
作者&投稿:仲孙伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有关野生动物的英文文章 ,急 简单一点~

Panda only exists in China. Panda very special recipes, including the almost alpine region can be found in the various bamboo, the pandas also occasionally carnivorous (usually animal body). Forest logging. Giant panda habitat area to the annual harvest of at least 10,000 hectares. Its habitat annual rate of approximately 2.5 km2 of the disappeared, the number of giant pandas dropped sharply, and now the protection of giant pandas has become a priority.

熊猫只存在于我国。大熊猫的食谱非常特殊,几乎包括了在高山地区可以找到的各种竹子,大熊猫也偶尔食肉(通常是动物的尸体)。森林采伐。大熊猫栖息地每年的采伐面积达到至少1万公顷。其栖息地每年以大约2.5 km2的速度在消失,大熊猫的数量急剧减少,现在保护熊猫成为重中之重.”

What animal do you like best ?Is it elephant ?Or tiger ?But my favorite animal is monkey . Because they have the yellow skin,a big mouth ,a small nose,and two big eyes .They climb trees quickly ,and they can pick bananas or apples .I think they are very lovely and interesting!
So I hope you to like them ,too

Blue Whale:The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth. This gentle giant has grayish- blue skin with light spots. It has about 300 to 400 baleen plates instead of teeth which it uses to strain food from the ocean water.

Bats:Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. The bat's wing anatomically resembles the human hand, with extremely elongated fingers and a wing membrane stretched between. Almost 1,000 bat species can be found worldwide. In fact, bats make up a quarter of all mammal species on Earth!

Butterflies are brightly colored flying insects with two pairs of large wings that vary in color and pattern from species to species. The wings are covered with overlapping rows of tiny scales, a characteristic butterflies share with their fellow lepidopterans, the moths. Like other insects, butterflies have a hard exoskeleton, three pairs of jointed legs, antennae, compound eyes and three main body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. On the head are the eyes, antennae and proboscis -- the long, flexible "tongue" used to sip nectar and other liquids. The thorax is the point of attachment for the two pairs of wings – forewings and hindwings. The abdomen contains the reproductive and other vital organs.

Black bear:Black bears have short, nonretractable claws that give them an excellent tree-climbing ability. Black bear’s fur is usually a uniform color except for a brown muzzle and white markings that sometimes appear on their chests. Eastern populations are usually a black color phase while western populations often show brown, cinnamon, and blond color phases. Black bears with white-bluish fur are known as Kermode (glacier) bears and these unique color phases are only found along northwestern Canada’s Pacific coast.

Dolphins:Dolphins belong to the same zoological order as whales. They are part of the family of toothed whales that also includes killer and pilot whales. They are mammals and breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head.



蝴蝶是鲜艳的飞行昆虫与二对大翅膀的不同,在颜色和模式,从物种的物种。翅膀是涵盖重叠排细小的鳞片,一个特点,蝴蝶,分享他们的同胞lepidopterans ,飞蛾。像其他昆虫,蝴蝶有一个硬外骨骼, 3双节的两条腿,天线,复合眼睛和三个主体部分组成:头部,胸部和腹部。对头部是眼睛,触角和proboscis -长期的,灵活的“舌头” ,用于S IP的花蜜和其他液体。胸部是附着点,为两对翅膀-f orewings和h indwings。腹部包含生殖和其它重要器官。

黑熊:黑熊有短, nonretractable爪认为,给予他们一个很好的树爬的能力。黑熊的毛皮通常是一个统一的颜色,除啡色枪口和白色标记,有时出现在他们的胸前。东部地区的人口通常是一个黑色的颜色相同时,西部的人口,往往显示,布朗,桂皮,和金色的颜色阶段。黑熊与白蓝毛皮被称为kermode (冰川)熊和这些独特的颜色阶段只发现沿西北加拿大的太平洋沿岸。


This is the composition about to protect and love our environment. Indeed, we only have one earth, it is essential and imperative for us to treat it nicely. Or else, we will be the one suffering. As a matter of fact, a great number of animals and plants had extinct. All this was substantially because of we human being. And a large number of them are endangered. If this does not imply that we are not obliged to do something, the world is going insane and will be destroyed. To stop this from happening, we have many options. First and foremost we should start from ourselves. Do as what a perfect citizen should do. Then, restrain the factories from polluting, this can be done by establishing laws and rules. If we united as one, nothing is impossible.

Animals are people's friends.But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out(灭绝)because the environment has changed greatly.Their living areas are becoming smaller and amaller because of pollution and the development of cities.They have no room to live in except in the zoo.And many of the wild animals now can't find enough food to eat.At the same time,man is killing off animals just to get their fur,skin,teeth and meat.
//people should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect(保护)the animals.We are supposed to set up some nature reserves(自然保护区),so that animals can live freely.Besides,people should not be allowed to kill endangered animals or eat their meat.We should also do something to make our world cleaner.Fresh air,clean water,and grass are all important for animals because they need them for living.the death of the endangered animals will bring a disaster(灾难)to human beings.




