The dress cost me 2oo yuan .(200元提问)

作者&投稿:撒鸣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The meal cost me 20 yuan (20 yuan)对括号内部分提问。~

How much did the meal cost you ?

How much did the meal cost you?

How much does the dress cost you?


米林县13186856067: 我花了200园元买了裙子,用四种英语回答 -
辉刚艾欣: 1.I spent 200 yuan on the dress.2.I paid 200 yuan for the dress.3.The dress cost me 200 yuan.4.I bought the dress with 200 yuan.

米林县13186856067: 主语从句..要能分析每个选项! -
辉刚艾欣: 选A 先翻译一下:你穿的连衣裙真漂亮.但是你知道它花了我多少钱吗?首先,这个不是主语从句 这个是宾语从句,整个从句是Know的宾语成分 其中how much 在从句中做cost的宾语.选A不选B的原因是: cost是vt.,它的宾语应该是价值,花费的内容等等.而B中的price是价格,只是物品的客观标价,并不是花费的东西.这个裙子并不是用价格买的,选B的话逻辑不通. how much在英语中可以指钱的多少,选A的意思就是你知道它(裙子)花了我多少钱吗?回答完毕,希望满意哦~~

米林县13186856067: The dress cost me 50yuan (用take,spend,pay,buy做同义句转换)
辉刚艾欣: it takes me 50 yuan to buy the dress. i pay 50 yuan for the dress. i buy the dress for 50 yuan. i spend 50 yuan on the dress.

米林县13186856067: cost of sales和cost of goods sold的区别是什么 -
辉刚艾欣: cost of sales:销售费用(销售过程中发生的费用,如广告、订货、谈判等费用) cost of goods sold:已售商品成本(已出售商品的总成本,包括销售成本和制造成本)

米林县13186856067: 英语作文,买了什么,花了多少钱,不少于40词 -
辉刚艾欣: Last Saturday, I went to the supermarket. I wanted to buy something for my sister because that day was my sister's birthday. I walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. I thought my sister would like it. The dress cost me fifty yuan, ...

米林县13186856067: twentypounds的意思 -
辉刚艾欣: twenty pounds 20磅 例句 The dress cost me twenty pounds. 这件连衣裙花了我20英镑.

米林县13186856067: 中译英:我花了100元买了这条连衣裙.(用cost,pay,spend分别翻译此句 -
辉刚艾欣: cost: This dress cost me 100 I paid 100 yuan for this dress spend: I spent 100 yuan on this dress

米林县13186856067: The dress cost me 2oo yuan .(200元提问) -
辉刚艾欣: How much does the dress cost you?应该是这样.

米林县13186856067: 英文费用各种说法的区别何在? -
辉刚艾欣: expense:开销,花费. 比如重点在于你在这个方面有这么一个支出,后面不用加上“费”这个字 房租,rent expense;保险:insurance expensefee:费用. 比如:中介费:broker fee;服务费用:service feecost:用了你多少多少钱,或者是成本 这件衣服花了我1000块.the dress costs me $1000 成本:The cost of inventory is 10000: 库存的成本是10000块sum:这个没什么关系,就是指加总另外还有expenditure,这个一般是比较庞大的支出,用法和expense差不多.

米林县13186856067: “这件衣服花费了我一半的钱”翻译成英语是什么? -
辉刚艾欣: “这件衣服花费了我一半的钱”翻译成英语是This dress cost me half of the money.

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