
作者&投稿:本彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
必采纳 英语学霸~


susan brusted into laughter when she saw the monkeys chasing each other in the dust of hunt game reserve,and they looked so funny. my grangfather longed for the return of elks so anxiously that he couldnot contain his excitement and bursted into tears when he saw them in nanhaizi elk court. wildlife conservation foundation inspected the gaint panda reserves regularly so that pandas there were protected well.they made sure any panda hunter would be punished with no mercy.打字太累,回复后翻译后面的

  1. When Susan saw the monkeys running after each other in the dust of  the game reserve,she burst into laughter.They looked funny.

  2. My grandpa longed for the elks coming back , so when he saw they at the South Sea Elk's Home ,he couldn't contain his exitement but burst into tears.

  3. The Wild Cteatures Reserve Foundation inspects the Panda Reserve regularly, so that the pandas in where are well saved. They are sure that every illegal hunters will be punished without mercy.

  4. After the plenty of loss of the tibetan antelope ,the game keepers began to employ a new method to chase the illegal hunters.

  5. When the little panda babies started to bite and chew bambooes, the scientists knew that their experiment will be succeed eventually.

  6. This incidents with oil spills did endanger a majority of sea birds, which made many societies of birds saving come into being.

  7. Many people went to the new special economic regions like Shenzhen to find jobs,who wanted to increase their incomes.


哪位是英语学霸 帮忙写下对话
回答如下:A :What are the cause of homelessness.B :There are many causes of homelessness. Some causes are money,job,drugs,mental illness.A :What are the effects of homelessness.B :Whatever the cause is , the effcets are the same as the cause.The effects are different. Some...

为你解答。1、Tony Bradman.2、There are seven: dad, mum, baby, sister, brother, grandpa and me.3、slamming, falling, shouting, breaks, bite, run, cry, roar, racket, din.4、You'll hear it ten miles away.

为你解答。单选:1、C 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、C 单词:1、again 2、relax 3、calls, back 4、go 5、raining

不能这么说:“我回家”如果是:我正在回家的路上 I'm on my way home.或者是:我正在家里 I'm at home.如果硬要是“我回家”,要考虑是正在进行的,还是将来时

1. Not to make

为你解答。(二)1、fishermen 2、scientific 3、wooden 4、reusable 5、harmful (三)1、at the top of 2、taken part in 3、take action 4、turn off 5、pay for (四)1、cost him 2、cut down 3、afford to 4、is full of 5、play a role in ...

一、1,letter 2,deaf 3,understand 4,strong 5,madam 二、1,kindness 2,excited 3,difficulty 4,train 5,lucky 三、1-D 2-A 3-E 4-C 5-B 希望可以帮到你,请采纳

My computer This is my computer.It's yellow.Its keyboard is black.It's very beautiful.I use it to do my homework, play computer games, watch movies and read news and so on.I only use my computer for hour an hour from Monday to Friday.I use it for one or two hours ...

回答:1. Six 2.He is sitting in the chair and reading the book 3.She is cooking meals 4.Mr.Green's father 5.She is cleaning the window

1lots of trees were planted in this area this year.2.Andy was made to read the text aloud by the teacher.3.the light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison many years ago.4.the students were taught how to use computers by Mr Smith yesterday.5.when asked why he was late for ...

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卜路盆炎:[答案] I go to school to five times a week, from Monday to Friday. I wake up at 7:00 in the morning. I wash my hands and face. At 7:15, I eat breakfast. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I put on my clothes and go to school. I work hard at ...

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卜路盆炎: 1题在第二段第二句话.二题是five hundred.

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卜路盆炎:[答案] rich enough to so rich thattoo young to so young thatWhat HowWhatWhat a How How包对,望采纳

鸡泽县18765503436: 求赐教,英语阅读理解有什么方法?看着看着会走神怎么办? 望学霸指点,一定采纳! -
卜路盆炎:[答案] 先读题,勾画加大意整理,生词如果多可以在文中找相似的句子

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