仁爱初一英语unit 1单元试卷附答案(3)

作者&投稿:沙废 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Class Eight, Grade Seven

  Phone Number


  English Teacher

  Miss Lee, my good friend

  My name is ________________________________





  one, Grade, Four, too, schoolbag


  1. Me, orange, these, that, they

  三、 a 和 an 填空

  1. a, an

  2. an

  3. an

  4. an

  5. a

  四、 用所给词的形式填空

  1. your

  2. They, bikes

  3. Her

  4. those

  5. apples

  6. They

  7. boxes

  8. buses

  9. cars

  10. His

  五、 短语翻译

  1. in the same grade

  2. his English name

  3. in English

  4. in Class Twelve, Grade Seven

  5. ID number

  6. five boxes

  7. thirteen eggs

  8. twenty buses

  9. my good friend(s)

  10. my English teacher

  11. junior high school

  12. her telephone

  六、 选择题

  1-5 CDDCD 6-10 CBADC 11-15 ADDBB

  七、 找出相应的一项

  1-5 BGDAF 6-10 HECJI

  八、口语运用 CBDEA

  九、用 be 动词的适当形式填空

  1. am, is

  2. are

  3. is

  4. are

  5. are, are

  6. is, is

  7. are

  8. are

  9. are

  10. Are, aren’t


  1. How old is her father?

  2. What class are you in?

  3. What’s that?

  4. Who’s this?

  5. What are they?

  6. He is a doctor.

  7. It’s an apple.

  8. It’s a box.

  9. You are a student.

  10. They are cars.

  11. These are oranges.

  12. They are from Chicago.

  13. They aren’t cakes.

  14. This isn’t your telephone.

  15. Those aren’t her bags.

  16. Are you from Shanghai? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

  17. Are they in Class Five? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

  18. Is this a toy? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.


  1. What’s this in English? It’s an apple.

  2. What are these in English? They are oranges.

  3. What are those in English? They are books.

  4. Who’s that? She is my mom.

  5. Are you in Class Three? Yes, I am.

  6. What are those? They are cars.

  7. Are those your gooks? No, they are her books.


  1-5 BCCCA6-10 ABCBA


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