
作者&投稿:脂时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to make your dream come true? Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the decriction in night. every one of us has dreams,but how to make our dream come true?I think there are 3 ways to make our dreams come true. first,never give up your dream.you should always do the things which will help you to make your dream come true. second,keeping reading books every day.Books help us to know what we did is right and what wrong. finally,be confident.every one should be confident in daily life,especially when faced with difficulties. Dream ,the most beautiful word in the world.let work hard to achieve our dreams from now on.

I want to be a doctor. Beause l think doctor is great.Health is wealth.So we are not far away doctor.l hope my dream come true.l am proud of doctor.

I want to be an cook when i grow up,because i think it was very inteserting and fantastic.

When I grow up, to be a soldier. To serve the country.

长大以后作文1 长大以后的事儿,我很少去想,一是太遥远,二是我喜欢活在当下,但很少不代表我不会想。想到了的时候,大多是这样的思维发散。 长大以后,我成为了一名哲学家。从小我就喜欢思考,思考一些诸如我从哪里来,我要到哪里去,我是谁这样的问题,这样的问题使得我在爸爸妈妈的眼中就是一个哲学家。虽然我并没...

长大以后小学作文1 某个下雨天,我在想“长大的我会是怎样的呢?”穿着白色上衣、牛仔裤、踏着一双白步鞋的少女呢?或者是一名长发飘飘穿长裙充满艺术细胞的艺术总监?再或者是一名戴着斯文眼镜的语文老师?我仍然沉浸在我的想象中:“我会不会是一名旅行爱好者?因为我从小就有周游世界的梦想;再...

长大以后做什么作文300字1 我是一个8岁的小女孩,扎着马尾辫。我最喜欢做的事情就是画画,每当老师或者爸爸妈妈问我:“夏可欣,你长大想做什么?”我都大声地说出我的理想:长大了要当一名画家。 我在很小的时候,就喜欢涂涂画画。家里的墙壁、床、甚至被面都成了我的画布。每次,被妈妈发现以后,总少不了被批评。

长大了作文1 时间像小河里的流水,春夏秋冬,从未停歇。不知不觉中,一年又过去了,我已经是一个快12岁的六年级学生,一个要步入初中的中学生……这么想想,我也应该长大了。 记得前几天,在数学期末考试前,老师提醒我们,一定不要忘记带上碳素笔、铅笔、尺子,不然,得掉大分了。我把这件事牢记于心,准备好考试用品后...

长大以后做什么作文25篇 长大以后做什么作文(一): 长大了我要做一名宠物师 每个人都会有梦想,并且每个人的梦都会不一样。而我也有一个梦想就是能够在我长大之后成为一名优秀的宠物师。 记得我上幼儿园的时候,在小区里经常看到一些流浪的小狗、小猫,它们满身黑乎乎脏、兮兮的待在垃圾桶旁边吃着垃圾桶里的食物。当...

小考满分作文:我长大以后2 镜子里身材有点胖,头发乌黑发亮,眼睛炯炯有神,火红的嘴唇,穿着朴素的工作服,你们猜猜她是谁,对了她就是长大以后的我。那时我已经是一名出色的工程师,发明家。早上,我急匆匆地跑到工地,我到了一个地方。那里了语花香,奇怪的是那些蔬菜、水果和房子一样高。哦,...

长大了,再也不能拉着窗帘荡秋千了。 长大了,再也不能在沙发上爬来爬去了。 长大了,再也不能天真了。 长大了,长大了,小时候一切的欢乐,都被"长的了"这个词冲散了。 我们的翅膀硬了,有了自己的独立思维,想要飞,却被大人所束缚。奶奶说:"萍,你长大了,要听话。以后只允许用电脑和手机查资料。"我不同意了...

长大优秀作文1 在我小的时候,被比自己大的人欺负时,我就会想着,要是自己快点长大就好了,这样我就不会被欺负了。但是长大了真的就会很好吗? 光阴似箭,日月如梭。时间一点一滴地过去了,慢慢地年龄也随之增长。这时候的我,想着自己终于长大了,很多事情自己都可以做好。 逐渐长大后,我开始试着自己生活,自己洗衣做...

