
作者&投稿:鄞路 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



题目:My Favorite Summer Fruit

Watermelon is my favorite summer fruit. It's juicy and sweet, perfect for cooling down on a hot day. The bright green skin and the deep red flesh make it not only tasty but also beautiful.

I love to eat watermelon in many ways. Sometimes I cut it into small cubes and put them in the fridge to make them even cooler. 

Other times, I slice it into wedges and enjoy it with friends at a picnic. There's nothing better than sharing a big watermelon with loved ones on a sunny afternoon.

Watermelon is not only delicious but also nutritious. It's low in calories and high in vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin and eyes. It's also rich in antioxidants, which can help improve heart health and prevent cancer.

In conclusion, watermelon is not only a refreshing summer snack but also a healthy one. I can't wait to enjoy more of this wonderful fruit this summer!


题目:The Watermelon Harvest

Last weekend, my family and I went to the countryside to harvest watermelons. We woke up early in the morning and drove to the farm, where we met the farmer who owns the land.

The farmer showed us how to pick the ripe watermelons from the field. We used special knives to cut the stem and gently placed each watermelon in a basket. It was hard work, but also a lot of fun.

After we finished picking the watermelons, we loaded them onto a truck and brought them back home. 

We spent the rest of the day washing, cutting, and storing the watermelons. It was a great feeling to see the fruits of our labor and know that we had contributed to bringing fresh, healthy food to our table.

In the end, we had a lot of delicious watermelons to eat and share with our friends and neighbors. It was a great experience, and I'm looking forward to doing it again next summer.


题目:The Watermelon Eating Contest

Last weekend, my school hosted a watermelon eating contest. Students from different grades gathered in the playground, each with a big slice of watermelon in front of them.

The rules were simple: whoever finished their slice of watermelon first would be the winner. The catch was that they couldn't use their hands to hold the watermelon or a spoon to scoop it out. They had to eat it with their mouths only.

The contest began, and soon there were watermelon juices running down everyone's faces. Some students were struggling to finish their slices, while others were already done and cheering on their classmates.

After several minutes of intense eating, one student emerged as the winner. He had finished his slice in less than a minute! We all clapped and cheered for him, and he received a prize of a big watermelon.

It was a fun and messy event, but also a great way to enjoy this delicious fruit together. I can't wait for the next watermelon eating contest!

1. 以西瓜为题写一篇不少于五句英语作文

My favourite fruit I like a lot of fruit,but I like watermelon best.Watermelon's skin is red and the fruit meat is red.I like the colours.Watermelons are very sweet.And when I am thirsty,I want to have some watermelon.My mother says watermelons are my favourite fruit.Yes,they are.My favourit fruit is watermelons.Do you like watermelon?。

2. 以西瓜为题写一篇不少于五句英语作文

My favourite fruit

I like a lot of fruit,but I like watermelon best.Watermelon's skin is red and the fruit meat is red.I like the colours.Watermelons are very sweet.And when I am thirsty,I want to have some watermelon.My mother says watermelons are my favourite fruit.Yes,they are.My favourit fruit is watermelons.Do you like watermelon?

3. 以西瓜为题写一篇英语作文

I like watermelon, it has a very thick clothes, the circle body, red red meat, sweet water, there are many black doll. The dress is green, meat and water is red, black doll is black. Watermelons are very healthy. Watermelon is only to the summer when only, its leaves are green, very good. Blossom time is like many chicks in the play, all over the floor, took many line some people say to eat watermelon can be cool, delicious and tasty.。

4. 以西瓜为题写一篇英语作文

I like watermelon, it has a very thick clothes, the circle body, red red meat, sweet water, there are many black doll. The dress is green, meat and water is red, black doll is black. Watermelons are very healthy. Watermelon is only to the summer when only, its leaves are green, very good. Blossom time is like many chicks in the play, all over the floor, took many line some people say to eat watermelon can be cool, delicious and tasty。

5. 小学三年级写西瓜的英语作文

One day,a little boy ask his father how to deal with the watermelon peel that near the boy.Near the o men there's a uncovered well,so the man,the young boy's father said:"Just put it into this well!"So then,the young boy throw the watermelon peel into the well and go away with his father .Just then,the watermelon peel was throwed out and failed on his father's head.After that,a people shouted at his father,"Watch out ,you just then heat my head!His father went red and said,"Sorry,I shouldn't throw the watermelon peel into the well."


