
作者&投稿:刘兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How long will it take you? You should learn from and help each other. To sing English songs is a good way to study English vocabularies. I heard someone crying when I passed by this room. My father has traveled around the world.

Like this,Maybe you will be unhappy in the end

I could leave without mood

on the surface....

我认为不动声色 就是没有 任何情绪 麻木的离开

一家之言 敬请参考。。。。

It_rained all day here the day before yesterday.
The weather forecast says_the rain will stop tonight.
When he woke up in the morning,_the rain had stopped and the claud had gone.
The average_temperature last week is 17 degree C.
Autumn here is_neither cold nor hot and it's_the best season for travelling.

1 it rained a whole day the other day.

2, the weather forecast says the rain will stop tonight.

3, when he woke up in the morning, the rain had stopped and the cloud had disappeared.

4, the average temperature of last week was 17 Celcius degree.

5,autumn here is neither cold or hot and it's the best season for travelling.

1, it was raining all day long two days ago.
2 the weather forecast says the rain will stop by tonight
3 when he woke up in the moring, the rain has stopped and it was sunny outside
4 the average temperature of last week was 17
5autumn here is either too hot or cold and it's just the season for touring.

rained all the day long the day before yesterday
the rain will stop tonight
it stopped rainning and the clouds of the whole day scattered.
temperature of the last week was 17 Celcius degree
a good season for travelling; neither too hot or cold

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linda, very pleased so soon to receive your reply, actually I first heard when you speak English that you should be the teachers went overseas to study, did not think the top students, or double degree. Must have your age and we should look about it because you are young ...

South Korea is known as "the country of etiquette", the South Korean people attach great importance to the cultivation of etiquette and ethics, respect for the Korean people are the traditional etiquette. Koreans are very hospitable, every guest's visit, always according to the ...

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几道 英语翻译 在线等~~
1. The government has taken a series of measures to protect the cultural heritage.2. It is announced that three subways will be built by the end of next year.3. The declining of birth rate has become the major social problems in many developed countries.4. The children who ...

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1.我一提到他的名字,母亲就变的很不开心。译为 As soon as I mentioned his name, my mother became very unhappy.mention:提到 as soon as:一…就…unhappy:不高兴的 2.很多学生最后从事的工作不需要用到所学的知识。译为 Many students end up with the jobs that don't need what they...

said. " Yamamoto replied immediately. (Note: Arthur · Anderson, Arthur Andersen accounting firm, United States one of the five major accounting firms, 2002 Years into collapsed because of Anlong scandal)绝对是自己翻的,不含谷歌的语法错误,请楼主采纳吧!!急需财富值,谢谢!

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半。East, west, home is best.金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝。There is no royal road to learning.学无坦途。Look before you leap. First think, then act.三思而后行。It is never...

包河区17546919090: 英语翻译别用有道什么的在线翻译来忽悠我,能行的话我也不在这求你们了.要自己本身就很熟悉英文的高手亲手翻译!因为这句话是要送给一位英语水平很... -
诏楠邦纳:[答案] 即使是不成熟的尝试,也胜于胎死腹中的策略. 直译:Even a premature strategy triumphs over an abortive one. 意译:Better... 意思和你想所表达的是一致的. 我不太确定你是要一个直译,还是只想把这种意思表达给你那位英语水平很高的朋友. 如果是...

包河区17546919090: 几道英语题(很急,追加!)追加,并且送QB!(这一道题可以帮我做吗?)(就这一道帮我做[顺便翻译],下面翻译,不要在线翻译...)D. For each speed ... -
诏楠邦纳:[答案] 三个速度,(50,55 ,60 米每秒),在以下时间内能走远(3小时,4.5 小时 5.25小时),用表格,图,和式子表示.D=Vt.d=50m/h * 3h=150m 以下依次类推 三个速度,(50,55 ,60 米每秒),用多少时间到达终点1 新泽西州的亚特兰大市,距...

包河区17546919090: 帮忙做3道英语小题,不要软件翻译,麻烦高手自己做下,老师说不能在网上翻译神马,= = ——————————————————————Now completely ... -
诏楠邦纳:[答案] I have realized that my social life has been changed.In a fact the number of people from different cultures I've met is difference.Can you imaging that my favourite expression in English has been chan...

包河区17546919090: 几个英文句子的翻译~~不要翻译器翻译出来的!! -
诏楠邦纳: 因为它给我们带来的好处大于坏处,所以我支持.有些人认为A在许多方面要优于B.下面是许多我支持的原因.但如果所有这些因素都被考虑进去,这样做的理由如下但必须注意的是我们应该对……采取行动这个图标给了我们关于……的整体印象正如已经说过的都是我自己认真翻译的哦~~是写作句型吧?

包河区17546919090: 英语翻译别用有道什么的在线翻译来忽悠我,能行的话我 -
诏楠邦纳: 别用有道什么的在线翻译来忽悠我,能行的话我的英语翻译是:Don't fool me with online translation.

包河区17546919090: 2道汉译英,不要电子翻译的 -
诏楠邦纳: The police could not know if he did that.there are too many people pass by where you live.

包河区17546919090: 急!!急!!英语翻译高手进!!跪求一篇翻译!!本人急需!!不要在线翻译的那种!!好了有追加!! -
诏楠邦纳: Chinese classical style of interior design is adopted in this paper to pick the effects of literature study, questionnaire, and analyzed the current situation of Chinese classical style of interior design. With the improving quality of life, people need not ...

包河区17546919090: 翻译英语句子,不要网站上的在线翻译!...求英语达人,在线等. -
诏楠邦纳: 1 Our company is made up by 4 departments.2 The bus is filled with passengers3 Chinatown is known for various kinds of Chinese cuisines4 I...

包河区17546919090: 英语翻译,不要有道的不要在线翻译的!!!论文要用的!! -
诏楠邦纳: The traffic accident of the country each year caused heavy casualties and property losses, and dangerous driving behavior caused serious threat to people's lives and property. The urgency of making "dangerous driving" into the crime list is ...

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