad is a rare find friends, more friends, take a good way ... ..."This well-known lyrics tell us that it is necessary to make friends and pay for a good friend of choose friend caution.

The white cloud is a friend of the sky,the river is a friend of the earth,the little grass is a friend of the big tree,the flower is a friend of the green leaves, but you are my friend.
Everyone needs friends,friends make our life enricher.However,how should we choose friends to make?
The eld said, "One takes the behavior of one's company",that is to say,we should make friends like having the same ideals,being honest,being fair-minded,having aspiration.These friends usually get along well with each other,and they can help each other with the study and behaviors.
I think there are three kinds of friends.Firstly,the friends can chat with you comfortablly,such as bosom friends,sworn friends.Secondly,those are common friends.Maybe these person can become good friends.Generally speaking, the people that you have known for a few days are only common friends. Thirdly,the person and you are acquainces who just met once,they are just friends.In the three cases,the first is demanded,and you should make these friends with your heart;the second is inevitable,and you should make the friends with your affection;the last one is necessary,and you should use your feelings.
"It is hard to find a good friend.If you have more friends , you can do things easier... " The sentence that everyone knows,It tells we should make many good friends,and choose the friends carefully!

Bai Yun is a friend of the sky, the river is a friend of the earth, grass trees are our friends, friends of the flowers are green leaves, and you are my friend.
Everyone needs friends, is a friend to make our lives more substantive, but how to correct it Zeyou?
There is an old saying, "Jinzhuzhechi, Jinmozhehei." This tells us that like-minded to pay, in good faith, integrity, ideals, vision of a friend. This cross-friends often get along very well, in order to learn from each other and promote each other on in life.
I think that friends can be divided into three categories: The first is to talk to friends, or friends, and friends; The second is the common friends, who may in the future will become good friends, just general knowledge can only count Friends of the ordinary; Yimianzhijiao The third category is also regarded as friends. 3 in this category, the first category is most in need of a friend, but intentions; The second category is essential to a friend, the need Yongqing; third type of friend is necessary, with a sense of need.
"Trinidad is a rare find friends, more friends, take a good way ... ..." This well-known lyrics tell us that it is necessary to make friends and pay for a good friend Zeyou care.

The white clouds are the sky friend, the rivers are the earth friend, the grass are big tree's friend, the flower are green leaf's friend, but you are the friend of mine. each people need the friend, was the friend causes our life becomes more substantial, but could choose friends how correctly? the ancient said “is influenced by the surroundings, near Mohists is black”. This tells us to hand over has a common goal, sincerely, honest, has the ideal, to have the aspiration friend. Makes such friend to be often together is harmonious, can in study and above the personhood each other promotes to complement each other. I thought that the friend may divide into three kinds: The first kind the friend who is may talk openly, is also the friend, the diehards; The second kind is the ordinary friend, these people from now on will perhaps turn the good friend, generally speaking just knew can only calculate the ordinary friend; The third order is a one sphere of interaction, is also the friend. In this 3 kinds, the first kind of friend is most needs, but needs the intention; The second kind of friend is essential, needs to use the sentiment; The third-order friend is necessary, needs to use the feeling. “the great distance difficult to seek is the friend, friend many roads good walked ......” this everybody knowledge lyrics to tell us both to have wide acquaintance the friend, and must the being on good terms friend, choose friends discretely. this section asks everybody to help under translator. The emphasis, wants to translate, I supplement the score, goes to the website to turn does not give the minute!!!

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