
作者&投稿:秘贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


但是事实上你总是渴望离开我,却又不敢大胆告诉我。在那个难忘的夜晚, 你看着湖面,神情凝重地告诉我: 我们的爱情故事结束了。它就象这场雨,在夏天的最后几天突然刹然而止一般,带走了我的爱情的最后一丝呼吸。我仍然难以开始另一段的爱情。你带走了我的一切。我站立那里,我明白我打算独自留下。
您现在收听的是费思轻松电台,我是费思。当我第一次听到秋之湖这个名字时, 我就爱上了它。我是一名感性的女人。爱情是美好的,但也是转瞬即逝的。这儿有许多人在寻找爱,准备去爱,珍惜爱。

Everyone has his or her own hobbies, I'm no exception. I like drawing very much.
Remember when I was still very young, I did not know how to write and couldn't recongnize much of letters, but I could use my pencil to draw some pictures and express my thought with it. Sometimes I gave my pictures to my parents and let them guess, they could always know what I want to express. At that time, I got full of confidence. From then on, I got a knee intrest in drawing. When I was 4 years old, I took a art class. In that class I learned from my teacher how to recongnize graphic and draw it, how to fill the graphic with colors, how to draw watercolor painting and opaque watercolour painting, how to draw from the simple ones to the complicated ones, from a small baloon to the beautiful home. After a long-term study, now I know how to draw very well. I can express the four seasons with my pen: when the spring comes, the willows, the swallows and other birds are singing on it; when the summer comes, the old people blows on themselves with their fans leisurely, they enjoy the cool under the trees and eat sweet watermelon; when the autumn comes, there are lots of kind of fruits and every peasant is smiled happliy with big harvest; when the winter comes, grandpa White will sent Baby Snow to play with us. Just like this, I like to think carefully until I feel satisfied. Because with time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.
In a word, I like drawing best. Because I can draw anything I want, and when I hold my pen I feel as confidence as Michelangelo.

Everyone has his or her own hobbies, I'm no exception. I like drawing very much.
Remember when I was still very young, I did not know how to write and couldn't recongnize much of letters, but I could use my pencil to draw some pictures and express my thought with it. Sometimes I gave my pictures to my parents and let them guess, they could always know what I want to express. At that time, I got full of confidence. From then on, I got a knee intrest in drawing. When I was 4 years old, I took a art class. In that class I learned from my teacher how to recongnize graphic and draw it, how to fill the graphic with colors, how to draw watercolor painting and opaque watercolour painting, how to draw from the simple ones to the complicated ones, from a small baloon to the beautiful home. After a long-term study, now I know how to draw very well. I can express the four seasons with my pen: when the spring comes, the willows, the swallows and other birds are singing on it; when the summer comes, the old people blows on themselves with their fans leisurely, they enjoy the cool under the trees and eat sweet watermelon; when the autumn comes, there are lots of kind of fruits and every peasant is smiled happliy with big harvest; when the winter comes, grandpa White will sent Baby Snow to play with us. Just like this, I like to think carefully until I feel satisfied. Because with time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.
In a word, I like drawing best. Because I can draw anything I want, and when I hold my pen I feel as confidence as Michelangelo.



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请将下面一段英语翻译成汉语 谢谢
但是事实上你总是渴望离开我,却又不敢大胆告诉我。在那个难忘的夜晚, 你看着湖面,神情凝重地告诉我: 我们的爱情故事结束了。它就象这场雨,在夏天的最后几天突然刹然而止一般,带走了我的爱情的最后一丝呼吸。我仍然难以开始另一段的爱情。你带走了我的一切。我站立那里,我明白我打算独自留下。我...


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吁会云南: Please input free topics 就是这样 望采纳

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吁会云南: Now it is 9:30a.m.,we are having PE in the classroom,it is raining.All the students are in the classroom.Look!Daming and David are playing chess.Lily is listening to the music.Tom is watching TV.Betty is cleaning the floor.Mike is reading a book,I am doing my homework.

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