有一天,一个小男孩问他的父亲如何处理西瓜果皮附近boy.Near这两名男子有发现,因此该名男子,年轻的男孩的父亲说: “只是把它变成这么好! ”因此,然后,年轻的男孩扔果皮到西瓜,并走与他的父亲。就在这时,西瓜果皮是throwed并没有对他父亲的head.After认为,一个人大喊他的父亲, “小心,你就在这时,我的脑袋热!他的父亲去红说: “对不起,我不应当扔西瓜果皮的良好。 ”

6. 夏天用英语写作文5句话三总句型

Summeri *** y favorite season.My clas *** ates alllike me,waiting,looking forward tothe arrival of summer.

In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one expects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciou *** ango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;andsparklinggrape;known as the"Queen of fruit"strawberry.Whatitis!

Summer is so beautiful,is soattractive,seductive,let us have tolove it.In summer,Ilikeyou,only one a year summer,I will cherishit!




7. 西瓜,,英语文章

西 瓜

西瓜(xigua)(Citrullus lanatus)葫芦科,西瓜属。一年生草本,茎蔓生,密生细毛。卷须分两叉。叶柄被长柔毛,叶片灰绿色,3~5深裂,裂片又羽状或2回羽状浅裂至深裂,叶片两面被短柔毛。花单生,黄色。瓠果,大形,圆或椭圆状,表面平滑,皮色浓绿、浅绿、墨绿,常有各种条纹。瓤多汁而甜,深红、淡红、黄色或白色。采种子用的品种,果小味淡,子多而大。性喜炎热、干燥和充足阳光,不耐寒。原产于非洲热带地区,我国除少数寒冷地区外,南北均有栽培。为夏季优良果品,解渴消暑,种子含油,可榨油或炒食。中医学上以瓜汁和瓜皮(称西瓜翠衣)入药,功能清暑解热,利小便。

West Guadalc *** Watermelons (xigua) (Citrullus lanatus) got Section watermelons are. Health herbal year, Jingman Health, the Federated Health and fine fur. Juanxu o forks. Petiole Mrs hair was long, grey green leaves, 3~5 deep bifida, also predicted lobe of a leaf or o back configuration shallow bifida deepest bifida, leaves o were short Mrs hair. Health spending alone, yellow. Gourd fruit, big-shaped, round or oval-shaped, the surface *** ooth, thick green skin color, light, dark, often various stripes. Pulp of fruit and sweet potatoes, dark red, pale red, yellow or white. Using a variety of seeds, fruit Weidan *** all, and large multi-son. Sexual Hi hot, dry and adequate sunshine, not cold resistant. Originating in the tropical regions of Africa, except a few of my cold regions, north and south are cultivated. Fruit fine for the summer, thirst heat, oil-bearing seeds can extract oil or Chaoshi. Traditional Chinese medicine, to Guayaquil juice and melon skin (called watermelons Chui clothing) make medicines, functional Qingshu heartburn, and the advantages offered.

在我们平凡的日常里,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我收集整理的二年级西瓜作文10篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 二年级西瓜作文 篇1 一天,猪八戒在街上吃西瓜。他把吃剩的西瓜皮扔了一地。 孙悟空看见了之后,生气地说:“猪八戒!你怎...

无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是我为大家整理的西瓜的作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 西瓜的作文1 小朋友,你知道我最爱吃什么水果吗?告诉你们吧,我最爱吃的是西瓜。西瓜不仅味甜色美而且作用还挺大呢。 西瓜产期一般在夏、...

以西瓜为题写一篇不少于五句英语作文:I like watermelon, it has a very thick clothes, the circle body, red red meat, sweet water, there are many black doll。The dress is green, meat and water is red, black doll is black。Watermelons are very healthy。Watermelon is only to ...

5. 我家乡的西瓜写一篇作文300子 我家乡的西瓜我的家乡在吉林,我爱家乡的西瓜。 阳春三月,西瓜刚刚抽出两三片叶子,一片片肥大的叶子在雨雾中欢笑着。 五六月份,西瓜长得像碗口那么大,翠绿翠绿的,在阳光的照射下,晶莹剔透,让人垂涎欲滴。 到了八九月份,西瓜成熟了,像皮球一样大小,颜色真绿得可爱,墨绿的花纹给...


在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我整理的二年级西瓜作文5篇,希望能够帮助到大家。二年级西瓜作文 篇1 我上次告诉你们的野生小西瓜长大了,比上次的大好多,花纹更深了,...

描写西瓜作文300字(三) 今天,我妈妈抱回了一个比我的头还大的西瓜,我和弟弟看着就馋了。可妈妈说:“要等爸爸回来,他工作一天,累了。”有过了差不多五六分钟,我和弟弟馋得眼都直了,可爸爸还是没回来。我为了解馋,跑进了房间玩电脑。但我刚进房间没多久,外面就传来一阵尖叫和一种...

