
作者&投稿:梅祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ In the world of League of Legends (LoL), players encounter a variety of English terminology. Here's an organized list of common LoL English terms, revised for clarity and accuracy, ensuring the essence of the original content remains intact.
1. FARM: To gather gold and experience by killing minions. "Back" implies retreating, potentially due to danger.
2. CARE: Be cautious.
3. OOM: Out of mana, indicating the player cannot use their abilities.
4. LOM: Low on mana, suggesting the player has limited spells available.
5. FOCUS: Concentrate fire on a specific target, typically in a team fight.
6. TOP, MID, BOTTOM: Refer to the top, middle, and bottom lanes of the map. Some players substitute "TOP" with "LEFT" and "BOTTOM" with "RIGHT."
7. LANE: The path connecting the bases, guarded by turrets, leading to each side's base.
8. RIVER: The waterway that divides the map into two halves.
9. JUNGLE: The treacherous area between the lanes filled with neutral creatures and camps.
10. NEUTS: Neutral creatures, such as the ancient golem and lizard elder.
11. NEUTRALS: Wild creatures inhabiting the jungle.
12. SHOP, BUY: Return to base to purchase items.
13. BRUSH: Vegetation where players can hide from the enemy's view within a certain range.
14. GRASS: Synonym for brush, referring to hiding spots.
15. SIGILS: Buffs obtained by defeating ancient golems and lizard elders, transferring to the killer upon the owner's death.
16. BUFF: A temporary damage increase or other beneficial effect gained by players.
17. BRB: I'll be right back.
18. FFS: For f**k's sake, expressing frustration.
19. PASSIVE: A skill that cannot be activated but provides passive benefits to a hero.
20. AURA: A skill that provides benefits to allies within a certain radius.
Continuing with the revised list of LoL English terms:
1. DD: Direct damage skill, where the player targets an enemy with an ability.
2. SKILLSHOT: An ability that travels in a straight line and requires precision to hit.
3. AOE: Area of Effect, describing an ability that affects multiple targets.
4. PBAOE: A circular area of effect skill.
5. BACKDOOR: Similar to "cowardly" tower-diving without one's own minions for support.
6. ULT: Ultimate ability, a powerful skill that can be used once per game.
7. UNIQUE: Referring to abilities that cannot stack, being exclusive to certain heroes.
8. LAST HIT: To score the final blow on an enemy minion for gold.
9. AP: Ability Power, a stat that increases the damage output of spells.
10. MISS, MIA: Enemy missing in action, a warning that they might be attacking your teammates.
11. JUKE, JUKING: Evading pursuers with calculated movements.
12. FEED: A player who dies frequently, providing enemies with substantial gold.
13. GG: Good Game, a polite way to acknowledge a match's conclusion.
14. GJ: Good Job, a compliment to teammates for a job well done.
15. MS: Movement Speed.
16. BARON, NASHOR, WORM: Reference to powerful neutral camps offering significant buffs.
17. GL HF: Good luck, have fun, a standard greeting at the start of a game.
18. PUSH: Advancing with minions to destroy enemy turrets.
19. D, DEFEND: To protect a base or structure from being destroyed.
20. GANK: A coordinated attack on an enemy by multiple players.
21. TP: Summoner spell that allows teleportation across the map.
22. HEAL: To restore health, including summons, hero abilities, or returning to base.
23. HARASS: To repeatedly attack an enemy with non-lethal attacks to disrupt their actions.
24. BAIT: Luring enemies into a trap by standing in a vulnerable position.
25. DISABLE: An ability that restricts an enemy's actions, such as stuns or silences.
And finally, additional LoL English terminology:
1. SMURF: A player who creates a new account to play against lower-skilled opponents.
2. NOOB SB: Slang for an inexperienced or bad player.
3. FILL: To take a role in a team composition that is needed but not preferred.
4. K: Short for "okay."
5. ADC: Attack Damage Carry, a player focused on dealing high physical damage.
6. SUP: Short for "support," a role focused on assisting their team.
7. JUNGLE: The role of a player who controls the neutral areas and assists the team.
8. TOP: Short for "top lane," where the top-most champion on the map competes.
9. MID: Short for "mid lane," the middle-most champion's domain. AP often refers to mid-lane mages.
10. XD: laughter emoji, indicating humor or sarcasm.
11. ULT: Ultimate ability, the most powerful skill a champion can unleash.
12. THX: Thank you.
13. STRONK: A term to mock or describe an item or ability that seems overpowered.
14. BAN: To disallow a英雄 from being selected in a ranked match.
15. BUFF: Refers to the beneficial effects gained from certain neutral camps.
16. GG: Acknowledgment of a well-played game.
17. GL (HF): Good luck and have fun, typically said at the start of a match.
18. AD: Ability Damage, typically dealing physical harm.
19. AP: Ability Power, indicating a champion's magical prowess.
20. CARRY: A player or champion capable of leading the team to victory.
21. AOE: Area of Effect, abilities that impact multiple targets.
22. MISS: Indication that an enemy is no longer in sight, be cautious of potential ganks.
23. GANK: Ambushing an enemy player with the help of teammates.
24. 3: Slang for "finish" or "escape," indicating the end of an action.
25. FB: First Blood, the first kill in a game.

DB\/OL和EB\/OL是两个常见的在线术语,它们在文献引用中分别代表不同的含义。DB\/OL,全称为"Database Online",意指在线数据库,通常指的是通过互联网搜索获取的数据资源,它来源于英文"database",即数据库。在学术论文或参考文献中,当我们看到"[DB\/OL]"的标记,意味着信息来源于网络数据库,例如...

