
作者&投稿:睢卖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favorite woman__song qingling
Song qingling, one of the greatest leaders of china, was a well-known stateswoman.
She was born on 27th January .1893 in shanghai. When she was young. She was much concerned about the future of china. Later she took part in many activities to fight for the freedom of Chinese people. After the foundation of the PRC, she was completely devoted to the development of new china and played an important part in many activities.
On 8th may 1981, she died in Beijing at the age of 88, which brought great sorrow to the Chinese people. She was honored as one of the greatest woman of the 20th century and is remembered by the Chinese people forever.

Looking at data in the bright red cover photo of the party and the serene face of the old man, I as if returned to the period of the republic of Shanghai, saw the handyman little girl because she agreed with friends together basket fold, alone in the home, stood the window so waiting for the arrival of good friend Jane. In fact that day, the little girl's father wants to take her to my friend's house to play. Although a guest and delicious food is so attractive, but the little girl is actually think they must not be faithless, although wait for little jean process is so lonely, despite the promise is little jean fail. "Some period, QianHao's claims, have period will be about, the time is not easy." This rule is common, actually is also very high. The little girl with the practical action to give us all walk through childhood children what is credit notes. I ?

My favorite woman__song qingling
Song qingling, one of the greatest leaders of china, was a well-known stateswoman.
She was born on 27th January .1893 in shanghai. When she was young. She was much concerned about the future of china. Later she took part in many activities to fight for the freedom of Chinese people. After the foundation of the PRC, she was completely devoted to the development of new china and played an important part in many activities.
On 8th may 1981, she died in Beijing at the age of 88, which brought great sorrow to the Chinese people. She was honored as one of the greatest woman of the 20th century and is remembered by the Chinese people forever.

1. How to Keep Safe on the Way to School

In our communities now, we often walk, bike, or drive to school. But how can we keep ourselves safe? If we walk, the cars and the street gangs might cause us some trouble. If we bike, we might cause accidents like crashing into somebody walking. If we drive, there might be a car accident or it might have traffic problems. If we look closer into this situation, we could make out that we should have someone walking with you when you're walking, a clean street when we're biking or driveing, and stay away from gangs and trouble. that's how we can keep ourselves safe when we're walking to school.
2. How to Get on With Our Parents

Our parents are the ones that love us most, but it's also hard to commuicate with them because they are olders than you and they went through different things than you. But if we don't know how to communicate with our own parents, then how could we communicate with others? Communicating with our parents didn't seemed to be that hard, there's only three rules. Rule number one is to calm down and don't speak in a hurry. Rule number two is to not fight back if you don't need to. Rule number three is to stay quiet most of the times. If you can follow theses three rules, we would be able to communicate with our parents very well.

古代名人5个 外加他【她】们的功绩 速度
并为帝辛鸣不平:“统一神州赖此人,奴隶解放实前躯。帝辛之功迈周发,帝辛之罪有莫须。”以科学研究和考古成果为准绳,应该肯定帝辛开拓山东、淮河下游和长江流域的功绩,扩大了古代中国的版图。商朝疆域的扩展,促进了中原文明的传播,促进了华夏大地生产力的发展。 武悼天王冉闵:在五胡乱华时期,...


从她参与朝政,自称皇帝,到病移上阳宫,前后执政近半个世纪,上承“贞观之治”,下启“开元盛世”,历史功绩,昭昭于世。诚如宋庆龄对她的诚恳评价:武则天是“封建时代杰出的女政治家”。 绿珠为中国晋代十大美女之一。她美丽端庄,能歌善舞会诗。以跳“昭君舞”最为出色。 西晋太康年间,石崇为交趾采访时,途经博白地...


历史功绩,昭昭于世。诚如宋庆龄对她的诚恳评价:武则天是“封建时代杰出的女政治家”。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起




从她参与朝政,自称皇帝,到病移上阳宫,前后执政近半个世纪,上承“贞观之治”,下启“开元盛世”,史称“贞观遗风”历史功绩,昭昭于世。诚如宋庆龄对她的中肯评价:武则天是“封建时代杰出的女政治家”。 武则天出生在唐初新贵显宦之家,显赫的权势,豪奢的生活,滋养了她无限量的权力欲。然而,初唐极重士族的门阀之风...

从她参与朝政,自称皇帝,到病移上阳宫,前后执政近半个世纪,上承“贞观之治”,下启“开元盛世”,史称“贞观遗风”历史功绩,昭昭于世。诚如宋庆龄对她的诚恳评价:武则天是“封建时代杰出的女政治家”。 武则天出生在唐初新贵显宦之家,显赫的权势,豪奢的生活,滋养了她无限量的权力欲。然而,初唐极重士族的门阀之风...

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督冯塔定:[答案] She was concerned about the future of China.She took part in activities to fight for the freedom for .She was devoted to the development of new China.she died in Beijing at the age of 88.

泸县18966286123: 怎样写用英语介绍宋庆龄的成就的作文 -
督冯塔定: She was concerned about the future of China.She took part in activities to fight for the freedom for .She was devoted to the development of new China.she died in Beijing at the age of 88.

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督冯塔定: 宋庆龄(1893~1981年),女.又名庆琳,英文名Rasamond.原籍广东文昌(今属海南省),生于上海.光绪三十四年(1908年)赴美国留学,获威斯里安女子大学学士...

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督冯塔定:[答案] Sun Yat-sen [1],former Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925).Great Chinese democratic revolution the modern times forerunner ,revolution banner ,revolutionist ,statesman ,theoretician.Be addressed respectfully as t...

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督冯塔定: My hometown is a small village in Daqing. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking. Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a ...

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