
作者&投稿:敏宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语大神翻一下 谢谢~




Personal Score List
Number Course Title credits / hours by type of course study
Form score
The first semester of the 2006-2007 school year
1 French junior Oral
2 Subject Started guide
College English level 3
4 Sports
5 basic French
6 French Listening
7 military training
8 French grammar and practice
9 Introduction to Life Sciences
10 Calculus (E type)
The second semester of the 2006-2007 school year
11 French audiovisual Say
12 Globalization and the Chinese economy
16 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal foundation
17 Outline of Modern Chinese History
18 Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought Introduction

20 University of Chinese

22 Southeast Asian Chinese large enterprises and the rise of business management
23 French primary oral
2006-2007 school year, short-term
24 French junior heard training
The first semester of the 2007-2008 academic year

28 French Composition
29 Intermediate Spoken French

31, basic computer
32 Introduction to marine biology
33 French Overview

The second semester of the 2007-2008 academic year
35 French reading

42 military theory

44 choirs with compulsory general education 2.0/32 command 82
2007-2008 school year, short-term
46 English Movie
47 Modern
2008-2009 school year, first semester
48 Chinese folk songs, dance music
49 Law Translation Han
50 Taekwondo
51 French system grammar
52 String Western Art History (
53 Application of French
54 Advanced French

57 commercial French

1 French junior Oral

2 Subject Started guide

College English level 3

4 Sports

5 basic French

6 French Listening

7 military training

8 French grammar and practice

9 Introduction to Life Sciences

10 Calculus (E type)

The second semester of the 2006-2007 school year

11 French audiovisual Say

12 Globalization and the Chinese economy

16 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal foundation

17 Outline of Modern Chinese History

18 Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought Introduction

20 University of Chinese

22 Southeast Asian Chinese large enterprises and the rise of business management

23 French primary oral

2006-2007 school year, short-term

24 French junior heard training

The first semester of the 2007-2008 academic year

28 French Composition

29 Intermediate Spoken French

31, basic computer

32 Introduction to marine biology

33 French Overview

The second semester of the 2007-2008 academic year

35 French reading

42 military theory

44 choirs with compulsory general education 2.0/32 command 82

2007-2008 school year, short-term

46 English Movie

47 Modern

2008-2009 school year, first semester

48 Chinese folk songs, dance music

49 Law Translation Han

50 Taekwondo

51 French system grammar

52 String Western Art History (

53 Application of French

54 Advanced French

57 commercial French

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龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 英语翻译下面两句话,有哪位大侠出手相助,感激不尽.If any special camber requirements are necessary to bring a loaded member into proper relation with ... -
郜柏银翘:[答案] 1 楼自动翻译的,也太水了. 大致意思: 如果某些承载的构件需要被有起拱要求才能配合其他部件一起适当工作, 至于(as for . of sash 这段吃不准精确意思)大概是说某种节点固定之类的, 这种起拱的要求应当在设计文件中详细谁明. 如果起拱和某...

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 哪位大侠帮个忙,小妹感激不尽!4减19分之8除以38分之5加5分之4,用梯等式计算,这是分数的混合运算! -
郜柏银翘:[答案] 原式=4-8/19*38/5+4/5 =4-16/5+4/5 =4-12/5 =8/5

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 有哪位大侠知道是怎么回事的就告诉我一下,在下感激不尽! -
郜柏银翘: 拉肚子的原因很多,不一定就和消化有关系. 1.肠易激综合征 着凉拉肚子,紧张拉肚子,考试拉肚子,旅游拉肚子等症状,这种病在医学上称为肠易激综合征. 又习...

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 麻烦哪位大侠帮忙解答一下,小弟感激不尽,要详细解题过程. -
郜柏银翘: (1)设t秒后,可使PCQ的面积为8平方厘米 1/2*如图所示,在ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=6cm,BC=8cm,点P从点A出发沿边AC向点C以1cm/s的速度移动,点Q从点C出发沿CB边向点B以2cm/s的速度移动.(1)如果P丶Q同时出发,几秒钟后,可使PCQ的面积为8平方厘米?(2)点P丶Q在移动过程中,是否存在某一时刻,使得PCQ的面积等于ABC的面积的一半,若存在,求出运动的时间;若不存在,说明理由.如图所示,在ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=6cm,BC=8cm,点P从点A出发沿边AC向点C以1cm/s的速度移动,点Q从点C出发沿CB边向点B以2cm/s的速度移动.

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 英语中向路程提问用哪个特殊疑问词 - ( ) is it from here to your school? - About ten kilometers.哪一位江湖大侠能帮助小女完成此任,感激不尽!how much 后... -
郜柏银翘:[答案] 题目问的是“从这里到你学校路程是多少”,回答:“大概十千米”由此我们知道用How far

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 问一下这是圆通快递的订单么? 如果是——哪位大侠帮忙查一下小女子感激不尽,,, -
郜柏银翘: yuan tong shi 10 wei sh...

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 2010.年12月英语六级,请哪位高人帮我评估一下六级的成绩,在下感激不尽作文一般 快速阅读胡写的 听力对了 18个 仔细阅读对了 14个 完形填空对了 16个 ... -
郜柏银翘:[答案] 这样一般学生是估不出来的,两个同学同一种类型的题,错的题目不一样但是个数相同 最后的分数也有可能不同的,那是考试中心的老师们加权求平均值等一系列过程之后再看题目所占的比例,得出的分数,所以耐心等待分数出来吧!

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 哪能大侠帮忙翻译下,感激不尽!!! -
郜柏银翘: Cheerful, confident, have affinity, am easy-going. In college, served as class a psychological committeeman of enthusiasm to help students have difficulty, have stronger organization coordinated ability, High proficiency in computer operation, familiar...

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 哪位大侠帮我翻译成英文,在下感激不尽:你知道吗?我为了给你准备这部电影,我已经熬了好几个晚上了.我前 -
郜柏银翘: Dear,do you know that I have stayed up several nights and did not take classes this monday to prepare this movie for you. Several days ago, I slipped into the computer room through the window to write for you, because of which, I was taught a lesson...

龙胜各族自治县13420879967: 英语造句:If I were the god(如果我是神)……(6句) 哪位大侠帮个忙 感激不尽 最好带上汉语 -
郜柏银翘: If I were the god,i will teach eyery people.1句(其实可以把逗号换句号,哈哈) i want them be smart.2 i dont want every one know me.3 maby i am a hero.4 I want to become great.5 That all the people can remember me.6 怎么样,能选我吗?我花了好长时间的.求你了,采纳把,That all the people can remember me!!!

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