《The Best We Could Do》翻书笔记

作者&投稿:贰省 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 作者是越南裔美国人,使用图画故事的形式讲述了她通过父母了解到的曾经的历史
In what Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen calls “a book to break your heart and heal it,” The Best We Could Do brings to life Thi Bui’s journey of understanding, and provides inspiration to all of those who search for a better future while longing for a simpler past.

Thi Bui was born in Vietnam and immigrated to the United States as a child. She studied art and law and thought about becoming a civil rights lawyer, but became a public school teacher instead. Bui lives in Berkeley, California, with her son, her husband, and her mother.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsThiBui

《The Best We Could Do》是比尔盖茨2017年的top5,讲述了越南移民 Thi Bui 以第一视角的形式绘制的伤感故事,重现了二战、越战、逃难的故事



曲松县19429836548: 关于the best job的英语作文50个单词带汉语 -
大叔龙九味: Every one has to work for life.每个人都需要为生活工作The better job we find,the better life we live.我们找到更好的工作,就有更好的生活.Personally,个人而言I think the best job is to be a teacher.我认为最好的工作是成为老师As we all know,...

曲松县19429836548: EXO金钟大唱的the best lucky 是什么?为什么网上都在搜?请详细点解答,因为金钟大是我本命 -
大叔龙九味: 是《没关系,是爱情啊》(最近新上市的一部电视剧,很好看!而且嘟嘟也有出场!)的主题曲,钟大唱的.网上已经有了,酷我上也有了.翻译过来是最佳的幸运(有好多种翻译方法啦!)可以去听听哦~很好听的!exo怀挺!大发!!

曲松县19429836548: 英语作文the best gift we can give others is…80个单词 -
大叔龙九味: The best gift i can give others is a pen,it will guide them through their life.It will be the color of blue,representing the sea of knowledge.On the cap would be stripes of red,sybolizing our culture,and where they will hold the pen,it would have a golden ...

曲松县19429836548: 英语作文《the best way to learn》 -
大叔龙九味: Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be scientists. My dream is to become a teacher.每个人都有他自己的梦想.一些人想成为医生.一些人希望成为科学家.我的梦想是成为一名老师. Teachers can not teach ...

曲松县19429836548: 英语作文:the best gift we can give other is 带翻译 -
大叔龙九味: the best gift we can give other is 我们能给的最好的礼物是

曲松县19429836548: The best gift we can give other is200字英语作文.急急急!!!!!!! -
大叔龙九味: The best gift we can give others is our smile . smile is the most beautiful thing in the world.Smile to others, smile can remove the embarrass atmosphere when you two not know each other, smile can dispel the emotional tension when others look for ...

曲松县19429836548: 求一首女生唱的英文歌 歌词是We are the best -
大叔龙九味: we are the best.

曲松县19429836548: Be the best, we can be中文翻译 -
大叔龙九味: 做最好的自己

曲松县19429836548: 我找英文故事名叫《最好吃的蛋糕》(《the best cake 》),中英都要,不要百度翻译器翻译出来的! -
大叔龙九味: 鼠老大说:今天是妈妈的生日,我们给她买个蛋糕,让她高兴高兴好呀,好呀!鼠老二和鼠老三齐声说老大老二老三好不容易凑起了一小把硬币来到商店,鼠老大说,我们要买个最好吃的蛋糕售货员数了数硬币,说:钱不够呀,不过可以卖...

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大叔龙九味: Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans .It's our duty to take care of the nature around us .Animals and plants are our best friends .,and we should share the world with them .We shouldn't kill wild animals ,and ...

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