"Master economic major" (MBA) in china

作者&投稿:年咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

推荐信 Letter of Recommendation
Recommender Notes:
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) came into being in 1991, which is one of the earliest MBA programs in China. As the most remarkable financial institution in China, SUFE enables its MBA program to be the largest MBA program in China, one equipped with professional professor teams, distinctive financial characteristics and great social influence. To develop future global business leaders, SUFE MBA program attaches great importance to the selection of applicants, whose personal qualities are as important as academic ability and working experience. Your opinion towards the candidate would also be deemed as a major reference.
Thus, please fill in the form by your own. When completed, please submit the letter online. It will be highly appreciated if you upload your business card. We will keep it strictly confidential. Thank you!
如有需要,是否同意直接与您联系: 是 Yes 否 No
We may contact you for further information and confirmation. Please indicate whether or not you agree with this arrangement.
Name of Applicant:
Name of Referee:
Title or Position:
Company Name:
Telephone No.:
E-mail Address:
Address & Postcode: &
I have known applicant since________(mm/yy)
1. 您在何种场合下结识申请者?您对他/她的了解程度如何?
Under what circumstances have you known the applicant? How do you know about him/her?
2. 请以下列几个标准对申请者做出评估:
Please evaluate the applicant according to the following criteria:
才智 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Intellectual Capacity
分析能力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Analytical Skill
表达能力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Capacity to Present Ideas or Facts
组织领导力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Organizational Skill and Leadership
团队精神 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Esprit de corps
主观能动性 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Initiative Spirit
创新能力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Innovation Ability
职业态度 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
道德素养 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Personal Integrity
抗压能力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Ability to Work Under Pressure
数学能力 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
Mathematical Aptitude
自信心 优秀 Excellent 良好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 无资料 No Information
3. 与近年来您所了解的与申请人处于同一职位或相近年龄的人相比,您如何评价申请人?
Compared with this people you know of the same age or level as the applicant, how would you rate this applicant?
优秀 Excellent (位于前/ Top 10%) 很好 Very Good (位于前/ Top 20%) 好 Good(位于前/ Top 40%)中等 Average(位于前/ Top 60%) 较差 Poor(位于后/ Bottom 40%) 无法评价 Unable to Judge
4. 请陈述您认为申请者的主要优点及不足。
What do you consider as the applicant’s most outstanding merit(s) and primary weaknesses?
5. 您认为申请者具备足够的能力完成MBA项目吗?请详细说明,以及您认为申请人最适的发展前途是什么?
Do you believe the applicant has enough abilities to complete the MBA Program? Please explain. And in your opinion, what is the applicant’s potential for career development?
6. 请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价。
Do you recommend the applicant for admission to MBA of SUFE?
极力推荐 Strongly recommend 推荐 Recommend 有保留的推荐 Recommend with reservation
Please upload your business card:

如果留美,除考托福外,应当考GRE 还是 GMAT?

If you come to United States, you need to decide if you want to apply for Master of Science in Business, with major in Finance, or economic, then, you can take the GRE test. If you want to get the MBA degree, which is actually more useful, then, you need to take the GMAT. In general, the GMAT is a better test for business graduate studies.






学 制




如果需要学生签证,申请人必须于2009年5月15日前完成申请。如有特殊困难可能错过申请期限,请提前联系招生部以获取帮助。电话:+8610-62754800/4801/4802/5706. E-mail: admissions@bimba.edu.cn.



1 本科学位

2 至少三年工作经验(2009年9月前)

3 入学考试成绩。一种为符合要求的GMAT和TOEFL成绩,另一种为BiMBA组织的“校园考试”。申请人可以根据自身特点选择其中任何一种,不过全日制班奖学金申请者则必须提供GMAT成绩。GMAT与TOEFL考试说明如下。



BiMBA在GMAT考试中心的代码为:(Full Time MBA) SVH-36-59;(Part Time MBA) SVH-36-55。

如果需要GMAT考试和报名信息,请登陆www.mba.com(全球)或者www.gmat.etest.edu.cn(中国)。电邮: gmatservice@neea.edu.cn。北京考试中心 电话:+8610-62798877(周一至五,8:30-17:00),


BiMBA采用全英文教学,因此需要申请人具备比较过硬的英语语言应用能力。我们根据考试方式的不同分别设置了分数要求:100分 (Internet-based), 或者250分 (computer-based), 或者600分 (paper-based)。

BiMBA在TOEFL考试中心的代码: 2613.

