
作者&投稿:沈中 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your supervisor points outs that she assigned and coded only 5 different topics of messages:
1) Bob's tardiness, 鲍勃的迟到
2) the budget, 预算/预算费(应该是文中特指的)
3) important unknown issue but assumed to be part of conspiracy,
4) George's stress, and 乔治的压力和……(接第五条,后文中作出解释的部分)
5) lunch and other social issues. 午餐,还有其他社会问题。
As seen in the message coding, some messages had two topics assigned because of the content of the messages.
The way your supervisor analyzed her situation was with a network that showed the communication links and the types of messages.
The following figure is a model of the message network that resulted with the code for the types of messages annotated on the network graph.


3:45——6:10 瑞云寺是皇藏峪景区最著名的景点之一,呈三进三阶式院落、殿阁屋舍共99间,古色古香。颇具匠心。前院有藏经楼、楼下为斋堂、楼上藏经,原有《经藏》、《律藏》、《论藏》共4000余卷。中院有大雄宝殿5间,宽敞堂皇,气势雄伟。内塑有金神佛祖、观音、十八罗汉等20多尊、姿态各异、栩栩如生。
Mere stories -- Gary cloud temple, the most famous Tibetan valley scenic spot are SanJin third-order type parts of 99 courtyard, separate houses, antique. Exceptional. Front has the scripture-stored tower, for the monastery, upstairs and downstair, original "the Tibetan scripture-stored law", "hidden", "theory of 4000 roll hide.
Then have five Ursa major palace, capacious, momentum majestic. In gold Buddha, plastic god goddess, 18 arhats etc, more than 20 different attitude, lifelike.

Red cloud temple built on the mountain valley, cliff, temple, mountains around. According to the jiangnan tongzhi (founded in shanxi, temples, Reconstruction in tang dynasty, Formerly, mulberry huang temple mount after emperor Tibetan temple was renamed in the legend, liu lu mountain, hide, which offered a hole, baiyun mountain to search in the hole, liu. "if GaoZu chuzi of load of lu:" live "season yue often include cloud, the usual to season." According to legend, a name change temple SongDuan arch years. Gary cloud temple The paper puts forward new yue: "are the mountains and cities, such as compound WeiJi with ancient temples, a red cloud". High above the door of the temple is auspicious cloud temple, writing board of of primitive simplicity, anhui province in qing dynasty is dangerous that big DengShiRu calligrapher. The inscription QingRen JiangPei has accommodation for shoes and green yue: "while the sunset, gu village picture water. Far Zhang ZhongMingXiang cabinet meet an old monk, deep forest barking. Light wave in the wind, the Buddha mountain pines roll a dream." courtyard

6:55——8:45 皇藏峪国家森林公园位于萧县城东南30公里处,古称黄桑峪,因峪中长满黄桑而得名。后相传汉高族刘邦曾避难于此而改名为皇藏峪,《汉书地理志》记载:“汉高祖微时常隐芒、砀山间,即此山有皇藏峪,汉高祖避难处”。景区内绿荫如盖,古木参天,山间清泉四出,有薄雾流云,林中夏季鸟语虫鸣、花草芬芳。皇藏洞、三仙洞、美人洞、拔剑泉、马扒泉、洗钵池、仙人床、如围似屏等72处景点遍布其中。瑞云寺为省级52个重点寺院之一,建于公元535年,这里香火旺盛,晨钟暮鼓,游人如织。整个公园以其先天的自然环境、珍贵的历史古迹、迷人的传说而吸引了四方游客,使其成为皖北、苏北、豫东、鲁南地区著名的游览胜地。
234-8 huang hidden valley national forest park is located in southeastern city tells the 30 kilometers, mulberry varieties, or yellow mulberry varieties are full of yellow. After generation in the family LiuBangCeng asylum oacean and renamed as the emperor, the Tibetan valley of geographical HanGaoZu micro often recorded: "hidden DangShan miscanthus, between the mountain, namely, the emperor hidden valley HanGaoZu refuge". The shade and towering mountain spring out, ancient, cloud, forest summer mist birds, plants and insects. Huang hidden holes, three holes, beauty, spring, spring disagreements, wash bowls horse steaks, immortal pool, such as surround like screen etc 72 sights around them. Red cloud temple for provincial key monasteries, 52, here in the 535 MuGu genius, incense and visitors. The park with its innate nature environment, precious historical monuments, charming legends and attracts tourists, make it become four north eastern, wanbei, shandong, the famous resort area.

