
作者&投稿:斗宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Instal IP-clamp 1.1, *DO NOT REBOOT* and *DO NOT EXECUTE IT*!
安装1.1(版)互联网协议防护罩(IP-clamp 英语解释很可能是:some sort of IP locking or blocking unit or program) 。 * 切勿重新启动(电脑)* 也不要执行它(指 IP-clamp )
2. Fire our keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir.
(only the public crypto key will be patched)
激活我们的注册机【是为软件注册生成所需的注册码的一种程序】,压缩软件破解器并选择Cebas/Ip-clamp (具体意思参照上面所述)目录。
3.Now you can reboot and make sure ipclamp service is running.
Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply
启动(可执行程序的扩展名) IP-Clamp ,并把本地服务器选择为主要的网络适配器,aply (下面这句话没有具体写清楚,无法翻译)
4. Create a request file using your personnal informations
and a licence code generated by our keygen
请使用您的个人信息的来 创建(一个)请求文件,并根据我们注册机(的程序)创建一个许可生成注册码。
5. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir (otherwise you won't
be able to import the it).
请用注册机生成一个有效的许可ipclamp , (这就是)来自这个请求的许可证。
请不要在IPClamp 的目录中保存这个(请求)许可证(否则,你就不能输入这个许可证)。
6. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.
请在 IP-Clamp 中输入你的许可证。
7. Install every Cebas plug-ins you need.
请在你需要的插件程序中(注:不是一个插件程序,而是多个),安装每一个Cebas 。
8. Enjoy it!
NB: if you already have IP-clamp 1.1 installed skip to 7 :)
现在就可以享受(即使用)IP-Clamp 了。

笔记本电脑:如果您已经安装好了 IP-clamp 1.1(版),那么请跳至7 (即上面所说的【请在你需要的插件程序中(注:不是一个插件程序,而是多个),安装每一个Cebas 】)。

解释:本人几乎完全不懂电脑,只是查阅资料,并通过对英语的语法结构的分析而尽量直译而已,有些专业术语如: IP-clamp ,keygen,Crack,Cebas/Ip-clamp ,Cebas,等等的意思还有待于专业人士定夺,括号里的解释也是尽量为了说明清楚而作的解释,所以,译文的篇幅有点罗嗦。希望能够对你有所帮助,如果可能的话,也请您对我的译文“正确度”给予评价,以便让我知道假如不懂专业时敢不敢去尝试专业的翻译。谢谢。


It has been twenty-two days now since Feb.22 when we last met. I miss you so much. Hope to see you again soon. I believe it would be an even more joyful experience next time.

1.教授和以前一样忙.The professor is as busy as before.2.咱们还是别开车了.Say,let's not drive.(从语言来说比较口语化,体现末尾那个"了" )3.男孩们都对游戏机很感兴趣.Boys are interested in playing games.(男孩们并不是对机器本身感兴趣,只是对玩游戏感兴趣而已)4.你经常从图书馆借...

英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.6、被叫停机:中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.7、被叫忙:(1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能 中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在...

In the eve of graduation, our class decided to give Lee a teacher to send a gift. We made two recommendations: First, send photo album, of course, inside of each student photos. Or send tape, are recorded for each student teacher's blessing. I am more in favor of the ...

请用英语翻译下列句子1.我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末2.Jenny喜欢看 ...
ever day expect yeasterday.4.Fangfang haven't had meal since his farther was not at home .5.What did your english teacher do yeasterday within this period of time? Did he have a talk with your parents?纯手打。。。没复制黏贴,有完成时过去时还有些许从句,当然简单句也是有的 ...

I'm right behind you whenever you are.Only a distance of turning round.Turn round, then you will see me.翻得不好……… ^_^


This story deeply touched my heart (moved), their mood also along with the development of the story have traction, volatility. In queen Mary died she wrote a letter, the letter content, with a mother's position (Angle), tell oneself son want to hide in the heart for many ...

1.My life is very full, did not have time to sit with.2.He looks more like a person rather than a machine.3.I realized that the first thing is to me a variety of distinctive colors.4.I know that you urgently want to know all I am here.5.I was so busy learning, ...

