1000字左右的英语作文 写关于在节日里发生的难忘的事 和学到了什么 谢谢了!!

作者&投稿:铎亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

During the winter holidays I did many things . But I remembered most is that I worked as a volunteer in an old home. There we helped some old man to clean their rooms . Some of us told funny stories to them . Some of them read newspapers for them. And others sang and danced for them. I also helped them wash their clothes. Though we were very tired , we all felt very happy. So I think this is an forgettable experience. During this experience I learned that giving help to others is very enjoyable.

An unforgettable thing
Do you have any unforgettable thing? Certainly I think, so do I. Last spring, on a sunshine day, our students and teachers visited East Park. When we went into the park, we saw many colorful flowers and several beautiful butterflies dancing on the flowers, even the little bees were attracted by such beautiful scene. Suddenly, we smelled the stinking air. We all frighted and looked for the reason. On the back of a food shop, there were many plastic bags and bottles with dirty oil floating on the lake. We all felt angry. We thought we must do something to change the situation.






由于白色塑料袋有难降解、污染重且持续时间长等缺点,国家于 月 日宣布禁止使用塑料袋。而我国民众使用塑料袋的习惯由来已久,想要改变一个人习惯是很难的,尤其是短时间内。各商场也禁止使用塑料袋为顾客盛物,如需要,可以购买成本较高的可降解塑料袋。作为商场的一名服务员,我刚开始也对顾客能否接受这一变化而心存疑虑,可顾客却给了我一个目瞪口呆的答案:没有北京顾客在这个问题上提出不满并责怪我们,甚至没有一位顾客对此提出异议。北京市民的环保意识和文明程度的确不愧“首都人”之称号,但真正令我感动的不止于此。
我也很急,但我作为服务员必须要耐下性子和他解释,“先生,也许您还不知道,国家在 日颁布了一项禁令,明文禁止使用塑料袋,因为原来的塑料袋很难降解,对环境的破坏性和污染性很大。奥运很快就要在咱们北京举行了,您也不希望到时候咱们的绿色奥运变成白色奥运吧?再说,这瓶辣酱进行了塑封,不是简单的盒子包装,你尽可放心使用。(我不明白什么意思)”。
“不过话说回来,这塑料袋要搁地里头,还非得把这好地给整糟蹋了!我种过地我知道。不过平日都用习惯了,想改也改不了,你想哈,你去买东西,你还没说要呢人就给你拿塑料袋装了,你看这事整的!国家这样规定就对了,卖东西的不用大家伙也就用的少了,慢慢就能改!还有奥运啊,这可是大事!你想哈,咱多咱才能揽这么一届啊? 绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运,怎么样,别看咱不是北京的,咱也知道奥运啊!既然这不用塑料袋也算是为奥运做贡献,那我还用它干哈?姑娘,谢谢你啦,要不然我还给东北人丢脸了!”

The face recognition technology scans faces for 80 different unique aspects and then matches them to a database of stored images. Police officers in New York wants about 100 of these face scans in Time Square. The idea of having a set of eyes looking at you, like someone’s spying on you invading your private life. The face scans aren’t 100% accurate so there’s no point of putting these up. It will just cost the nation more money and intrude our lives. Before we know it, each and every single one of our lives will be recorded from day one till we die. The government says this is a tool, a device for tracking down criminals, then what are the police for? Our nation will soon be ran by technology if we don’t stop now. On 9/11, some of the hijackers were on a Federal bureau of Investigation watch list, but none of their images were part of the database of 30,000 or so images stored in Tampa’s system. This system would not have caught the terrorists and haven’t caught a single criminal yet. The second your face matches the face scan as a criminal, it takes a long time for law enforcers like policemen or the F.B.I to respond to the alert. By the time they reach the destination you were at, you could be in a foreign country for all they know. Having face scans around America is just useless and ineffective. It promotes no security but takes away part of our freedom. http://www.engessay.com/ Jim is Amrican.He lives in New Nork now. one day ,jim goes to England.he is on a train ,he puts his ticket inhis coat.sits down and read a book.theconductr comes to him and wangs to see his ticket.jim looks tor his ticket here and there,but he can't find it.so he says to the conductor \"I'm sorry,I've got a ticket .but Ican't find it now.\"The conductor knows Jim .So she says \"Don't worry,if you can't find it It doesn't matter.\" \"Oh,but Imust find it.if I can't find it,Idon't know where Iam going\" Jim says.

七夕(the seventh evening of July)
The 7th evening of the 7th moon of the Lunar Calendar is a traditional Chinese festival called Qixi "Seventh Eve". This Eve is considered as Valentine’s Day for the Chinese because of a touching fairy tale of Niu Lang and Zhi Nv.
On this night, girls will face the bright moon and pray to heaven for a lover that can satisfy her heart's desire.
One Chinese custom on Seventh Eve is to release lotus lantern on water. As darkness falls, surfaces of rivers and ponds are dotted with the lanterns that young men and women have released. The lanterns move slowly on the water, carrying with them the longings of young men and women for a perfect marriage. Under these circumstances, the sparkling starts in the sky, the lotus lanterns in the water and the lovers in the moonlight or in the light of the lanterns together from the most beautiful and romantic scene on Earth.
Today, Seventh Eve remains a romantic festival. Customs on this day vary across China and some of the traditional activities have gone out of fashion. Yet, the love story of Niu Lang and Zhi Nv is still being passed on from generation to generation.

The Unforgetable
If you ask me,"Can you remember a Mid-Autumn Day that you cannot forget forever?" Yes.I will tell you a shor story
about my Unforgetable Mid-Autumn Day.It was in 2003,Bird Flu was nearly everywhere all over our country.As a doctor ,my father went to some cities to help those poor people in GUangdong,Beijing and Shanghai.
He didn't go to sleep until 8 days later.
And then he was in hospital.Is that kidding?!A doctor was in hospital?But that's true.The days when my father was in hospital just met Mid-Autumn Day!

I will never forget that Mid-Autumn Day with my father in the hospital!He is the hero in my heart!!

each point for 100 words?
you're kidding man?

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