
作者&投稿:班胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Study of Western taboos customary significance. 1 taboo taboo significance exist in a variety of cultures and peoples of different cultures and nationalities, the content and form of taboo varies. Freud in his book "Totem and Taboo," the practice of taboo. Analysis made him think: are flouting taboos of a person, a place, a thing or a temporary situation, they have this mysterious force itself is the conduction or the source of this mysterious force. At the same time, it is also represented by such a taboo omen of things arising from the prohibition. Taboo connotation of the term includes the "sacred" and "extraordinary", "unclean" and "grotesque" and other significance. This interpretation is true to the original understanding of the national team taboo. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" to "taboo" It explained: taboo words or actions. Modern people have said that people consider taboo main will bring bad luck and things then, so every effort to avoid the appearance of them. Study 2 The purpose of the taboo. Taboos are very sensitive and unknown, which in cross-cultural communication in an obstacle for us. In their daily dealings, if inadvertently violated the taboo, will lead to misunderstanding each other, or even refuse to continue to travel, and therefore the study can be avoided taboo Unhappy things happen, to promote international exchanges carried out smoothly.

In short, the taboos of society must be regarded as a cultural phenomenon, and its behind a nation with deep cultural connotations. Therefore, the country will surely give rise to different customs differences. The development of civilization and the more long taboo on the left by more and more cultural exchanges between different countries, there will inevitably be many difficulties. Today the development of economic globalization, cultural collisions, communication failures common occurrences. Tracing to its source is the Western countries do not know much about social customs, based on this, we should actively cultivate the awareness of cultural differences, and strive to understand Western practices, improve our cultural communicative competence. At the same time also further strengthened between China and Western countries of the exchanges and friendship relations.

"Person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" is in the function in the monster medicine GMP
"Person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" is the quality management to learn medium important concept, 5 main factorses of the brief name quality."Person" points a personnel, "machine" points an equipments, "anticipate"ing to point a material, "method" points a method, "wreath" points environment.Pass to practice our detection, "person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" and of the monster medicine GMP are inseparable, integrating the concept of"person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" to the monster medicine GMP management system, knowing GMP,control GMP and circulating GMP to have a very great help further to us.Underneath, we elaborate both further of relation.
A,constituted from GMP 12 main factors to see
"Person" points organization and personnel namely, "machine" points to produce an equipments,examine an equipments and"anticipate" to point a material, "method" points the production control,quality management document, "wreath" points the factory premises and equipments,hygiene etc..This 5 main factors constituted GMP an essential element.
Mainly mean to person's request the person's educational background,professional knowledge,produce experience and train a circumstance,last certificate etc.;Mainly mean to the request of the equipments production,examination,air condition decontamination,make the water equipments whether etc. is well-found or not, equipments function,material,design,install whether meet a request, calculate whether the instrument equipments examine or not etc.;Mainly mean to point to the request of the material to assist to anticipate,wrap material,label...etc. at first whether sign with related standard, store the condition and term whether sign and request, whether carry on the supplier audit, receive and dispatch whether count etc.;The request of the other party method mainly means the production control,quality manages whether document is well-found or not, system,rules distance,standard,record whether complete, whether contents meets to request or not etc.;Mainly include the environment of the factory area surroundings,factory area,car,warehouse,laboratory to the request of the environment,layout,hygiene,environment control,defend pollution measure,factory premises,equipments,tool of sweep, the personnel,material enters production district to sweep the measure and hygiene request, after producing be over of pure field etc..
Two,basic request operated from the post to see
Each business enterprise always feels the post operation training be a crux in the rightness the employee's training, the worker always records to live tedious provision,procedure and request not etc..Guide with"person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" to the business enterprise employee's post training in fact, use larger.Each employee should keep firmly in mind this 5 main factors of"person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath" in the production, the examination operation process.Take producing operation post as an example:"Person" points employee namely to enter to produce a post what if;"Machine"'s pointing an equipments namely should be placed in what appearance;"Anticipate" to point a production line namely in of assist to anticipate at first,semi-processed goods,finished product,wrap whether material,label...etc. meets a request or not;"Method"'s pointing the post production operation namely should basis what carry on;"Wreath" points to produce environment namely, before produce,medium,the empress all should check whether environment meet a request or not.
In the GMP check check before acceptance of the personnel investigate the process, the experts usually would inquire about a problem-what should you do first before production?As long as remember this 5 main factors of"person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath", this problem should be again easy however.Other such as"the equipments is out of order how carry on maintain","the warehouse entered to criticize raw material how go to draw samples","JIAN3 SHU4 NI3 the post operation procedure" etc. problem, can solve problems with the greatest ease.
In fine, we learn the quality management to lead to go into the monster medicine GMP management system in the important concept of"person,machine, anticipate, method,wreath", easy to everyone memory and comprehension is thorough to us understanding,control with circulate GMP to have important meaning.

Food taboos in Western countries. Chinese food culture is extensive and profound. At Chinese restaurants Nothing taboo content on this different with the West. They avoid吃肥肉, visco-bone and skin-type chickens and ducks (duck, chicken, except the skin),忌食a variety of animal's head, feet and viscera caused by food,忌吃special animal meat, such as dog meat, snake and so on.忌食Chinese tofu, shrimp paste taste like the dense foods,忌食garlic or some hot and sour taste,忌食Chinese soups or菜类strange. The rules in the catering, they also have many taboos, such as, free to speak out when the soup; eat free meals大嚼, devoured; with knife and fork when the taboo subjects jingle sound; especially taboo alarm a glass knife and fork. If the alarm without the termination of the glass, it will bring misfortune. They do not like to have fewer meals, or not to, avoid the rest of their dishes set things do not; meal completed, knife and fork should be on the trading rules, and avoid misplacing; bogey after a meal in public剔牙; bogey get sprinkled with salt; mouth mouthed food, speak bogey.