除了TOEFL以外,我们还接受IELTS (6.5分以上)、或者GRE (2000分以上)、或者大学英语六级考试(合格)等类似考试成绩,并结合面试综合评估申请人的语言能力。



* 如果需要GMAT或者TOEFL考试相关培训,可以咨询如下机构:


网址:www.neworiental.org 电话:+8610-62605858/82611818.


网址:www.passion.org.cn 电话: +8610-51656996.


□ 如果选择参加GMAT和TOEFL等标准化考试,您可以将成绩单与其它申请材料一起递送至招生部门,也可以委托考试中心免费寄送成绩单。 GMAT学校代码:(Full Time MBA) SVH-36-59; (Part Time MBA) SVH-36-55 TOEFL学校代码: 2613

学校收到完整的申请材料后即开始首轮审核,通过者将接到面试邀请。面试采用一对一面谈方式,用英语进行。招生委员侧重对申请人的综合评估,例如学习意愿、职业经验、对商业管理的兴趣、对个人优劣势的把握、对问题的逻辑分析和表述能力、兴趣和视野、人际沟通能力、英语表达能力、创新思维以及领导潜能等。此外,BiMBA比较重视申请人对国内外实事和社会经济环境等方面的关注和理解程度。管理潜质(management potential)也是面试评估的一个重要方面。


□ 如果选择参加校园考试:包括分析、写作以及面试三个部分,需要半天时间完成。


* 分析部分评估考生对图表的理解进而运用基础数学解题的能力。单选题,时间约35分钟。


Most important reasons for staff absence in 2005

What is the percentage of missed workdays due to stress/depression and hospital admission in relation to total missed workdays?

44,14 %
23,19 %
20,95 %
8,4 %

* 写作部分评估申请人的英文听力理解和书写技能。应试者首先听到一段录音,然后对所听到的文章的主题和核心思想进行总结并围绕这一主题做出评论。通常,我们会选择国内外经济和管理方面的重大问题和热点话题,申请人平时注意积累,不仅有利于准备考试,更是一个学习和提高的过程。时间约60分钟。

* 面试部分与选择标准化考试者相同。时间约30分钟。

2. 考试日期










3. 预约考试

请填写申请表(Application Form)预约考试,并在申请资料截止日期前递交到招生部。我们收到材料后将与您确认,并于考试前一周通过电邮通知具体安排。


△ 报名表(点击下载)

△ 英文简历




△ 本科成绩单原件


△ 二至三封推荐信原件


△ 学位证书、毕业证书及身份证复印件

△ 两寸白底彩照三张

△ GMAT成绩单原件

△ TOEFL成绩单原件或者替代性考试成绩单复印件







地址:北京大学中国经济研究中心101室 100871




Admission requirements

Contact us

• Bachelor degree or higher

• At least three years of full time work experience before entrance

• A GMAT result and an acceptable language test score

Or a result of BiMBA on-campus admissions tes

GMAT:BiMBA requires a GMAT score of minimum 600 with AWA above 4. You could send a copy of your official report together with other materials directly to the admissions office, or during administration of the GMAT, you can choose to have your score sheets sent directly to the BiMBA program by selecting “China---Peking University, BiMBA” at beginning of the test.

Acceptable language test: TOEFL- above 100 (Internet-based), 250 (computer-based), or 600 (paper-based) General information on TOEFL fees and test procedures can be found at: www.ets.org/toefl. BiMBA's code number is 2613, you can choose to have your score sheets sent directly to us.

