
作者&投稿:莫珠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

歌舞青春3 歌曲high school musical Ooh,here we go 嘿.开始吧 C'mon 来吧 Alright Little louder,now 很好 现在,再大声一点点 Hey... 嘿... Lookin' forward from center stage 站在中央舞台,我迫不及待 To graduation day 等着毕业那一天到来 Time to get the future started 那是未来起飞的时刻 What we leave what we take with us 我们留下什麽,又带走什麽 No matter what 不论如何 It's somethin' we're a part of 都曾经是我们的一部分 We learn to fly 我们在这里学会飞翔 Together side by side(Side by side) 我们一起 肩并肩(肩并肩) I Just hope the rest of my life... 我只希望将来一辈子... Will feel as good as my 都会美好如我的 High school musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go, It's the best part we've ever known 谁说我们一定要遗忘 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future, but hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来,但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 The friends who've been there all along, just like... 一路上朋友相伴,就像... A High school...High School...Musical... 一场歌舞...歌舞...青春... Improvisation without a script, 全是即兴演出,没有剧本 no ones written it 没有人事先写好 and now we have the chance to 现在机会是我们的,一起写下青春 But Some day we'll be lookin' back 但是有一天我们会回首 Memories we'll have 我们会有满满回忆 all the songs that we lived through 记得所有共同经历过的歌曲 The best of times 最好的时光 so why leave them behind 所以,为什麽要抛掉呢 Why cant the rest of my life... 为什麽接下来的一辈子... Be like my... 不能像我的... High school musical (Yeah) 歌舞青春(耶) Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from(her) 让我们一起赞美来时路(嘿) The fiends who've been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友 just right 没错 Now we finally realize 现在我们终於知道 Who we are, it just took some time 自己的份量,虽然花了一点时间 You have to learn and live to see the truth 我们必须踏实生活,学习看清真相 Live to see the truth 学习看清真相 That Nothing's ever impossible 没有不可能的事 into the future we all freefall 我们都是自由落体,掉进未来 But Foever we'll always have High School 但是我们会永远记得高校 High... 歌... Time to party,now celebrate 抓狂时间到了,一起庆祝吧 School 舞... 'Cause the world's one big stage 因为世界是个巨大的舞台 Musical 青春 Any part you want can be yours 想演什麽角色都可以 Everybody sing,yeah 大家一起唱,耶 High... 歌... But the show is never gonna close 但是表演永远不会结束 School... 舞... It's what got us here we know 我们知道来到这里就是为了未来 Musical 青春 High School lives on forever more 高校生活永不结束 High School... 歌舞 High School Musical... 歌舞青春 High School Musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 The fiends who've been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友 Oh yeah,I wish that life could be like a... 喔耶,我希望人生能像一场 High School Musical 歌舞青春 Who says we have to let it go 谁说我们一定要遗忘 It's the best part we've ever known 那是我们一生中最好的时光 Step into the future...We'll hold on to 虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住 High school musical 歌舞青春 Let's celebrate where we come from 让我们一起赞美来时路 All together,makes it better 大家一起来,让回忆变得更美好 Memories that last forever 回忆持续到永远 I want the rest of my life to 我要接下来的人生 Feel just like a 感觉就像一场 High...school...musical 歌...舞...青春


