
作者&投稿:子丰固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四(日期自己写)
I have twoclasses in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is maths.
Then We take a rest at midday.
In the afternoon,we have four classes.The first one is biology.
The second one is politics . The third one is the sports lesson, and the last one is maths.
The school will be over at about 5:30. After school,we go home happily.
In these classes, political is my favourite lesson,becaus the teacher is very interesting.


My timetable

I have English at 8 every morning followed by Maths, PE, Language and then I enjoy my lunch at 1130. I need to take music lesson at 1300 followed by History and Science ending at 1630.

I love learning language most amone all subjects as it is already my favorite. Besides, that subject teacher is very nice and kind and this subject is very interesting.

On Monday morning, there are Chinese and math classes, on Moday afternoon, there are politics and biology classes. On Tuesday morning, there are English and painting classes, on Tuesday afternoon, there are music and physical exercise classes. On Wednesday morning, there are geography ...

My major is furniture.

这些是你的课程标题,至于详细简洁这些还不够(虽然我是学设计的,我知道你的课程大致内容,但美方不一定知道)。如果你能用中文介绍你的科目,我还能帮你翻译一次。 ⑹ 急求出国留学申请材料---课程描述(英文) 情况差不多,也是国内大学没这个材料但是国外大学申请时候非要提交。百渡:夫子英文课程描述。目前已经顺利...

Today, I and my uncle goes to Jinhua to play. We first went to Zhuge Bagua village, whole village like a gossip, dad bought me a sword. Later, we went to the underground river. We sat the ship into the cave, there is a dark, scary, but I'm not afraid. This is a ...

I'm sure you have a lot to offer, just as the others do!Tom, Bill, Paul: That's great!我编的这个对话是讨论研究生的功课问题:阅读课及讨论课。大家都为讨论课的自由交流而担心。最后达成一致:需要分享其他人的思想交流才是最重要的。希望能帮助你!希望你采纳原创!O(∩_∩)O~~~...

boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 『伍』 专业描述怎么写 商务英语 您好,商务英语专业(应用英语方向) 培养目标:培养具有良好职业道德,掌握一定经贸理论知识、熟悉国际商务操作规程,具有较扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,较好的英语沟通和现代化办公设备应用能力,工作的高等技术应用型英语人才。主要课程:商务...

英语作文 描述自己学校生活 关键词: vocational dinin
紧接着,我上午要上4节课,下午要上两节课.The school is over at about half past four.下午四点半放学 My favourite teacher is my english teacher and of course my favourite subject is also english.我最喜欢的是英语老师,所以我最爱的科目也当然是英语.My maths is just a mess. I can'...


因而,我在设计这堂课时,一直注意尽可能的把课堂还给孩子,让学生与学生,学生与老师之间多进行语言的交流。如:在热身运动中,进行日常的见面对话。在句型的学习中,我让学生根据自己家庭的照片,进行同桌间的相互介绍等等。我都努力着尽可能地为学生创造有比较多的交流机会。 二、采用游戏,提高学生兴趣 小学生学英语...

A: 事实上我每门课都非常优秀,我的总平均成绩按10分制是9分,是班里最高的。I: 那可真不错哦。你最喜欢哪门课程?A: 英语。因为这门课既有趣又实用,我对它很感兴趣。I: 那你能告诉我你读研究生时为什么要换专业吗?A: 因为我对管理非常感兴趣,而且我也学过这方面的课程,而且成绩非常...

扎囊县17799148231: 我的课程表用英文怎么说? -
双连仙逢: 你好!以下是答案仅供参考,希望能帮到您! 我的课程表用英文:My timetable

扎囊县17799148231: 求一篇介绍自己一天课程的英语作文(课程表如下 -
双连仙逢: 不好,示范:at8:00we have math ,Ldon,t like math math becuse it,t diffcult

扎囊县17799148231: 用英语介绍一天的课表 -
双连仙逢: I'm a day's schedule I'm at 8 in the morning and Chinese class, 8:50 math, 10:30 history, 11:10 computer classes, 1 in the afternoon of Ideological and moral lesson, 1:50 biology, 2.35 P., 3:15 PE, 4:30 school

扎囊县17799148231: 求一篇介绍自己一天课程的英语作文(课程表如下英语(8:30)英语数学数学中午休息生物政治体育数学放学(5:30)其中最喜欢政治,因为老师讲课很有趣... -
双连仙逢:[答案] Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四······(日期自己写,我也不知道这是你哪天的课程),I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is m...

扎囊县17799148231: 用英语描述课程表 -
双连仙逢: On Monday morning, there are Chinese and math classes, on Moday afternoon, there are politics and biology classes. On Tuesday morning, there are English and painting classes, on Tuesday afternoon, there are music and physical exercise ...

扎囊县17799148231: 我的课程表英语怎么写 -
双连仙逢: my course schedule

扎囊县17799148231: 用英语写一天的课程表,初一的. -
双连仙逢: Everyday I get up at 6 o'clock .Than I eat breakfast and go to school at 7......Today,I am very busy.I have four classes in the morinig.I have two Chinese classes art classes and math classes.....像上面那样写你下午的课程就OK了~~ 祝你学业进步~~

扎囊县17799148231: 高分:求用英语写个课程表? -
双连仙逢: Monday: english mathematics chinese PE chinese biology english mathematicsTuesday:mathematucs chinese history english mathematics geograghy chinese english Wednesday:chinese english mathematics politics computer-science geography ...

扎囊县17799148231: 用英语写的课程表 -
双连仙逢: school timetable / schedule time / subjects / place Monday 物理:physics Tuesday 化学:chemistry Wednesday 语文:Chinese Thursday 数学:mathematics Friday 英语:English Saturday 生物:biology 历史:history 政治:politics 地理:geography 体育:P.E. 等等…… 主要词汇就这么多,你根据自己的具体情况再填到你的汉语课程表里就行了.

扎囊县17799148231: 五年级 用英语写一篇课程表的作文 有语文数学美术体育科学音乐英语品德电脑 -
双连仙逢: 语文Chinese 数学Maths 美术Art 体育PE 科学Science 音乐Music 英语English 品德Social Science 电脑Computer Studies根据你的实际情况,把科目填到下面的句子中去: I am a student in Grade 5.On Monday,we have……On Tuesday,we haveOn Wesdenday,we haveOn Thursday,we haveOn Friday,we have I love my lessons.

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