16:20——18:10 皇藏峪国家森林公园占地面积31平方公里,是安徽省自然保护区和风景名胜区。皇藏峪地域广阔,山川秀丽,农、林、水、土特产资源丰富,旅游资源得天独厚。异彩纷呈。园内有木本植物119种,中草药700多种,鸟类58种,1992年被批准建立为国家森林公园
20 - see huang hidden valley national forest park covers an area of 31 square kilometers, is the anhui province nature reserve and the scenic spot. Huang hidden valley, beautiful mountains and vast, agriculture, forestry, water, products is rich in resources, tourist resources are unique. So. 119 species of woody plants, there are more than 700, birds, Chinese herbal medicine, 1992 was 58 approval for national forest park.

Huang hidden valley national forest park of forest, and deciduous broad-leaf trees with warm forest landscape have prominent characteristics: an ancient towering CangGu, torso, swarms sectors-connecting, a maze, green Gen as cover form beauty. A: spring, summer, lush carpet leaves in autumn and winter ripe red fruits are the season silver element tonal beauty. Three: the wind, the sea birds LinTaoRu sound, hill spring morning mist, there are, the sunset cloud has beauty; dynamic Four: full-bodied fragrance, relaxed, and fresh tempting induction beauty. With the spring, inviting here rock landscape, make countless visitors relaxed, its.




你好 朋友 你可以到食品城去做 那里有到皇藏峪的汽车(车费是一人5元)
不过是多少路车我记不清了 我有好长时间没去了 真不好意思(多少路车)但我赶肯定的是 食品城那有到皇藏峪的汽车 这点你可以放心 如果我骗你 我就不佩为徐州人
对了朋友 你要去皇藏峪 可一定不要错过那地方的蘑菇鸡(我去的时候是40元一份、现在好象是60元一份吧)
你好 希望我的回答能帮上你的忙。



Huang hidden valley voiceover

Mere stories -- Gary cloud temple, the most famous Tibetan valley scenic spot are SanJin third-order type parts of 99 courtyard, separate houses, antique. Exceptional. Front has the scripture-stored tower, for the monastery, upstairs and downstair, original "the Tibetan scripture-stored law", "hidden", "theory of 4000 roll hide. Then have five Ursa major palace, capacious, momentum majestic. In gold Buddha, plastic god goddess, 18 arhats etc, more than 20 different attitude, lifelike.

Red cloud temple built on the mountain valley, cliff, temple, mountains around. According to the jiangnan tongzhi (founded in shanxi, temples, Reconstruction in tang dynasty, Formerly, mulberry huang temple mount after emperor Tibetan temple was renamed in the legend, liu lu mountain, hide, which offered a hole, baiyun mountain to search in the hole, liu. "if GaoZu chuzi of load of lu:" live "season yue often include cloud, the usual to season." According to legend, a name change temple SongDuan arch years. Gary cloud temple The paper puts forward new yue: "are the mountains and cities, such as compound WeiJi with ancient temples, a red cloud". High above the door of the temple is auspicious cloud temple, writing board of of primitive simplicity, anhui province in qing dynasty is dangerous that big DengShiRu calligrapher. The inscription QingRen JiangPei has accommodation for shoes and green yue: "while the sunset, gu village picture water. Far Zhang ZhongMingXiang cabinet meet an old monk, deep forest barking. Light wave in the wind, the Buddha mountain pines roll a dream." courtyard

234-8 huang hidden valley national forest park is located in southeastern city tells the 30 kilometers, mulberry varieties, or yellow mulberry varieties are full of yellow. After generation in the family LiuBangCeng asylum oacean and renamed as the emperor, the Tibetan valley of geographical HanGaoZu micro often recorded: "hidden DangShan miscanthus, between the mountain, namely, the emperor hidden valley HanGaoZu refuge". The shade and towering mountain spring out, ancient, cloud, forest summer mist birds, plants and insects. Huang hidden holes, three holes, beauty, spring, spring disagreements, wash bowls horse steaks, immortal pool, such as surround like screen etc 72 sights around them. Red cloud temple for provincial key monasteries, 52, here in the 535 MuGu genius, incense and visitors. The park with its innate nature environment, precious historical monuments, charming legends and attracts tourists, make it become four north eastern, wanbei, shandong, the famous resort area.