Western countries Christmas holiday taboos are major Western holiday, but this holiday taboos contact the principal and the Christmas pudding. Britain and the United States and other Western countries to do at Christmas pudding like China over Chinese New Year, like dumplings. Many Westerners think, make their own Christmas pudding stirred in the coming year all the best. Therefore, make Christmas pudding, the home of every member at least stir some pudding, and the promise of a wish and believe that this aspiration is very likely achieve. But the taboo is that can only be stirred clockwise pudding, should not anti-clockwise; own desire promise should not tell anyone. And the United Kingdom countries, China also has a lot of holiday taboo, but they are mainly the traditional program with us as a contact. Such as during the Chinese New Year bogey Geely say so, such as "Die," "sick" "kill" and so on; bogey to break the artifacts, if broken, should immediately say "岁岁peace"; avoid losing the first month the first day of garbage, because people superstitious doing so will remove the luck and wealth drained; for the same reason, women hair free New Year's Day; Lunar New Year's Day anti-knife shovel切菜cooking, because the chief instigator of iron. Children during the Chinese New Year many bogey speak, because the child's mouth without masking adults afraid of them not so lucky with unlucky.

Western countries the number of taboos. "13" is a Western country to make the figure of fear and uneasiness. According to the Bible records, at the last supper on the table on the first 13 people for 30 quick silver to betray Jesus, and Jesus also was on the 13th Friday crucifixion. Therefore Westerners do not think 13 is an unlucky number. In their daily lives, they always try to avoid this figure. There is no restaurant on the 13th room, 13 people banquet taboo. Key Events on the 13th of each month to avoid. On Friday and 3 of this figure, a lot of Westerners are also taboo. Especially when the cigarette lighter, a match or lighter忌用consecutive 3 lit cigarette. If it coincides with another 13 on Friday, more Westerners are consider "terrible day," known as "Black", because this day is the day of Jesus crucifixion.

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请英语高手帮忙翻译下 十分感谢
sky to find your own happiness,I also can be happy.请让放飞你自己去更远的天空去寻找属于你的幸福,那样我也会觉得幸福。Mind you accomany me,please help me.你的心和我在一起,那请帮助我。Please please the first find me the afterlife,remember.请务必,务必在下辈子第一个找到我。

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密山市18622348386: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下.急.A、尊敬的老师B、亲爱的同学们 合:大家新年好!A、时光从日历上一页页的飘落下来, 我们又来到岁末年尾.B、龙年悄然... -
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魏贡前列:[答案] 你是一个整天忙着工作而无暇顾及生活的人吗?你是否整天忙着工作而忘记了发展兴趣,忘记了享受生活.那么你应该记住这... 这句话的意思是说,如果一个人整天都努力地忙着工作,而不去娱乐,例如:唱歌、跳舞、聊天.那么长期这么下去,就容易...

密山市18622348386: 高手们请帮忙翻译下下面的文章,急用,谢谢了!!!
魏贡前列: Study of Western taboos customary significance. 1 taboo taboo significance exist in a variety of cultures and peoples of different cultures and nationalities, the content and form of taboo varies. Freud in his book "Totem and Taboo," the practice ...

密山市18622348386: 急!下面的文字要请高手帮忙翻译成英文,请一定要是自己翻的,别找那些翻译工具,好的话我再追加分
魏贡前列: From a small factory producing garments, the Galanz Group rapidly growed to a global microwave oven production base along with air-conditions and small appliance manufacturing as an influencial business. This article ,based on the analysis of ...

密山市18622348386: 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译下面的句子,...
魏贡前列: 12 years old to work, first on the farm, and later working in factories Although busy day, but as long as free to practice singing

密山市18622348386: 高手们 请帮忙翻译以下句子
魏贡前列: 翻译参考结果1: D8的单位为1座民航拆建和3座A及B单位 翻译参考结果2: D8 1幢楼宇的CAD C

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魏贡前列: 此段出自《韩非子 喻老第二十一》, 【译文】 凡是有形状的东西,大的必定从小的发展起来;历时经久的事物,成群的必定从单个的积累起来.所以《老子》说:“天下的难事必定开始于简易,天下的大事必定开始于微细.”因此...

密山市18622348386: 麻烦高手们帮忙把下面几句话翻译成英文、急!!!
魏贡前列: 1 The adult also likes cartoon2.parents should watch out for the unhealty infomation when their are surfing on the Internet 3 Your decsion is not wise at all

密山市18622348386: 英语高手帮忙翻译下~~~~~急!下面这段文字要翻译成英语的 不要在线翻译的 谢谢!好的我在加分虚拟样机技术(Virtual Prototyping Technology)是以先进... -
魏贡前列:[答案] The Virtual Prototyping Technology is centered to the master model that is built by advanced CAD Technology and is ... simulation. 翻译得不是很地道,自己按要求一个个仔细斟酌翻译好的,有不少专有名词是查来的,希望能帮助得上. PS:楼上那个是...

密山市18622348386: 请高手帮忙将以下一段中文译成英文,谢谢 -
魏贡前列: We have prepared the products. They are all made according to your required models. And there are you Logos on the products. Cardboard boxes are also made as your expectations. Therefore, we can not sell there products to the other customers. ...

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