
作者&投稿:稻哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

全神贯注concentrate on
熬夜stay up
养老院home for the aged
挡道的in one's way
如果……怎样what if
与……相处get along with sb
提出put forward
发带hair band
与……保持距离keep a distance with
陈列set out
意见一致be in agreement
一般而言 generally speaking
从容take it easy
乐意做be pleased/willing to do
梦想to dream of

I plan/mean to set up a special program of the World Cup. It's mainly about the Italy,Spain and Brazil. Do you have any views/ideas about that?

伙伴buddy 笔友pen-pal 日本Japan
国宝national treasures (要是说大熊猫就直接说PANDA就可以了)
来自于come from
住在巴黎live in Paris
住在东京Live in Tokyo

national treasure
come from
live in Paris
live in Tokyo

friend pen-friend Japan Australia come from live in Paris live in Tokyo国宝不知道

partner penpal Japan Australia national treasure come from live in Paris live in Tokyo

campany penfriend Japan Australia national treasure come from live in Paris
live in Tokyo

national treasure
come from
live in Paris
live in Tokyo

All the pains have been gone,what's left is the happiness which belonging to me.

帮小弟个忙,把下面中文翻译成英文,谢谢 知道你因为考试的原因,心情烦 ...
I know you do not bother to contact me as you are turmoil because the coming examination. I have on other meaning but hope you come back to yourself soon.

I bought a mobile from the market a few days ago. It 's the LG Chocolate mobile. It 's beautiful and for the same appearence with the Ad's, and I don't familiar with mobile. So I bought it.However, after showed it to my friend, he said it isn't real. Although ...

陈楚楚 Chan-Tsutsu

英语翻译 中文意思是:随着工作越来越忙人们没有足够的时间去关心他人...
People don't have enough time to look after others,as they are much busier than ever before.

帮个忙 翻译成英文
From production to transportation, and supply of urban pipe network, pipeline transport occupies an absolute advantage. 而在输气管道的运输中一般都是以长距离输送为主。 In the gas pipeline transportation are generally dominated by long-distance transportation. 论文通过对国内和国外的长输管线的...

sloan好了 这个名字在实习医生格蕾里边出现过 发音斯隆恩。。。


I like me now learning state. My profession is business management. Every day I have to set aside some time to look at the book, or to the library. Because I know how important it is for me to learn, I had to learn enrich themselves, to enrich themselves. I will relax ...

中译英。把这句中文翻译成英文。我的翻译的语法是否正确?以及是否更偏 ...
have to 是你不愿意做的,但迫于情况你只能接受以维持某种事情,need to 是你必须做的,可以是你自己非常坚持的,或是你的责任的,或符合你身份的事情。crazy 让人抓狂的 homework 不一定指家庭作业,外国学生把各种学习任务都统称为homework to study the Practical Applications of English 如果这个英...

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文
童类盐酸: I know I've lost you

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文!!!!
童类盐酸: 1.The Tv play is adapted from a novel 2.The author is going to adapt his novel for a film 3.He has his own shortcomings,but he is still honest on the whole 4.I ran to school all the way and was out of breath

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文 -
童类盐酸: My name is Annie,12-year-old this year, I am a student studying in Qiantang primary school . I have many hobbies, such as: singing, dancing, writing, reading,swimming& travel .... I loved beef. My ideal is to become a dancer. My life motto is: nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind.

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙 把汉语翻译成英语 -
童类盐酸: 人工翻译 LED: Sara, I will take the flight that departs for Japan at 2:30 today. Can you come pick me up?Sara: Sure thing! By the way, the weather in Japan is not very warm. Make sure you dress well!LED: yup. So, tell me, how's the weather over ...

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英语
童类盐酸: 1、你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果 (add up) Add up all the numbers, you will get the result. 2、我们努力想让她平静下来,但她还是激动的大叫 (calm down) We tried hard to calm her dowm, but she still cried loudly. 3,玛丽在医院里住了很...

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文?中文句子是:马蒂是一个残疾的孩子,但是他有着积极的生活态度.他从来不为他的残疾而感到羞愧,相反 他努力使自己和别人一样... -
童类盐酸:[答案] Marty is a disabled child,but he has a positive life attitude. He never feels ashamed of being disabled. Instead,he tries to be independent as others and live a meaningful life

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文译成英文
童类盐酸: As long as I'm still awake, I would have to go! 请采纳,正确答案

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把这个汉语翻译成英文!...
童类盐酸: Darilng, I will support and accompany you forever, my love hold on line all the time, there's only you and me in my world, and there's only me and you in yours.

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把汉语翻译成英文 -
童类盐酸: Imperceptible found like you, but did not have the courage to express, afraid you heartless declined! 楼主我帮你翻译的 希望能够帮助你

鲤城区13529621919: 帮忙把中文句子翻译成英文.
童类盐酸: Be optimistic when you enconter any difficulties, set no limits. Challenge the problems, give every challenge your effort. 人工翻译. 呵呵

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