Animals are humans' friends all the time, and they are very important to human beings.Caged animals must be very sad since they should be free as humans.As a result,we need to take steps to protect our friends.Firstly, we are supposed to take good care of animals and prevent...

两篇选一篇吧(后一篇较长)With human beings on Earth since then, we continue to evolve at the same time has been hurt those lovely animals. They did not at fault, they are only in accordance with the laws of nature live in peace. But since the existence of mankind , their ...

如何保护野生动物 求有翻译的作文
Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the ...

Protect Wild Animals The animal is the friend of our human beings. We live in the same earth. Animals and human beings can’t be separated from each other. But some animals are getting less and less. So it’s necessary for us to protect animals, especially wild animals. Some...

关于老虎的作文,我们可以介绍老虎的基本信息,如体型特点、生活环境、饮食习惯等,可以阐述老虎的重要性和价值,阐述老虎的重要性和价值,如在生态系统中的作用、对人类的文化和艺术的影响等。也可以讨论老虎面临的问题,如生存环境受到破坏等以及保护老虎的途径,如加强野生动物保护意识等方面着手写。 以下是我收集的三篇跟...

Animals are humans' friends all the time,and they are very important to human beings.Caged animals must be very sad since they should be free as humans.As a result,we need to take steps to protect our friends.Firstly,we are supposed to take good care of animals and prevent ...


object to human killing animals. Animals, although can give us humans bring great benefits. But we cannot always killing animals. Because killing animals will make natural imbalance. Imbalance. We humans are belongs to a kind of animal. How could we possibly kill our own kind? This...

写作思路:对濒危动物扬子鳄进行介绍,描述扬子鳄的外形以及重要的研究意义。正文:Alligator is my specialty animals, has been endangered.译文:扬子鳄是我国特产动物,已频临灭绝。China has made it a national-level protected animals.译文:我国已经把它列为国家一级保护动物。Alligator body about 2 ...

麟游县18993909242: 急野生动物英文作文】】】先介绍野生动物的外形,吃什么,以及BABY的情况.在写如何保护参考词汇:危险,如果...就 .等等英语要简单,不要太多不认识的词语,... -
岳阳苏复:[答案] This is the composition about to protect and love our environment.Indeed,we only have one earth,it is essential and imperative for us to treat it nicely.Or else,we will be the one suffering.As a matter of fact,a great number of animals and plants had extinct....

麟游县18993909242: 求描写野生动物的英语作文,急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?
岳阳苏复: This is the composition about to protect and love our environment. Indeed, we only have one earth, it is essential and imperative for us to treat it nicely. Or else, we will be ...

麟游县18993909242: 找一篇关于野生动物的英语作文,两百字左右. -
岳阳苏复: I object to human killing animals. Animals, although can give us humans bring great benefits. But we cannot always killing animals. Because killing animals will make natural imbalance. Imbalance. We humans are belongs to a kind of animal. How ...

麟游县18993909242: 有关野生动物的英语作文 150 - 250字左右 如题 最好有中文 -
岳阳苏复:[答案] Why should we protect wildlife animals? Do you know of any endangered animals?Why are they in danger? I think there are ... 备注:150词左右吧,希望对你有所帮助~ 译文: 为什么我们应该保护野生动物? 你了解一些处于危险的动物吗?为什么他...

麟游县18993909242: 急求一篇关于野生动物的英语作文字数不要太多! -
岳阳苏复: Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become ...

麟游县18993909242: 我最喜欢的野生动物作文,最好是英语的,急需... -
岳阳苏复: <my favorite wild animal the eagle> My favorite wild animal is the bald eagle. This bird is very unique and interesting. Some of the things I like about the bald eagle is its eye sight, its diet and feeding habits, and its history. First, all eagles are known ...

麟游县18993909242: 一篇关于野生动物英语作文根据下列文字,写一篇短文.*动物是人类的朋友,他们对人类非常重要.*关在笼子里的动物一定会不高兴,动物应该和人类一样自由... -
岳阳苏复:[答案] Animals are humans' friends all the time,and they are very important to human beings.Caged animals must be very sad since they should be free as humans.As a result,we need to take steps to protect our...

麟游县18993909242: 急急野生动物英文作文】】】 -
岳阳苏复: This is the composition about to protect and love our environment. Indeed, we only have one earth, it is essential and imperative for us to treat it nicely. Or else, we will be the one suffering. As a matter of fact, a great number of animals and plants ...

麟游县18993909242: 求一篇关于野生动物的英语作文
岳阳苏复: 这时俺原创的90字英语作文,希望楼主采纳! The earth is a big family which belongs to everyone and all the animals.All the animals are our family members so it's our duty to be friendly to them.However,more and more wild animals are forced to ...

麟游县18993909242: 有关野生动物的英文文章 ,急 简单一点 -
岳阳苏复: Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms. Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human benefit has occurred many times all over the planet, and has a major impact on the environment, both positive and ...

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