
作者&投稿:万贪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一题填patience, patient有两种意思,作名词是“病人”,作形容词是“有耐心的”,这里用它的名词形式。翻译为:医生对待病人应该有耐心/医生应该耐心对待病人。
第二题选A,asks for 是“问谁要什么东西”的意思,这样很容易就能选出来。整句翻译为:他从未向他的父母多要钱,尽管他的钱不够。
第三仍用recieve的原形就行了,这句是It is better to do sth的句式,than连接两个动词,所以用原形就行了。


The most special day in my mind is my 17's birthday.
On that day, my parents prepared a big birthday party for me, lots of my good friends had participated, we chatted happily at the party. We ate a birthday cake, some fruits. My friends and I talked things about future jobs, I told my friends that I wanted to be a doctor,because I hope I could help people who need help.

It is my 17th birthday that l think is most special in my memory .That day.My parents prepare d a big bithday party for me ,in which some good friends were invited .We chatted happily at the party , ate a birthday cake and some fruits.I chatted over the topic of studies at present and future jobs together with my friends .I told them that l wanted to be a doctor ,for l expect to help more people who needs to be helped .

I remember the specialest day was I 17 year old birthday. That one day, my daddy mother held one grand birthday meeting for me, my very many good friends all participated, we at the meeting the joyful chats, ate one birthday cake, some fruits, I and my friend chatted the topic which will work about the future, I told me the friend, I hoped could work as one doctor, because I hoped helped to need to help person.

The most special day I remembered was my 17th birthday. That day, my parents have prepared a big birthday party for me, and I invited some of my good friends. We chat happily, and eat a birthday cake, and some fruits. We chat on the topic of which is about our future; I told my friends that my dream jobs is to be a doctor, because I like to help people who are ill.


I remember the medium most special day is my 17-
year old birthday.That day, my mother father held
a grand birthday party for me, a lot of of good
friends all attended, we are at the party happy
chat, ate a birthday cake, some fruit, I chat the
concerning the topic that the future work with my friend, I tell my friend, I hope that it can be a
famous doctor to living, because I hope to help
the person that need to be help.


把白话文译成古文的唯美句子 1、原文:小时候想逃离的地方,是长大后再也回不去的地方。 古文:人言落日是天涯,望极天涯不见家。 2、原文:世间所有的遇见,都是久别重逢。 古文:正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。 3、原文:勇敢面对生活。 古风文:纵有疾风起,人生不言弃。 4、原文:物是人非。 古文:一朝春尽...

1、he has nothing more to say.2、he won't come here again.3、he was left after other athletes when the match began.4、he left when the meeting was over.5、learning english is too hard to kids.6、the boy survived in the fire.7、can't you complete the work by yourself?


1.对我而言,这本字典太贵了,我买不起。For me, this dictionary is too expensive, I can not afford it.This dictionary is too expensive for me, I can not afford it 2.他们每人有一本新字典 Each of them has a new dictionary.3.让他替我做这个吧 Please let him do this for ...

请问如何翻译这段句子? Yes, we have been over this ground before, w...
1、理解上下文:在翻译时,需要先理解句子的上下文和意思,以确保正确地传达信息。 2、注意语法结构:对于复杂的句子,需要注意语法结构,以便更好地理解和翻译。 3、注意单词的多义性:有些单词可能有多种含义,需要根据上下文选择正确的含义进行翻译。 4、注重语气和情感:在翻译时,需要注意语气和情感,以确保翻译的准确性和...

英汉互译翻译(句子)1.这样它会长的又高又壮。In this way, it will grow tall and strong. 2.When water freezes,it expands,or gets bigger. 水结冰时会膨胀,体积变大。 3.Do you know how to make popcorn? 你知道怎么做爆米花吗? 4.当水温达到零度时,它就会结成冰。When temperatur...

1.The house is on fire,people inside are in dager of death.2.The idea sounds a little strange,but it really makes sense.3.John looks like a good guy,even so, I don't trust him.4.If he talks about the past, you will never get away from him.5.The rate of ...

1、过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至。这是《陈太丘与友期》中的一句: 陈太丘和朋友预先约定好一起出行,预定在中午时分,约定的时间过了朋友却没有到,陈太丘便不再等候友人而离开了。当他离去以后,他的朋友才来到。2、与人期行,相委而去。真不是个君子(或者真没道德)啊!和别人约好一起走,却...

1.这支乐队二十世纪八十年代凭借那张专集一举成名This orchestra 1980s rely on that special collection to become famous overnight 2.冒险一下吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机率会增加 Take risks, you possibly or can lose, but wins theprobability can increase 3.科学家正极力研究治愈爱滋病的...

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阿荣旗15114109376: 翻译英语句子 -
林柔氯化: 1.请买车票.Please buy the tickets. 2.我没有零钱.(两种译法) I have no small change. 3.我也没有.(两种译法) I also have no.4.你有零钱吗?Do you have some change? 5.没有.(两种译法) No. 6.那位乘客有零钱吗? The passengers ...

阿荣旗15114109376: 翻译汉语句子
林柔氯化: 1.他变得对电脑有兴趣了 he became found of computer 2.看起来像要下雪了 Seems like it going to snow. 3.马力出生于七十年代 Mary was born in the 1970's 4.你高兴什么就做什么 Just do whatever you want to do. 5.不仅我们而且他也能完成工作 ...

阿荣旗15114109376: 英语句子翻译
林柔氯化: 1.这个小孩很早上学 The kid starts school life very early. 2.他们晚上不做作业 They don't do homework at night. 3.怀特一家每天9点睡觉 The Whites go to sleep every day at 9 o'clock. 4.但今天,他们却不行上学 But today, they go to school on foot. 5....

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林柔氯化:[答案] 翻译句子,你必须阻止他闯进房间.(1) You must prevent him from going into the room (2) You have to stop him from coming into the room (3) You are sure to keep him from breaking into the room(4) You are s...

阿荣旗15114109376: 英语翻译句子 -
林柔氯化: 我和安娜是好朋友,我们有很多共同爱好(in common) Anna and I are good friends and we have many hobbies in common.他邀请几位同班同学去看花展(invite,show) He invited several classmates to the flower show.这张照片使我想起了...

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林柔氯化: 一楼解释how much正确 是表示程度的 但翻译要斟酌 应该是 这表明有多少法国人在我们国家考虑自由 一楼把thought理解成名词了 不对 应是动词 thought of 是词组啊

阿荣旗15114109376: 英语翻译句子 -
林柔氯化: 1.you don't like either working or studying, what will you do to make a living in future?2.we are so excited about our tomorrow's setting out one week sea voyage.3.don't hesita...

阿荣旗15114109376: 汉译英在线翻译句子 -
林柔氯化: She went into a store to buy her mother a good present.

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