IELTS above 6.5

CET6 (College English Test Band 6)

EM8 (Test for English Majors)

Candidates who are native English speakers or who obtained degrees from universities where English is the primary language of instruction are exempt from this TOEFL or equivalent requirement.


For more information and / or help on GMAT or TOEFL, please go to www.mba.com, or contact Testing Center in Beijing:

Tel: +8610-62798877(8:30AM-5:00PM, Mon.-Fri.)
Website: www.gmat.etest.edu.cn
E-mail: gmatservice@neea.edu.cn
Fax: 8610-82520243

For further help on GMAT or TOEFL in China, you can contact directly with:

Beijing New Oriental School


Tel: +8610- 62605858/82611818.

Beijing Century Passion Consulting Co.


Tel: +8610-51656996.

How to Apply?

Contact us

Applications for admission are accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis. Applicants are therefore encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible.

Application Deadline

2009 full-time class will start on August 24(Mon.) Application deadline is July 11th, 2009.

If applicants need student visa, they have to make their applications before May 15th, 2009. However, we advise them to make it by the end of March as our class size is relatively small and our program is usually oversubscribed. If you have difficulties to meet the deadline, please email to admissions@bimba.edu.cn for assistance.

Admissions Procedure

If candidates choose to take GMAT and TOEFL tests,

They need to submit application materials first to admissions office by the deadline. They will receive interview notice from the admissions office two weeks after the package arrived, and take interview on the named date. The admissions result will be available within two weeks after the interview.

The interview probes the applicant's motivation to attend the program of their choice, their background, their interest in management sciences, and their insight into their own personal strengths and weaknesses. The jury also assesses social skills: i.e., the way applicants express themselves during the interview. For overseas applicants, telephone or videoconference interviews can be organized. However, a face-to-face interview is preferred and highly recommended. The final decision on admission will be made by the admissions committee of BiMBA.

If candidates choose to take on-campus admissions test,

They also need to submit complete application package first, and wait for the detailed arrangement of the coming campus test from admissions office. They will spend half day taking analytical and written tests, and a 30-minute face-to-face interview on the day. The admissions result will be ready within two weeks after it. Information about the content and schedule of on-campus admissions test follows as below.

Test Content

1) Analytical Test

The analytical test assesses the candidates' ability to read and interpret tables and to make small calculations. The test is designed as a multiple choice test. Each table or graph is followed by several questions. For each question there are four to five possible answers .Only one answer is correct. The test will take 35 minutes. Sample question:

Most important reasons for staff absence in 2005

What is the percentage of missed workdays due to stress/depression and hospital admission in relation to total missed workdays?

44,14 %
23,19 %
20,95 %
8,4 %
More Example Questions……

2) Written Test

The written test assesses the applicant's listening comprehension and writing skills in English. The applicant is requested to listen to an article read by a English native speaker and then write a structured summary of, and comment on, an article on a relevant economic and business concept. This test will be 60 minutes.

3) Interview

The interview probes the applicant's motivation to attend the program of their choice, their background, their interest in management sciences, and their insight into their own personal strengths and weaknesses. The jury also assesses social skills: i.e., the way applicants express themselves during the interview. Each candidate will have 30 minutes to present.

Test Schedule

Admissions Test
Application Deadline

Jan. 17th 2009
Dec. 21st 2008
BiMBA at Peking University, Beijing, China
Full time

& Part time MBA

Feb. 21st 2009
Feb. 8th 2009

Mar. 21st 2009
Mar. 8th 2009

April 18th 2009
Apr. 5th 2009

May 16th 2009
May 1st 2009

Jun. 21th 2009(Sunday)
Jun. 7th 2009

July 11th 2009
Jun. 28th 2009

Please note that registration for the on-campus assessment is accepted up until two weeks before the test dates mentioned above.

Admission requirements

Applications Materials

how to apply?

