
作者&投稿:娄俗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



All that city you just couldn’t see an end to it。


The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends?


Itwas all very final on that gangway and I was grant too in my over coat.I cut quite a figure, and I was getting off, guaranteed. That wasn’tthe problem。


It wasn’t what I saw that stopped me, Max, it was what I didn’t see。 Do you understand that? What I didn’t see。


In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end。


What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end, the end of the world。


Takea piano, hmm? The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are 88 ofthem. Nobody can tell you different. They are not infinite


You are infinite. And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite。


I like that. That I can live by。


Youget me up on that gangway and you rill out in front of me a keyboard ofmillions of keys, Millions and billions of keys that never end。


That’s the truth, Max, they never end. That keyboard is infinite。


And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play。


You are sitting on the wrong bench. That’s God’s piano。


Christ! Did you see the streets? Just the street-----there were thousands of them。


How do you do it down there? How do you choose just one?


Onewoman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape tolook at, one way to die. All that world just weighing down on you. Youdon’t even know where it comes to an end。


Aren’t you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it。


I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by。


But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here。


But never more than fit between prow and stern。


You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way。


Land?Land is a ship too big for me. It’s a woman too beautiful, it’s avoyage too long, a perfume too strong, it’s music I don’t know how tomake。


I can never get off this ship. I’m blessed I can step off my life。


After all, I don’t exist for anyone。


You are the exception, Max. You are the only one who knows I’m here. You are a minority, and you’d better get used of it。


Forgive me, my friend, but I’m not getting off。


Hey,Max! Imagine the music I could play with two right arms. Hope I can find a piano up there。

两条右臂能谈出什么音乐? 希望天堂有钢琴。



海上钢琴师台词 1、无限大的键盘,怎奏得出音乐?2、这艘船每次只载客两千,既载人,有载梦想。3、城市那么大,看不到尽头。4、但范围离不开船头与船尾之间。5、当年,我踏上跳板,不觉得困难。我穿上大衣,很神气,自觉一表人才,有决心,有把握,有信心。6、思前想后,你不怕精神崩溃?那样...


海上钢琴师台词 海上钢琴师经典台词
1、All that city you just couldn't see an end to it.城市那么大,看不到尽头。2、The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends?尽头在哪里?可以给我看看尽头么。3、It was all very final on that gangway and I was grant too in my over coat. I cut quite a ...

海上钢琴师经典台词中英文 有: 城市那么大,看不到尽头。 All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it、 阻止了我的脚步的,并不是我所看见的东西,而是我所无法看见的那些东西。《海上钢琴师》是由朱塞佩·托纳托雷执导,蒂姆·罗斯、比尔·努恩、梅兰尼·蒂埃里主演的剧情片,于1998...

一句话《海上钢琴师》经典台词 导语:为了更好地学好你的英语口语,最好多读一些中英文对应的台词,这样不仅可以了解一些剧情,还可以学好口语,学习、娱乐两不误,何乐而不为呢?以下是我整理的海上钢琴师的经典台词,欢迎赏读! 1、All that city you just couldn't see an end to it. 城市那么大,看不到尽头。

海上钢琴师经典台词 All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. ...

导语:《海上钢琴师》是一部唯美的音乐电影,以音乐寓人生,给观众无限的深思。下面是我收集整理该部电影的经典台词,希望对大家有所帮助。《海上钢琴师》唯美感伤台词:1、All that city you just couldn't see an end to it.城市那么大,看不到尽头。2、The end? Please? Can you please just ...

海上钢琴师台词英文 海上钢琴师台词
能帮忙告诉我《海上钢琴师》这部电影的一些经典台词吗(英文)? All that city you just couldn’t see an end to it. 城市那么大,看不到尽头。 The end? Please? Can you please just show me where it ends? 尽头在哪里?可以给我看看尽头么? It was all very final on that gangway and I was gran...

安定区18096373327: 最经典的电影台词有哪些?:
卜强达克: 海上钢琴师 经典台词:所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头.尽头?拜托!拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?当时,站在舷梯向外看还好.我那时穿着大衣,感觉也很棒,觉得...

安定区18096373327: 《海上钢琴师》最后的那段对白. -
卜强达克: “我宁可舍弃自己的生命,也不愿意在一个找不到尽头的世界生活,我之所以走到一半停下来,不是因为我所能见,而是我所不见……” 补充: 偌大 的城市,绵延无尽. 并非是我眼见的让我停住了脚步, 而是我所看不见的.你能明白吗? 拿 ...

安定区18096373327: 有关电影《海上钢琴师》的经典句子 -
卜强达克: 偌大的城市,你就是无法看见尽头. 当时,我站在舷梯向外看还好. 穿着你的大衣,感觉也很棒,觉得自己前途无量,然后我就要下船去. 放心!完全没问题! 可是,阻止了我的脚步的, 并不是我看见的东西,而是我无法看见的那些东...

安定区18096373327: 海上钢琴师里最经典的台词是什么
卜强达克: 陆地?陆地对我来说是一艘太大的船,一个太漂亮的女人,一段太长的旅行,一瓶太刺鼻的香水,一种我不会创作的音乐.我永远无法放弃这艘船,不过幸好,我可以放弃我的生命.反正没人记得我存在过,而你是例外,max,你是唯一一个知...

安定区18096373327: 《海上钢琴师》有哪些经典语段?
卜强达克: 《海上钢琴师》: 所有那些城市,你就是无法看见尽头.尽头?拜托!拜托你给我看它的尽头在哪?当时,站在舷梯向外看还好.我那时穿着大衣,感觉也很棒,觉得自己前途无量,然后我就要下船去.放心!完全没问题!可是,阻止了我的脚...

安定区18096373327: 海上钢琴师经典对白是什么? -
卜强达克: 海上钢琴师经典对白 整座城市,那么大一眼望不到尽头,无穷无尽麻 烦你告诉我,它的尽头在哪里? 走上舷梯的时候一切都很好,我穿着你送的大衣,信心百倍,看上去也一定很帅气,对于下船毫无疑问,毫无问题. 使我停下来的,不是我所...

安定区18096373327: 求《海上钢琴师》的几段台词.
卜强达克:我可以在有限的钢琴键中创造出无限的旋律,但我无法在无限的城市中,无尽的街道间找到属于我的空间. 这是个秘密,秘密是不应该被公开的. 令我恐惧的不是我所见,而是我所未见.

安定区18096373327: 海上钢琴师台词
卜强达克: 海上钢琴师经典台词 All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. ...

安定区18096373327: 《海上钢琴师》1900的台词 -
卜强达克: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=187311648&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=black596520&pn=0

安定区18096373327: 海上钢琴师 中的一句经典的话 -
卜强达克: We said goodbye, mouth, but we know that we will never meet in

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