20 - see huang hidden valley national forest park covers an area of 31 square kilometers, is the anhui province nature reserve and the scenic spot. Huang hidden valley, beautiful mountains and vast, agriculture, forestry, water, products is rich in resources, tourist resources are unique. So. 119 species of woody plants, there are more than 700, birds, Chinese herbal medicine, 1992 was 58 approval for national forest park

Huang hidden valley national forest park of forest, and deciduous broad-leaf trees with warm forest landscape have prominent characteristics: an ancient towering CangGu, torso, swarms sectors-connecting, a maze, green Gen as cover form beauty. A: spring, summer, lush carpet leaves in autumn and winter ripe red fruits are the season silver element tonal beauty. Three: the wind, the sea birds LinTaoRu sound, hill spring morning mist, there are, the sunset cloud has beauty; dynamic Four: full-bodied fragrance, relaxed, and fresh tempting induction beauty. With the spring, inviting here rock landscape, make countless visitors relaxed, its.

Imperial possession Tongkuangyu voice-over

3:45 - 6: 10 Ruiyun imperial Tibetan Temple is the most famous scenic spots Tongkuangyu one was three third-order-style courtyards, Diange total of 99 houses, antique. Quite sophisticated. Forecourt have Tripitaka floor downstairs for Zhaitang, upstairs Canon, the original "by the Tibetan", "legal possession", "On the possession of" a total of 4,000 volumes. Courts have Main Hall 5, spacious stately, magnificent momentum. God within the plastic gold Buddha, Guanyin, and so on more than 20 18 Arhats respect, different posture, lifelike.

Temple Ruiyun hillside, the carrying of a cliff, facing the deep, Temple surrounding mountains. According to "Annals Jiangnan" records, the temple was built in Shanxi; reconstruction in the Tang Dynasty; formerly Sang Huang Temple, "with the mountain was renamed after the Emperor Temple. Legends mountain hideout when Liu Bang, Empress Lu寻夫towards the mountains Baiyun filled a hole and went to find, Liu really inside the cave. "Records of the Historian • dynasty in the Era" contains: "Empress Lu said, 'Home on the quarter often gas cloud, it was quarter from the usual". "According to this legends, Song端拱years called to Temple Temple Ruiyun. There are tablets said: "cyclization hills, health-based, such as City, there is the temple, were on Ruiyun."寺门is now hanging on the "Temple Ruiyun" plaques, vigorous ancient handwriting, for the Qing Dynasty, Anhui great calligraphy邓石如the title home. Qing Dynasty had蒋佩places this赋诗said: "Green shoes and take advantage of the setting sun, sunny, water paintings孤村line. Zhongming far cockroach Ying Xiang-ge deep犬吠Lin Ying-old monk. Lamp shake Buddha Block three dream, a风卷Songtao Hospitals sound. "

6:55 - 8: 45 imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park is located 30 kilometers southeast of Xiao county seat, the古称Huang Sang Tongkuangyu because Tongkuangyu in covered Sang named Huang. According to legend, after Liu Bang Henkel family had sought refuge here and renamed as the imperial possession Tongkuangyu, "Han Geography," it reads: "Han emperor micro Mans often hidden, Dangshan, namely the possession of the mountains and imperial Tongkuangyu, Han emperor shelter" . Scenic spots within the shade, such as hoods, towering old trees, mountains Qingquan 4 with mist convective clouds, forest insects in summer birds, flowers and fragrance. Imperial possession of holes, three-dong, beauty hole拔剑Stephen, Stephen Ma Pa, wash bowl pool, fairy bed, such as Circuit may screens across 72 sites which. Ruiyun Temple for 52 provincial-level focus on one temple, built in 535 AD, the temple here strong暮鼓Chenzhong,游人如织. The entire park in its natural environment, historical monuments, fascinating legends of tourists are attracted by the Quartet, making it the northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, Henan, Lunan area well-known tourist attractions.

16:20 - 18: 10 imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park covers an area of 31 square kilometers, is a Nature Reserve in Anhui Province and scenic spots. Emperor Tongkuangyu possession of a vast, beautiful mountains and rivers, agriculture, forestry, water, native products rich in resources and unique tourism resources. Colorful. Park has 119 kinds of woody plants, more than 700 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, 58 kinds of birds, in 1992 approved the establishment of National Forest Park

Imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park is a warm deciduous broad-leaved forest belt, forest landscape features stand out: one are: towering old trees, trunk苍古, groups of lace, deep-rooted, green ranunculus covered patterns such as the United States; II are as follows: spring flowers, lush in summer, autumn Gardn fruit ripening, there is snow in winter seasonal fruit tones of the United States; three are: Lin Tao, such as wind and sea, forest birds insects, streams Qingquan 4, morning there mist, the morning there is convective dynamic beauty; four are: strong fresh, fragrant flowers and fruits, the United States and induction attractive. Coupled with attractive hole here Stephen, rocks landscape, the numerous tourists relaxing, linger favorite.