二年级西瓜作文 篇5 一个炎热的夏天,太阳火辣辣的烤着大地。爷爷奶奶来我们家做客,爸爸从冰箱里捧出一个又圆又大的西瓜放在桌上,用刀轻轻一切,西瓜‘’啪‘’的一声就裂了,露出红红的肉和黑黑的籽,我迫不及待的想吃,可是爸爸不同意,妈妈说;‘’爷爷奶奶是长辈,应该他们先吃。‘’我...


一天小兔兄弟俩去山上摘了个大西瓜,然后准备把西瓜拿回家。它们在路上走着走着,突然前面出现一条河拦住了他们的去路。它们就把西瓜切了两半开始吃,吃完就当作船来坐。很快地,它们就到了对岸开心地回到了家。二年级西瓜作文 篇5 我最喜欢的水果就是西瓜了!因为它的果肉红红的、果汁甜甜的、...

从江县13291005066: 以西瓜为题写一篇不少于五句英语作文 -
钦翟杜密: My favourite fruit I like a lot of fruit,but I like watermelon best.Watermelon's skin is red and the fruit meat is red.I like the colours.Watermelons are very sweet.And when I am thirsty,I want to have some watermelon.My mother says watermelons are my ...

从江县13291005066: 以西瓜为题写一篇英语作文 -
钦翟杜密: I like watermelon, it has a very thick clothes, the circle body, red red meat, sweet water, there are many black doll. The dress is green, meat and water is red, black doll is black. Watermelons are very healthy. Watermelon is only to the summer when ...

从江县13291005066: 求一篇用西瓜的英语作文 只要里面有30个单词就行
钦翟杜密: 是不是只要带到西瓜的单词(watermelon)就行了? 恩恩、bingo~~Hello,everyone~My favourite fruit is watermelon.Do you know it? It taste very delicious and nice.It has many water,so i like to eat it.How about you,my friend? 额、还算好吧..如果要我翻译,请继续提问.

从江县13291005066: 买西瓜的英语作文怎么写? -
钦翟杜密: 我给你写一篇:Buy watermelon One afternoon, my mom let me buy a watermelon. I then went downstairs street fruit stand. Arrived in the destination, I saw a big round watermelon. So I went to the boss to discuss whether the watermelon a little ...

从江县13291005066: 用英语写西瓜对人的好处 100字左右 -
钦翟杜密: Watermelon contains nutrition, except for vitamin A, B1, B2, vitamin C, at the same time it contains no fat, therefore, eat not only beauty, also won't get fat. In addition, it can also cool thirst diuretic, but the watermelon should not eat excessive, will ...

从江县13291005066: 初二英语作文,用香蕉苹果 西瓜 黄瓜 生菜做水果色拉 -
钦翟杜密: 1.准备好2根香蕉,1根黄瓜(不要太粗),一个苹果,一块西瓜.生菜洗净用冰水浸泡10分钟备用,一瓶沙拉酱.2.香蕉,黄瓜洗净去皮切段,苹果洗净和西瓜一起去皮切块,生菜选2-3片沥干水分平铺摆盘装饰用3.将所有水果放入一个较大的容器中,放入2-3大勺沙拉酱,加入少许温水搅拌钧均.4.将搅拌好得沙拉酱放入装饰好的生菜盘中5.大功告成,不知道你满意不?这可是我一个字一个字打上去的呢!~嘿嘿 我就是弥岸留香 ,要打分的话,就打之前那个号里~嘿嘿

从江县13291005066: 关于我的家乡英语作文前提是1风景优美.交通便利2有许多商店,3西瓜大又甜 -
钦翟杜密: 我的家乡The hometown of spring, spring flowers, the fragrance; hometown summer, tree-lined, Bibo million in hometown; winter, snow...

从江县13291005066: 英语的水果作文 -
钦翟杜密: watermelon.像苹果,因为它们美味可口, not only long lovable.我喜欢吃葡萄,不仅长的可爱, eats the flavor is also wonderful, litchi chinensis, everybody said that one day of apple doctor is far away from you, the burning hot summer eats a ...

从江县13291005066: 三年级水果英语作文 (5句) 谢谢 -
钦翟杜密: But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful qualities of taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. Yet with the orange we go live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is...

从江县13291005066: 英语五个西瓜怎么写 -
钦翟杜密: 五个西瓜 Five watermelons(注:西瓜可数 watermelon+s)

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