各位大侠 帮小弟翻译一下 这段话~ 谢谢

作者&投稿:宥翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求高人为小弟翻译一下这段话 谢谢!~

Friends , the most excited moment will have arrived in , the request the pleasure of seeing guest and new people opens incense beach good wine together , this cup of liquor is rapturous , the most mellow liquor of in the world. What better qualified tune liquor division neither has workmanship not bad modulation, he is to use the earth gains to brew , he is that the rain tune is able with boundless star,He is to ferment within the days wine cellar , he is to use intelligent cup to bear the weight of , this slowly mobile incense beach good wine resembles share warm current right away, way of thinking flowing into a newcomer! Be pouring in the heart in them feeling, is pouring love , sweetness and fragrance living to be pouring. That this slowly mobile incense borders on good wine is the wellhead opening the happy entrance door , this is the wellhead living , this is loving expressing. Request the pleasure of seeing you the newcomer drinks "cross-cupped wine " , the cup clinks glasses , the arm coils up an arm, newly-married good wine drinks a bite , I wish you cherish appearance keep. Guest friends , cann in let us raise hand, are that the happy sweetheart starts dancing , sing in praise of happy courting couple , are that fervent love raises one's glass , I wish road of their life sprinkles full loving sunlight forever! Drink a toast!



There are things cearly wrong, but we persist for being defeat is not what we want;

There are people we truely love, but we give up for there is no result to come;

There are times when no road lying ahead, but we go on for we're used to our tread.

1.三句每句均为内韵:wrong - want;love - up - come; ahead - tread
4.insist 和persist 的区别在于 persist 是为了一个愿望、目标不懈的顽强努力、奋斗,而insist则有一味坚持的含义,缺少persist里面百折不挠的精神含义。
5. tread 有“踩着不变的步伐”的意思。

Somethings that even they know they're wrong,they still carry on it,because they are refusing to face them.
Somebody that even they know they're loving each other,they still give up,because there is no ending for them.
Sometimes that they know there are no way to choose,they still go on it,because they are used to it.


*1,To some dream,we keep pursuing it regardless of the fact that it's worthless,because we are unwilling to accept failure.
*2,In some occasion,we have no choice but to give up despite the fact that we are dear to each other,as we can't see a wisp of light in the coming dawn.
*3,In some situation,we stick to moving forward though there is the dead end ahead,since we have got used to it.

PS:这里的 some 是指某一特定情况,“某个,某一”.

翻译:Some matters, we clearly knew that is wrong, must go to insist, because is not willingly;
Some people, we clearly knew that is loves, must go to give up, because does not have the result;
Sometimes, we clearly did not know the road, actually also in vanguard, because of be used to it.

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