求CS OL专业术语和意思!

G=G=强化物品<G++=DG=强化物品<G+++=XG=强化物品 QS=骑士 JS=祭祀 红=红宝石 水=水晶 砖=砖石 TT爪=泰坦之爪 TT洞=泰坦洞 JJ=究级 -_-|| 小雷或大雷=QS雷击剑和剑士的雷击剑 玩多了就知道的啥- -||太久没玩好多都想不起来了。。。还有什么不懂的写上去,(提醒你一句,小心假装)

“WGOL”是指“WhiteGirl Online”在互联网上的缩写吗?


ol的意思为“有序列表”。ol是一种常用的计算机术语,主要出现在编程、网页设计和计算机科学领域。1. ol在计算机编程中的含义 在编程语境下,ol可能指的是某种特定的编程语言中的数据结构或者操作。比如在某些编程语言中,有序列表可以通过特定的数据结构来实现,如数组或链表等。此外,有序...

请教KFC中工作站的术语PA, PC, PP, KM, KB, KO, BU,AA,CC... 还有许...
PA前台配餐 PC总配控制,负责控制产品数量,保证产品品质 KB厨房裹粉烹炸 KO厨房烤制 BU汉堡工作站,负责制作汉堡 TW鸡肉卷工作站,制作鸡肉卷、嫩牛五方、米饭等 RD骑手 FF薯条工作站 AA会计 HT接待员 CA前台 LS大厅 SL店务组长 KM清洗 CM清洁 “在北京找到了全世界最好的地方”这是肯德基副总裁...


跟其他游戏差不多,都是对一些名称的简称。特别一点的就是对职业的加点了。智精方(zjf)等等 再有就是杀王或者比武的时候,帮人加个结界jj什么的


兴庆区18292977804: LOL英文术语 -
简宋雷宁: smurf 小号noob sbfill 补位k 好的adc sup 辅助jungle 打野 top上单mid 中单 ap 一般指中单XD 哈哈笑ult 大招thx 谢谢 sry 对不起stronk 讽刺你一般都会打标记 比如撤退 之类的

兴庆区18292977804: 《英雄联盟》的常用术语有什么?分别是什么意思? -
简宋雷宁: LOL最全英文术语解析,AD和ADC的区别,学会你也能Carry!

兴庆区18292977804: LOL是什么意思?英文! -
简宋雷宁: lol是 "laughing out loud", or "lots of laughs"的缩写,表示笑得很开心的样子,是网络常用的缩略语. The origin of LOL is unknown. It is rumored that it first started in print in 1973. 起源并不清楚,据谣传1973年在印刷品中就出现了这个缩略语. Other rumors attribute its use to the Dutch word lol meaning 'fun'.还有一种说法是,这个词是荷兰语中的"快乐"一词

兴庆区18292977804: lol 是什么意思啊??? -
简宋雷宁: LOL是很多英文用语的缩写,如“laughing out loud", or "lots of laughs”,表示笑得很开心的样子,是网络常用的缩略语

兴庆区18292977804: 英雄联盟中各种专业英文缩写的含义,求完整,详细.例如:AD -
简宋雷宁: LOL术语如下 T:指Tank,肉盾,护甲高,血量多,能够承受大量伤害的英雄. DPS:damage per second,伤害每秒,特指能够对敌人造成大量伤害的英雄. AD:是指以物理伤害为主的一类英雄. ADC:是指以远程物理伤害为主的一类英雄...

兴庆区18292977804: 问一下英雄联盟中的一些英文专业术语,如carry、dp等 -
简宋雷宁: carry = 掌控全场,一般指非常强力能够1个打好几个的玩家 例句:上局我刀妹carry全场,20杀1死,还有谁?!DPS = 每秒输出伤害,在lol中一般代指输出位置 例句:我方龙女开团直接秒了对面DPS,对面只能等虐了.MS = miss ,意思是跟...

兴庆区18292977804: 英雄联盟英语解释 -
简宋雷宁: AD:物理伤害 AP:法术伤害 T:指Tank,肉盾,护甲高,血量多,能够承受大量伤害的英雄. DPS:damage per second,伤害每秒,特指能够对敌人造成大量伤害的英雄. Carry:后期,核心,需要大量的金钱去堆积装备的英雄,成型后威力...

兴庆区18292977804: 外贸英语中的LOL是什么意思 -
简宋雷宁: 常见的LOL的意思就是 Laugh Out Loud ,我的很多外国朋友聊天中经常用到,相当于中文聊天中呵呵一笑的意思~ 不知道外贸英语中还有什么更为高深的专业术语解释,拭目以待各位高手的解释~ LOL~ LOL(也作lol)是常见的网络语言用语,...

兴庆区18292977804: 英语LOL什么意思? -
简宋雷宁: LOLabbr.Laugh Out Loud,大声笑

兴庆区18292977804: 在英雄联盟游戏里经常有人发LOL 到底是什么意思? -
简宋雷宁: LOL是常见的网络语言用语,指laughing out loud或laugh out loud(大声地笑),首字母缩写词.在《英雄联盟》中“LOL”就是“哈哈(大笑)”的意思. 最初在Usenet上流行,及后在其他电脑辅助沟通工具中广泛使用,甚至在其他媒体也有...

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