Tuition & Fees



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镇原县18553274960: 留学里面master school什么意思 -
伊威降糖: master一般是指硕士学位,一般申请master需要有本科学历和学位,国外的大学通常都是提前一年来进行申请的,所以都是在大三结束后先拿有条件录取的,目标学校的选择是比较重要的,关系到学生能不能去到适合自己的学校,可以把你这些GPA、专业等信息输入到留学志愿参考系统http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5284763381中去,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,这样子就可以看到你目前的水平能申请到什么层次的院校和专业了,对自己进行精准的定位.

镇原县18553274960: "econdary master drive fail"
伊威降糖: secondary master drive fail,是主机板上的第二条线的第一个插件有问题,可能是光驱或硬盘,得看你是怎么插的.

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伊威降糖: 马斯特轮胎(Mastercraft).马斯特轮胎(Mastercraft)是全球十大轮胎品牌——固铂轮胎橡胶公司旗下拥有百年历史的轮胎品牌.凭借着卓越品质,Mastercraft(马斯特轮胎)一次次的刷新TTT检测数据,更奠定了让同行望其项背的定制轮...

镇原县18553274960: 招商银行信用卡VISA和Mastercard的区别在哪里 -
伊威降糖: 招商银行信用卡VISA和Mastercard的区别 1,VISA是目前世界上最大的信用卡和旅行支票组织. 2,MasterCard是全球第二大信用卡国际组织.3,中国银联是中国唯一的银行卡组织. 4,招商银行是以上三个组织的成员机构,可以发以上三个组织品牌的银行卡.5,银行卡右下角的卡组织标志表示该卡所属的银行卡品牌,例如你的卡右下角标志是VISA,那么这张卡就是VISA卡. 6,右上角有银联标志的信用卡是双币卡,在境内使用一般没什么区别,都是通过银联网络用人民币清算.区别主要在境外使用的时候,将通过该卡所属的国际组织网络用外币清算

镇原县18553274960: master link是什么意思 -
伊威降糖: 自行车链条见过吧,这个东西的作用就是一种在链条之间特殊的连接,可以不用工具就把链条卸了,这是一种特殊的链条,你可以理解为可以快拆的链条,中的连接

镇原县18553274960: 昆士兰大学经济学专业硕士申请条件有哪些?
伊威降糖: 昆士兰大学经济学专业项目 发展经济学硕士 Master of Development Economics 健康... & Finance 昆士兰大学经济学专业课程 必修 ECON7021 2宏观经济 ECON7110 2消...

镇原县18553274960: 信用卡visa&mastercard哪里不一样
伊威降糖: VISA、MASTERCARD信用卡的网络各有特点,但是可用率都很高,MASTERCARD全球有3300万家商户,90万台ATM,VISA全球有3000万家商户,88万台ATM,但是VISA的全球交易量要比MASTERCARD高2倍.就使用而言,持卡人无论选择什么卡片,都一样好用. 两大组织也有各自的借记卡品牌,如VISA ELECTRON和MAESTRO,这两种品牌的卡片差异比较大,如VE卡,使用VISA信用卡网络,凭签名交易,使用范围为3000万家商户,MAESTRO卡则采用MASTERCARD组织的借记卡专用网络,单信息处理方式,凭密码使用,使用范围为全球900万家商户.

镇原县18553274960: 金融经济类研究生申请及专业方向选择经验有哪些?
伊威降糖: 金融经济类研究生申请及专业方向选择经验介绍 1. gpa,gmat/gre,reference letter哪... 就拿我自己的情况来说,今年年底应该会申请mfe, master in econ, phd in finance这3...

镇原县18553274960: 经济学硕士英文简写是什么经济学硕士是不是Master of Economics?就像M.A.之类的. -
伊威降糖:[答案] Master of Art in Economics M.A.Econ. M.A.E.

镇原县18553274960: master lock 锁怎样开? -
伊威降糖: 以零为分界点 往右转两圈到6 往左转一圈到8 往右直接转到34

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