他想出了一个好主意(come upon)He comes upon with a great idea.他的辛勤劳动没有白费,他终于得到了提升(pay off)His perseverance was finally paid off by his promotion.(这又是中英语言差异了,在作翻译时一般要先整理语序,这个句子的语序就需要调整)约翰每个周末都要花一点时间和他的孩子...

我怕他不会在这里时刻。我们将在哥本哈根到星期五。她忙她的电话给某人。本次会议明天下午3点钟。恐怕我不能让在18 。我考虑了两个星期的圣诞节。您可以打电话给我重新回到0207 244 666 。我访问了马德里办公室在4月。我们...

吴堡县13259589469: 请帮忙翻译个英文句子!(如下)America and England are two countries divided by a common language.作者是这样翻译的:“美国和英国是被共同的语言... -
善毅誉衡:[答案] 我觉得应该翻译为:美国和英国是使用同一种语言而彼此分离的两个国家. 第一种翻译“被共同语言分离”是直译过来的,但很明显在意思上讲不通,英美的分离并不是由语言造成的. 编辑的翻译在意思上比较通畅. 但是具体该怎么翻,还要看上下文...

吴堡县13259589469: 帮忙翻译一个英语句子 -
善毅誉衡: The students' union held (hold) an interesting debate on capital punishment yesterday 昨天学生联合会举行了一次有趣的有关死刑的辩论会

吴堡县13259589469: 英语帮忙翻译一个句子?
善毅誉衡: Tomorrow will be the Dragon Boat Festival,happy the Dragon Boat Festival to everyone here in advance.

吴堡县13259589469: 英语翻译帮忙翻译下列句子成英语 :1.我们打算在本周末做出一个决定.2.如果有麻烦,你可以找警察帮忙.3.听到那个令人激动的消息时,他们忍不住大笑了起... -
善毅誉衡:[答案] 翻译下列句子成英语 : 1 我们打算在本周末做出一个决定.We are going to made a decision this weekend. 2. 如果有麻烦,你可以找警察帮忙. I there is any trouble, you may ask police for help. 3. 听到那个令人激动的消息时,他们忍不住大笑了起来.On...

吴堡县13259589469: 帮忙翻译英语句子 -
善毅誉衡: 1.I'm going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.2.She doesn't save money this year.But,she'll spend these money to buy a big house.3.Are you going to send your acticles to the newspapers or zhe magezines?4.When are you going to hold your ...

吴堡县13259589469: 帮忙翻译个英语句子,谢了. -
善毅誉衡: 1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚(put one's finger on)There is something wrong with the piano, but I can't put my finger on it.2.这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克...

吴堡县13259589469: 英语翻译如下英语句子是我要求朋友发给我学习的,可是我看不懂,请帮忙翻译.翻译的中文请写上编号.1,the challenge is that American sayings and phrases ... -
善毅誉衡:[答案] (首先从你的只言片语上看,这个一篇关于如何学习英语的导读,但是基本都是书面英语,很像出自某些“学究”之口,应... but I will try for 20. 挑战的是:美式用法和习语翻译的不好,或者说的不通,但是我会努力 2, let's start with the basic things ...

吴堡县13259589469: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子
善毅誉衡: 1:我需要一台相机照一些那些动物的相片I need a camera to take photos for those animals. 2:不要忘了溪里的水有毒Don't forget that the water in the river is poisoned. 3:我们怕蛇,因为我们对它们所知不多.we are afraid of snakes. For we...

吴堡县13259589469: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下句子:很高兴收到您的邮件,我对您所提的职位非常有兴趣,同时在3月25日我有时间来参加面试.期待与您的见面.PS:很紧急!中... -
善毅誉衡:[答案] Dear Sir, I'm really happy to receive your email.I'm very interested in the position you offered.I will have the interview on March ... interview一般前面用have 其他的都差不多 补充 :想说明你只有25号有时间在march 25后加个括号如下:(i am sorry that i ...

吴堡县13259589469: 帮忙翻译一下英语句子 -
善毅誉衡: It always reminds me of you when I am alone deep into the night.参考例句:夜深人静的时候,你可以释放自己的情感,想哭就哭,而不用顾忌到别人的眼神.Deep into night, you can release your emotion, just do you want to do without considering other eyes.希望对楼主有帮助~

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