作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我为大家收集的长大优秀作文,欢迎大家分享。 长大优秀作文1 北方的候鸟又一次飞来南方,河岸上的小草又一次穿上绿装。我抬起头来,仰望天空,似乎觉得:童年离我越来越遥远了。 我带着惊奇离开摇篮,走出父母为我共造的温室。我明白自我不再是个整天抱着洋娃娃,开口只会叫“...

长大后我就成了你,才知道那支粉笔画出的是彩虹,洒下的是泪滴。长大后,我就成了你,才知道那个讲台举起的是别人,奉献的是自己。” 又回荡在我耳边。 6. 长大后,我想成为 长大后,我想成为老师吧 人们总是把老师比作辛勤的园丁和勤劳的蜜蜂,因为老师把毕生的精力都奉献给了我们这些孩子,把我们从牙牙学语、目不...

红安县15288484742: 你长大以后想要做什么 英语作文 -
矣嵇玉屏: now,i am a student.but when i grow up,i want to be a english teacher.i like learning english.because i think english is a interesting subject.so i must study work and make progress.i want to have many students .we will study together.i ...

红安县15288484742: 长大后要做什么?英语作文 -
矣嵇玉屏: 当我长大后(When I grow up)展开全部 When I grow up, I want to be an engineer. I want to build a big house and a small house for my father and mother. We will live together.There will be a garden and playground in front of the house. We will ...

红安县15288484742: 英语作文说说自己长大后想干什么(简单版带翻译) -
矣嵇玉屏: 您好:Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be scientists. My dream is to become a teacher. 每个人都有他自己的梦想.一些人想成为医生.一些人希望成为科学家.我的梦想是成为一名老师. Teachers can not teach ...

红安县15288484742: 英语作文当我长大了以后,我想成为什么样的人急 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] i would like to become a doctor in the future because doctors can help people to become healthy.i've seen many people fighting with desease.it would be a great chace if i could help them and bring the...

红安县15288484742: 写一篇有关“你长大想当什么?”的短文.英语作文 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] Lesson 16 MY AIM Whatever a man's status may be,he must have an aim.If not,he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world.That stands to reason.However important fame and wealth may be,we must n...

红安县15288484742: 你长大后想干什么英语作文 50到60字左右,网上拉的也无所谓 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] My dream job i am going to be a teacher in ten year .because i can make friends with our students .althought teacher is hard.but if i go to be a teacher i will be very neccssary.so iam hard working at study.i believe i can be a teacher one day.

红安县15288484742: 你长大了想干什么的英语作文 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] Everybody has a dream for his future.My dream is to become a reporter and I have had this dream for a long time.That is why I am working so hard at both English and Chinese. As a reporter,he is able to go to different places,meet with different people ...

红安县15288484742: 一篇英语作文:是关于我长大后要做什么职业的例文:I want to be a astronaut when I grow up.An astronaut can fly a spacecraft and go to space in it.I am ... -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] 来个关于老师的~I want to be a teach when I gorw up. A teacher can teach students with knowlege and also be a model for the young kids. I'm persoanlly interested in teaching. i want to be the best teac...

红安县15288484742: 用英文写一篇"你长大想当什么"只要十句话就可以了 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] I want to be a teacher in the future.I like kids.I believe I can teach them knowledge and get on well with them.Teacher is a hard work,but it has summer and winter holiday.That means I will have my own time.It is also a respectful work.Teacher is called"the ...

红安县15288484742: 长大以后想干什么英语作文 -
矣嵇玉屏:[答案] What am I going to be when I grow up?I am going to be an actor.I am going to take acting lessons.I'll try my best to learn to be an actor.I know there will be a long way for me to go,but I won't lose hope.I will practice acting at home or whenever I'm free....

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