
作者&投稿:纪屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

净寺 Jing Temple
空军疗养院 Airforce Sanitarium
丁家山景区 Ding Jia Shan Scenic Spot
岳庙 Yue Monastery
新新饭店 Xinxin Restaurant
六公园 Liu Park
小车桥Xiaoche Bridge
东坡路平海路口 Dongpo Pinghai Cross
一公园 Yi Park
吴山广场 Wushan Square
胜利剧院 Shenli Theater

黄龙旅游集散中心 Huanglong Travel Center
浙大附中 Attached Middle School of Zhejiang University
曙光公寓 Shuguang Apartment
少年宫 Children's Palace


The anti-theft system for most of the domestic anti-theft devices, using SCM technology, will also alarm system connected to fixed telephone, there are headed in the illegal intrusion into, such as gas leak occurred when similar situations, will trigger corresponding sensors, analysis of the SCM And processing, the system automatically dial phone numbers stored in the phone after the players get through pre-recorded voice message, the police aim to achieve. At the same time triggering the local sound and light alarm system to warn and intimidation role. The system has a battery system. When the local power or the power was out after the destruction of the automatic use of backup power supply to meet the electricity work.
The system has deployed Chefang settings and features. In accordance with the different situations of different settings and the deployment Chefang function. Since the existence of remote control systems, making the system more convenient and faster to use.

System design to the profession of the following courses: analog-to-digital electronics technology, SCM applications,
What principles, communications theory, principles of telephone switches, sensors. At the same time need to supplement learning digital recording circuit applications, etc.
Key words: infrared wireless sensor SCM voice memory number four key remote control automatically dial-up system memory E2PROM

As social competition, more college students are faced with growth and talent, emotional and career, the daily life of the case deal with such issues, although they do not constitute the main aspects of mental illness, but does directly affect the mental health of students the healthy growth of university students, university stage is a college student mental and physical growth of each of the critical period of development. For today's university students, facing the biggest problem is not a study and employment, but rather psychological health. In real life because they are usually a number of objective factors and subjective cognition, emotion, personality and other psychological factors into psychological bias and misunderstanding, resulting in as low self-esteem, loneliness, jealousy, revenge and heterosexual contacts, such as communication barriers, if we mental health of college students do not attach importance to this issue, then I believe that our society may be induced by a series of security questions, and our country will lose a batch of talent.

随着社会竞争的加剧,更多的大学生面临着成长与成才、情感与事业、日常生活事件的处理等问题,虽然这些问题并不构成心理疾病的主要方面,但确直接影响着学生的心理健康与大学生的健康成长,大学阶段是每一个大学生身心成长发育的关键时期。对于当今大学生来说 ,面临最大的一个问题不是学习和就业,而是心理健康。在现实生活中他们 常常因为一些客观的因素以及主观认知、情绪、人格等心理因素的偏差而走入了心理误区,以至出现像自卑、孤独、嫉妒、报复和异性交往等交际障碍,如果我们不重视大学生心理健康这个问题,那么我相信,我们 的社会可能会诱发一系列的安全问题,而我们的国家也会失去一批人才.

As the social competition intensifies, more and more college students are facing problems such as growing up, becoming a useful person, dealing with daily life events and things of emotion and career. Though these problems are not the chief elements constitute mental illness, they do influence the students' mental health directly. College life is the key period to the physical and mental growth of every student. To the college students today, the biggest problem is mental health, but not study or employment. In real life, they usually get into the mental error because of some objective facts or the mental deviation on subjective cognition, emotion, or personality. All these could cause communication problems such as inferior, loneliness, jealousy, revenge, or heterosexal contacts. If we do not pay enough attention to college students' mental health, I belive that series of security problems would be caused in our society, and thus a batch of talents would be lost.



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丹胆博来: FYI! 1:他累了 He is tired. 2:好主意 Good idea. 3:太糟糕了 It's too bad, 4:我认为如此 I think so. 5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably. 6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter. 7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴...

云龙区19416435144: 小白,急求各位好心的英文达人帮帮我翻译下.
丹胆博来: 我真的真的好喜欢姐姐.不是因为你是哥哥的妹妹,也不是因为你是明星.而是因为你就是你.姐姐有好多值得让人喜欢的魅力.我就是喜欢你. I really like my sister. Not because you're brother's sister, not because you're a star. It's because you are you. My sister has a lot to like. I just like you.

云龙区19416435144: 请哪位好心的英语专业人士帮我翻译这句话,请勿用翻译软件,不胜感激. -
丹胆博来: service first, customer priority; eternal reputation, continous development.

云龙区19416435144: 各位好心的人们帮忙用英语翻译下面这段话
丹胆博来: After school, I went to the bus station, take the car, after 3 minutes of the time I came to the station. Wait 2 minutes, Metro finally came, I take the subway to the airport, take the 180 flight to my sister.

云龙区19416435144: 请英语好的好心人帮我翻译一下吧,急急急!不要用金山或google,那个翻的用不成啦!谢啦I don't need to be anything other Than a prison guard's son I don'... -
丹胆博来:[答案] I don't need to be anything other 我不需要成为别的什么Than a prison guard's son 情愿做狱警的儿子I don't need to be anything other 我不需要成为别的什么Than a specialist's son 情愿做专家的儿子I don't ha...

云龙区19416435144: 各位好心人,帮我用英语翻译下面这段话,...
丹胆博来: He always says "you must, in the absence of happiness is the word. but he didn't know, my happiness need he come to pass, only he can help, but he put my hand to others, how could i happy? and now, i'd like to give up! it's truly give up! can't live in the past. so, i will you be happy!

云龙区19416435144: 请好心的各位帮我翻译一下:
丹胆博来: 对在音乐方面表现自己的个人和因艺术而受苦的天才的浪漫的狂热崇拜是贝多芬开始的.

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丹胆博来: I think how no matter 我想不管怎样I be one's turn to you 我都要对你说and speak the voice I 'm sorry!我真诚的歉意“对不起,是我错了” Iyour requirement answered,你我之间的约定取消吧 I and you snatoh next lift.我和你不适合,不是同一世...

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丹胆博来: Dear Jim, Last Sunday my classmates and I went to Xiangshan park. We met at the school gate at 7 o'clock in the morning. Around 8 o'clock we got to the Great Park, and started to hold our party at the foot of the hill. Then we began to climb the hill. ...

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