
作者&投稿:书晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   生活中可以没有诗歌,但不能没有诗意;行进中可以没有道路,但不能没有前进的脚步。下面是我带来的简单的 英语诗歌 朗诵,欢迎阅读!


  DAY by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream.我每天把纸船一个个放在急流的溪中。

  In big black letters I write my name on them and the name of the village where I live.我用大黑字写我的名字和我住的村名在纸船上。

  I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am.我希望住在异地的人会得到这纸船,知道我是谁。

  I load my little boats with shiuli flowers from our garden, and hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried safely to land in the night.我把园中长的秀利花载在我的小船上,希望这些黎明开的花能在夜里被平平安安地带到岸上。

  I launch my paper boats and look up into the sky and see the little clouds setting their white bulging sails.我投我的纸船到水里,仰望天空,看见小朵的云正张着满鼓着风的白帆。

  I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats!我不知道天上有我的什么游伴把这些船放下来同我的船比赛!

  When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars.夜来了,我的脸埋在手臂里,梦见我的纸船在子夜的星光下缓缓地浮泛前去。

  The fairies of sleep are sailing in them, and the lading is their baskets full of dreams.睡仙坐在船里,带着满载着梦的篮子。
  水手 The sailor

  THE boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.船夫曼特胡的船只停泊在拉琪根琪码头。

  It is uselessly laden with jute, and has been lying there idle for ever so long.这只船无用地装载着黄麻,无所事事地停泊在那里已经好久了。

  If he would only lend me his boat, I should man her with a hundred oars, and hoist sails, five or six or seven.只要他肯把他的船借给我,我就给它安装一百只桨,扬起五个或六个或七个布帆来。

  I should never steer her to stupid markets. I should sail the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.我决不把它驾驶到愚蠢的市场上去。我将航行遍仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。

  But, mother, you won't weep for me in a corner.但是,妈妈,你不要躲在角落里为我哭泣。

  I am not going into the forest like Ramachandra to come back only after fourteen years.我不会像罗摩犍陀罗①似的,到森林中去,一去十四年才回来。

  I shall become the prince of the story, and fill my boat with whatever I like.我将成为 故事 中的王子,把我的船装满了我所喜欢的东西。

  I shall take my friend Ashu with me. We shall sail merrily across the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.我将带我的朋友阿细和我作伴,我们要快快乐乐地航行于仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。

  We shall set sail in the early morning light.我将在绝早的晨光里张帆航行。

  When at noontide you are bathing at the pond, we shall be in the land of a strange king.中午,你正在池塘里洗澡的时候,我们将在一个陌生的国王的国土上了。

  We shall pass the ford of Tirpurni, and leave behind us the desert of Tep?ntar.我们将经过特浦尼浅滩,把特潘塔沙漠抛落在我们的后边。

  When we come back it will be getting dark, and I shall tell you of all that we have seen.当我们回来的时候,天色快黑了,我将告诉你我们所见到的一切。

  I shall cross the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.我将越过仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。
  对岸 The further bank

  I LONG to go over there to the further bank of the river,我渴想到河的对岸去。

  Where those boats are tied to the bamboo poles in a line;在那边,好些船只一行儿系在竹杆上;

  Where men cross over in their boats in the morning with ploughs on their shoulders to till their far-away fields;人们在早晨乘船渡过那边去,肩上扛着犁头,去耕耘他们的远处的田;

  Where the cowherds make their lowing cattle swim across to the riverside pasture;在那边,牧人使他们鸣叫着的牛 游泳 到河旁的牧场去;

  Whence they all come back home in the evening, leaving the jackals to howl in the island overgrown with weeds,黄昏的时候,他们都回家了,只留下豺狼在这满长着野草的岛上哀叫。

  Mother, if you don't mind, I should like to become the boatman of the ferry when I am grown up.妈妈,如果你不在意,我长大的时候,要做这渡船的船夫。

  They say there are strange pools hidden behind that high bank,据说有好些古怪的池塘藏在这个高岸之后。

  Where flocks of wild ducks come when the rains are over, and thick reeds grow round the margins where waterbirds lay their eggs;雨过去了,一群一群的野鹜飞到那里去,茂盛的芦苇在岸边四围生长,水鸟在那里 生蛋;

  Where snipes with their dancing tails stamp their tiny footprints upon the clean soft mud;竹鸡带着跳舞的尾巴,将它们细小的足印印在洁净的软泥上;

  Where in the evening the tall grasses crested with white flowers invite the moonbeam to float upon their waves.黄昏的时候,长草顶着白花,邀月光在长草的波浪上浮游。

  Mother, if you don't mind, I should like to become the boatman of the ferryboat when I am grown up.妈妈,如果你不在意,我长大的时候,要做这渡船的船夫。

  I shall cross and cross back from bank to bank, and all the boys and girls of the village will wonder at me while they are bathing.我要自此岸至彼岸,渡过来,渡过去,所有村中正在那儿沐浴的男孩女孩,都要诧异地望着我。

  When the sun climbs the mid sky and morning wears on to noon, I shall come running to you, saying, "Mother, I am hungry!"太阳升到中天,早晨变为正午了,我将跑到你那里去,说道:“妈妈,我饿了!”

  When the day is done and the shadows cower under the trees, I shall come back in the dusk.一天完了,影子俯伏在树底下,我便要在黄昏中回家来。

  I shall never go away from you into the town to work like father.我将永不同爸爸那样,离开你到城里去作事。

  Mother, if you don't mind, I should like to become the boatman of the ferryboat when I am grown up.妈妈,如果你不在意,我长大的时候,要做这渡船的船夫。

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乐临芙宝: Please smile Mr.Jewel My world within you is so sweet And I will never forget How you stole my heart Please smile Shiny Jewel In my mind there's a stage Though it is not very large You can dance,rap,even just giggle Please smile My Jewel If one ...

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乐临芙宝:英文诗歌母亲 Happy Mothers Day Happy Mothers Day means moreThan have a happy day.Within those words lie lots of thingsWe never get to say. It means I love you first of all,Then thanks for all you do.It means you mean a lot to me,And that I ...

万全县18841634455: 谁有短小的适合朗诵的英语诗歌,最好有配乐,先谢谢了! -
乐临芙宝: These things can never die这些美好不会消逝 --Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯 The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的, That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的, The impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的, The dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;

万全县18841634455: 最近我要参加英语朗诵比赛,求一篇朗诵诗歌三分钟以内的 -
乐临芙宝:[答案] 英语诗歌朗诵稿(一) 《These Things Shall Never Die 》这些美好不会消逝 By --Charles Dickens/查尔斯.狄更斯 The pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的, That stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的...

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乐临芙宝: Mother Machree 慈母颂 There's a spot in my heart which no colleen may own; There's a depth in my soul never sounded or known; 在我心中有那么一隅, 任何少女也不能占据. 它埋在我灵魂的深处, 我从不声张从不表露. There's a ...

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乐临芙宝: 1、Love is more than a word it says so much. When I see these four letters, I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven't got a clue. Love不单是一个字, 它还代表了许多意涵, 当我看到...

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