scream 尖叫

The day door is closed, 那天门关闭了,
The echo's fill your soul. 回声充满了你的灵魂
They won’t say which way to go, 他们不会说该怎么走
Just trust your heart. 只要相信你的心
To find what you're here for, 知道你为什么会在这里
Open another door. 打开另一扇门
I'm not sure anymore. 我不再确定
It's just so hard. 那太难了
The voices in my head, 我脑海中回荡的声音
Tell me they know best! 告诉我它们最了解
Got me on the edge, 把我逼到边缘
they're pushin', pushin', 它们在逼近,逼近
they're pushin' 它们在逼近
I know they got a plan, 我知道它们有了计划
While the ball’s in my hands! 当球在我手中时
This time is man-to-man, 这是男人对决的时刻
I'm droppin', fightin', its time to. 我在坠落,拼搏.是时候了
Whole worlds upside down, 整个世界颠倒了
Is spining faster, 快速旋转着
What do I do now? Cause I choke! 我应该做什么呢?我要窒息了.
I don't know, where to go, what's the right team? 我不知道该往哪儿走,什么是正确的队伍?
I want my own thing. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要属于自己的东西.太糟了,我想尖叫
I can't choose, so confused! What's it all mean? 我不能选择,如此迷茫!它们有什么意义?
I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要自己的梦想. 太糟了,我想尖叫.
I'm kickin' down the walls. 我踢着墙
I gotta make 'em fall! 我要让它倒下
Just break through them all! 只要穿过它们
I'm pushin', crashin', I'm gonna 我在推着,冲撞,
Fight to find myself, 我要拼尽全力找到自己
Me and no one else! 只有我自己
Which way I can’t tell 我走哪条路?我不知道
Searchin', can't find a 搜寻,搜寻,找不到
Road that I should take, 一条我该走的路
I should, turn right or left 我应该向左还是向右
Like nothing works without you! 就像什么都不能离开你
I don't know, where to go, what's the right team? 我不知道该往哪儿走,什么是正确的队伍?
I want my own thing. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要属于自己的东西.太糟了,我想尖叫
I can't choose, so confused! What's it all mean? 我不能选择,如此迷茫!它们有什么意义?
I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要自己的梦想. 太糟了,我想尖叫.
Yeah the clock’s running down, 时钟停滞了
hear the crowd gettin' loud! 听见人群的叫喊声变大
I'm consumed by the sound! 我被声音吞噬
Is it her? Is it love? 是她吗?是爱情吗?
Can the music ever been enough? 音乐永不会足够吗?
Gotta work it out, gotta work it out! 要找出答案,要找出答案
You can do it, you can do it! 你能行的,你能行的.
I don't know, where to go, what's the right team? 我不知道该往哪儿走,什么是正确的队伍?
I want my own thing. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要自己的东西. 太糟了,我想尖叫.
I can't choose, so confused! What's it all mean? 我不能选择,如此迷茫!它们有什么意义?
I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要自己的梦想. 太糟了,我想尖叫.
I don't know, where to go, what's the right team? 我不知道该往哪儿走,什么是正确的队伍?
I want my own thing. I want my own thing! 我想要自己的东西.我想要自己的东西!
I can't choose, so confused! What's it all mean? 我不能选择,如此迷茫!它们有什么意义?
I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream! 我想要自己的梦想. 太糟了,我想尖叫.
Ohh! Ahh!!!! 哦!!!啊!!!!

Can I Have This Dance
Troy & Gabriella
High School Musical 3

Take my hand, take a breath
牵起我的手 深呼吸
Pull me close
And take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine
And let the music be your guide
Won't you promise me
Now Won't you promise me
现在 你想我承诺吧
That you'll never forget
We'll keep dancing
To keep dancing
Wherever we go next
无论在哪 我们都会继续

It's like catching lighting
The chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million the chances
We feeling the way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
牵起我的手 我来带领你
And every turn, will be safe with me
每一个转身 都会很安全
Don't be afraid
Afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all
你知道 我会永远牵着你
You can't keep us apart
Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart
即使我们之间相隔千里 也不会让我们分开
Cause my heart wherever you are

It's like catching lighting
The chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million
The chances we feeling the way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

No mountains too high enough
Oceans too wide
Cause together or not
Our dance won't stop

Let it rain, let it pour
雨尽情的下 滂沱大雨也无所谓
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe
That we were meant to be ooh
那些我们象征的东西 哦~哦哦

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone like you (like you)
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)

And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance(Can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

你能想象吗 如果我们曾经有梦想 会发生什么
然后我会感谢那颗星星 那颗将我们的愿望实现的星星
因为它知道你在哪里 那也将是我会在的地方

就在这里 就是现在
我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景

就在这里 我向你承诺
我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子

感觉就像是永远 还有什么更好的呢
两千个字 二十三个小时 融入了宇宙
那将会是 一切
并且 当我们还在的时候

就在这里 就是现在
我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景

就在这里 我向你承诺
我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子

噢 我们知道它正来临

就在这里 就是现在
是的 我正看着你 我真心热爱这个场景

就在这里 我向你承诺
我们可以等待明天 或是其他的日子
噢 你和我
但现在 只有你和我

Take my hand, take a breath
牵起我的手 深呼吸
Pull me close
And take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine
And let the music be your guide
Won't you promise me
Now Won't you promise me
现在 你想我承诺吧
That you'll never forget
We'll keep dancing
To keep dancing
Wherever we go next
无论在哪 我们都会继续

It's like catching lighting
The chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million the chances
We feeling the way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
牵起我的手 我来带领你
And every turn, will be safe with me
每一个转身 都会很安全
Don't be afraid
Afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all
你知道 我会永远牵着你
You can't keep us apart
Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart
即使我们之间相隔千里 也不会让我们分开
Cause my heart wherever you are

我要找歌舞青春3里的Walk Away 的lrc歌词,最好是中英对照的。谢谢_百度...
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歌舞青春3《The boys are back》歌词
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歌舞青春3 男女主角亲吻的时候 背景音乐是什么
第3部是《Can I have this dance》http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=can%20i%20have%20this%20dance 中英歌词 Gabriella: Vanessa Hudgens Troy: Zac Efron [Gabriella] Take my hand, take a breath 拉住我的手,深吸一口气 Pull me close and take...