Imperial possession Tongkuangyu voice-over

3:45 - 6: 10 Ruiyun imperial Tibetan Temple is the most famous scenic spots Tongkuangyu one was three third-order-style courtyards, Diange total of 99 houses, antique. Quite sophisticated. Forecourt have Tripitaka floor downstairs for Zhaitang, upstairs Tripitaka, the original "by the Tibetan", "legal possession", "On the possession of" a total of 4,000 volumes. Courts have Main Hall 5, spacious stately, magnificent momentum. God within the plastic gold Buddha, Guanyin, and so on more than 20 18 Arhats respect, different posture, lifelike.

Temple Ruiyun hillside, the carrying of a cliff, facing the deep, Temple surrounding mountains. According to "Annals Jiangnan" records, the temple was built in Shanxi; reconstruction in the Tang Dynasty; formerly Sang Huang Temple, "with the mountain was renamed after the Emperor Temple. Legends mountain hideout when Liu Bang, Empress Lu寻夫towards the mountains Baiyun filled a hole and went to find, Liu really inside the cave. "Records of the Historian • dynasty in the Era" contains: "Empress Lu said, 'Home on the quarter often gas cloud, it was quarter from the usual". "According to this legends, Song端拱years called to Temple Temple Ruiyun. There are tablets said: "cyclization hills, health-based, such as City, there is the temple, were on Ruiyun."寺门is now hanging on the "Temple Ruiyun" plaques, vigorous ancient handwriting, for the Qing Dynasty, Anhui great calligraphy邓石如the title home. Qing Dynasty had蒋佩places this赋诗said: "Green shoes and take advantage of the setting sun, sunny, water paintings孤村line. Zhongming far cockroach Ying Xiang-ge deep犬吠Lin Ying-old monk. Lamp shake Buddha Block three dream, a风卷Songtao Hospitals sound. "

6:55 - 8: 45 imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park is located 30 kilometers southeast of Xiao county seat, the古称Huang Sang Tongkuangyu because Tongkuangyu in covered Sang named Huang. According to legend, after Liu Bang Henkel family had sought refuge here and renamed as the imperial possession Tongkuangyu, "Han Geography," it reads: "Han emperor micro Mans often hidden, Dangshan, namely the possession of the mountains and imperial Tongkuangyu, Han emperor shelter" . Scenic spots within the shade, such as hoods, towering old trees, mountains Qingquan 4 with mist convective clouds, forest insects in summer birds, flowers and fragrance. Imperial possession of holes, three-dong, beauty hole拔剑Stephen, Stephen Ma Pa, wash bowl pool, fairy bed, such as Circuit may screens across 72 sites which. Ruiyun Temple for 52 provincial-level focus on one temple, built in 535 AD, the temple here strong暮鼓Chenzhong,游人如织. The entire park in its natural environment, historical monuments, fascinating legends of tourists are attracted by the Quartet, making it the northern Anhui, northern Jiangsu, Henan, Lunan area well-known tourist attractions.

16:20 - 18: 10 imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park covers an area of 31 square kilometers, is a Nature Reserve in Anhui Province and scenic spots. Emperor Tongkuangyu possession of a vast, beautiful mountains and rivers, agriculture, forestry, water, native products rich in resources and unique tourism resources. Colorful. Park has 119 kinds of woody plants, more than 700 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, 58 kinds of birds, in 1992 approved the establishment of National Forest Park

Imperial possession Tongkuangyu National Forest Park is a warm deciduous broad-leaved forest belt, forest landscape features stand out: one are: towering old trees, trunk苍古, groups of lace, deep-rooted, green ranunculus covered patterns such as the United States; II are as follows: spring flowers, lush in summer, autumn Gardn fruit ripening, there is snow in winter seasonal fruit tones of the United States; three are: Lin Tao, such as wind and sea, forest birds insects, streams Qingquan 4, morning there mist, the morning there is convective dynamic beauty; four are: strong fresh, fragrant flowers and fruits, the United States and induction attractive. Coupled with attractive hole here Stephen, rocks landscape, the numerous tourists relaxing, linger favorite.

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1945.08.06,一个美国飞机投下了炸弹对日本广岛城 。炸弹爆炸1,000 ft.above地面。在一秒钟内的部分,炸弹从金属筒变成膨胀的气体,数百万度热的巨大肿块。空气本身周围爆炸点开始燃烧。穿透力不可见的射线的袭击淋浴每活的或死的事情镇。然后跟着一个冲击波,它打破了建筑和热风巨大的爆炸急转石材,...



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段落翻译 英译汉

Your supervisor points outs that she assigned and coded only 5 different topics of messages:你们的检查员\/管理员指出,她已经将信息中5个不同的主题指出并编码。1) Bob's tardiness, 鲍勃的迟到 2) the budget, 预算\/预算费(应该是文中特指的)3) important unknown issue but assumed to ...

去年秋天,一篇学术报告中指出养宠物狗不仅会改善人的精神,还可能会影响人的饮食习惯。西北纪念医院的研究人员费时一年研究实施了饮食和运动计划的36名肥胖人群,还有一组研究对象是养了宠物且实施了饮食计划的56名肥胖人群(a separate group of 56 fat people without pets were put on a diet program...


金川区19863615702: 翻译英语段落 -
武弘舒弗: 汤姆是一个小男孩,他才仅仅七岁.一次,他去了电影院.这是他第一次去.他买了一张票然后进去了.但是大约两三分钟他又出来了,买了第二章票又进去了.过了几分钟他又出来又买了张票.两三分钟又过去了,他又出来又买了一张票.一个女孩问他,“你买这么多票干嘛,你看见了多少朋友?”“不,我朋友没在这.但是一个很高大的女人总是在门那里阻止我,并切碎我的票

金川区19863615702: 翻译英语段落
武弘舒弗: Philadelphia,USA which place is my best love.there is a common town. It is so quite, and very nice to life.And there people are very kind.They often help people,but never wish other give their prize .they are very fun,every weekend, people take part in ...

金川区19863615702: 英文翻译小段落 -
武弘舒弗: I like drawing best , in the sky of the drawing, I can be like small bird to fly, be like fish to swim, be like a white horse to run, enjoy heartily among them of fun.参考一下吧~

金川区19863615702: 翻译英语段落
武弘舒弗: The train station outside 2 kilometers, gets out while 6 groups vehicles in the 7th bus stop. Train station in motor station opposite.

金川区19863615702: 英语段落翻译
武弘舒弗: Ruth Asawa Ruth Asawa是一个艺术家.她有时以电线创作,有时候用粘土.Ruth喜欢她的朋友,喜欢他们都在自己的房间.但是她的朋友不能一直在那里.这就是她为什么要做石膏面像.每个面像都像她朋友中的一位.这些面像挂在她房间的墙上.至今,她已经制作了100个面像了.“只剩下9000个了.”Ruth说. 皮特是他们班上最快的学生之一.

金川区19863615702: 优美的英文段落+翻译 -
武弘舒弗: Alone for a while I"ve been searching through the dark, 曾几何时我孤身一人在黑暗中徘徊 For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart, 寻找你留于我寂寞心中爱的痕迹 To weave by picking up the pieces that remain, 重拾残存的旧梦 ...

金川区19863615702: 英语翻译段落
武弘舒弗: This is my holiday in the 5.1 plan. I am going to get up early morning to prepare for this trip. At 9:00, I will be and my brother and his daughter-in-law to ride a motorcycle, Hangzhou, Hangzhou, China as well-known city. Noon we will be in a restaurant ...

金川区19863615702: 翻译英文段落 -
武弘舒弗: All three of us in our family like eating fruits very much. My mother likes eating apple, I also like eating it. My father likes eating orange. We all like eating vegetables.My mother likes eating carrot,I like eating potato , father likes spinach.Mother doesn't ...

金川区19863615702: 英语翻译小段落~ -
武弘舒弗: Life is not valuable or invaluable 生命是不分贵贱 Life is equal 生命是平等的 Life is sacred 生命是神圣的 We should not support the behavior to sacrifice the life which lacks some animals and save most animals 我们不应该支持这种"牺牲少部分动...

金川区19863615702: 翻译段落!!! -
武弘舒弗: 师旷虽说是个盲人,但他精通音律,琴艺超凡,十分神奇. 据说,当师旷弹琴时,马儿会停止吃草,仰起头侧耳倾听;觅食的鸟儿会停止飞翔,翘首迷醉,丢失口中的食物. 有一次,他为晋平公弹一曲《清徽》,第一串音响时,便见有16只玄鹤从南方冉冉飞来.第二串音响时,它们排着整齐的队列.第三串音响时,它们一边伸着脖劲鸣叫,一边展翅起舞.后来又奏《清角》,人们就见西北方向,晴朗的天空徒然滚起乌云.接着狂风暴雨应声而至.然后狂风呼啸着,掀翻了宫廷的房瓦,撕碎了一幅幅帷幔,各种祭器纷纷震破,屋上的瓦坠落一地.

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