求《歌舞青春III》的片尾曲“Just getting started”的歌词
Just Getting started只是刚刚开始 Remember that time,记得那个时候 I've heard those words before but now they're mine,我以前听过这些字但是他们是我的 Every memory of the sweet sunshine,每个甜美阳光的回忆 Is living here in my heart and mine.正在我的心脏里面生活 Oooh,噢 Every laugh,...

scream 尖叫 The day door is closed, 那天门关闭了,The echo's fill your soul. 回声充满了你的灵魂 They won’t say which way to go, 他们不会说该怎么走 Just trust your heart. 只要相信你的心 To find what you're here for, 知道你为什么会在这里 Open another door. 打开另一扇门 ...

3.Work This Out『努力工作』4.You Are the Music in Me『你是我心中的音乐』5.I Don't Dance『我不跳舞』6.Gotta Go My Own Way『走自己的路』7.Bet On It『放手一搏』8.Everyday『每一天』9.All For One『只为一个目标』歌舞青春3 1.Now or never【时不再来】2.Right here right...

feeling the way we do (way we do)And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)=== 所有歌词?得了~~~

scream The day door is closed,The echo's fill your soul.They wont say which way to go,Just trust your heart.To find what you're here for,Open another door.I'm not sure anymore.It's just so hard.The voices in my head,Tell me they know best!Got me on the edge,they'...

1Now Or Never Sixteen, Sixteen minutes left better get it done Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen more minutes get ready, game on!Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes left running out of time!Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen more minutes till it's on the line!Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes left ...

歌舞青春3歌曲歌词翻译  我来答 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 ...

崆峒区13950156509: Now or never中文歌词 -
淡侵耐邦: 歌舞青春3 Now Or Never Intro 16...16...16 minutes left better get it 只剩16分钟 我们最好一举攻下 16...16...16 more minutes get ready GAME ON! 再过16分钟 准备好了比赛开始 16...16...16 minutes left running out of time 只剩16分钟 我们快要没...

崆峒区13950156509: 求歌舞青春3《A night to remember》歌词 -
淡侵耐邦: 看来事已成定局 Guess now it's official-不能反悔 不能反悔 -对-Can't back out can't back out -No 为重要的一夜,准备好 -没错 Gettin' ready for the night of nights the night of nights all right-不要惊慌 -惊慌-Don't panic -Panic 一定要为毕业舞会盛装吗...

崆峒区13950156509: 歌舞青春3中的所有歌曲名 -
淡侵耐邦: High School Musical 3 Cast(歌舞青春3) 01. Now Or Never - HSM Cast (在篮球比赛还剩16分钟时唱的歌,大部分是大家熟悉的旋律) 02. Right Here, Right Now - Troy & Gabriella (他们毕业舞台剧演出的第一首歌,Troy和Gabriella坐在Troy...

崆峒区13950156509: 歌舞青春3给我这些歌的歌词(带中文的)!
淡侵耐邦: 歌舞青春

崆峒区13950156509: 跪求 歌舞青春 1、2、3部中所有的歌曲 -
淡侵耐邦: 歌舞青春11.Get'cha Head in the game2.What I've Been Looking For (一个是夏培和瑞安的、一个特洛伊和盖比)3.Start of Something New (troy & gabriella)4.When There Was Me and You (gabriella)5.Breaking Free (troy & gabriella)6.I ...

崆峒区13950156509: 歌舞青春3中歌曲歌词
淡侵耐邦: 试听地址: http://www.youmaker.com/video/sa?id=ff1948bba7dd45bca12a3a05c57de063001 ----------------------------------- 中文版歌词: 我得到了很多事情 我必须完成. 所有这些分心的事物, 我们的未来就要到来 我们有一百个不同的方向 但无论发...

崆峒区13950156509: 求歌舞青春3Scream 的中文歌词 -
淡侵耐邦: ☆troy gabriella everyday☆ once in a lifetime means there's no second chance so i believe that you and me should grab it while we can make it last forever and never give it back it's our turn and i'm loving where we're at because this moment's really...

崆峒区13950156509: 寻求美国电影《歌舞青春3 毕业季》中歌词 -
淡侵耐邦: Can i have this dance Take my hand, take a breath Pull me close and take one step Keep your eyes locked on mine,And let the music be your guide.Won''''t you promise me(now won''''t you promise me, that you''''ll never forget) We''''ll keep dancing ...

崆峒区13950156509: 求《歌舞青春3毕业季》的所有歌曲的歌词!按顺序排列!
淡侵耐邦: 歌舞青春3 1. Now or Never 2.Right Here, Right Now 3.I Want It All 4.Can I Have This Dance? 5.A Night To Remember 6.Just Wanna Be With You 7.The Boys Are Back 8.Walk Away 9.Scream 10.Senior Year Spring Musical Medley 11.We're All in This Together 12.High School Musical

崆峒区13950156509: 谁有歌舞青春3的所有歌曲的歌词呢?
淡侵耐邦: 用酷狗下吧,都有,能显示歌词, 我也用这个方法,很好用, 里面的歌曲我全下载了

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