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英文 时态 造句 每种时态5个~

一般现在时:I read this book everyday.我每天都读这本书。
The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。(公理、定理等)
I don't want to go there.我不想去那里。
I love beautiful music.我喜欢优美的音乐。
Do you have your own e-mail?你有自己的邮箱吗?

一般过去时:I went back home yesterday.我昨天回家了。
They bought it for me as a present.他们为我买了这个作为礼物。
She didn’t go to school last Monday.她上个周一没有去学校
I was student 10 years ago.我十年前曾是个学生。
My brother won a basketball game last week.我哥哥上周赢了一场篮球比赛。

现在进行时:I'm standing under the tree.我正站在树下。
I’m waiting for another bus.我正在等另一辆公共汽车。
She is watching TV at home.她正在家里看电视。
The teacher is telling stories to the students.老师正在为学生讲故事。
Are you walking to the supermarket?你正走去超市吗?

一般将来时:I will do my homework tomorrow.我将会在明天做我的作业。
The sport-meeting is going to be held next month.运动会将会在下个月举行。
Our family is having a trip tomorrow.我们一家明天要去旅行。
All will be prepared for the party.所有派对要用的东西都将会准备好。
The cake will be ate up soon.蛋糕很快就会被吃光了。

You have a ball.你有个球。
She does well.她做的好。
Suddenly Lucy find her car.突然露西找到了她的车。
Suicide lead people to the hell.自杀会使人们坠入地狱。
I really hate you.我真的恨你。
You had a ball.你过去有个球。
She did well.她曾做的很好。
Lucy found her car yesterday.昨天露西找到了她的车。
Suicide led him to the hell.自杀使他坠入地狱。
I really hated you at that time.那时候我真的恨你。
You are playing ball.你正玩球。
She is doing well.她正做的很好。
Lucy is looking for her car.露西正在找着她的车。
Peter is killing himself now.彼得正自杀呢。
I am laughing at you.我正在嘲笑你。

I have a toy.
I had a toy.
I have bought a toy.
By twelve o'clock today,I had bought fifteen toys.
I am going to/will buy a toy.
(可以把toy换成paper/sweet/book/apple/pear/notebook/ruler/pen/clothes/computer/banana/card/bag/cupboard/bowl/spoon/chair/dress/ring/necklace/bed/speaker/pencil/rubber/knife/dictionary/football/basketball/tennis ball)一共30个,150句。。。。。



10.It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,仔细考虑一下吧。To take one's time in eating 细嚼慢咽 11.She took up the narrative where John had left off.她接著讲约翰未讲完的故事。

电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。2. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms.大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。3. A week consist of seven days.一星期由七天组成。4. The destroyer's armament consist of several small ...

1.I wanna do an interview with the vampire.2 The manager asked me to write a review about the latest situation of the market. 3.I do suggest you learning English hard. 4.The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon. 5 ,Finally ,I got it .6 He ...

1The area should be made as quiet as possible.受灾区域应尽可能保持安静。A few hours past freshness and the cheese is as quiet as a mouse .等到放上几个小时,这些起司咬起来可就跟滑鼠一样安静了。2、My ears as good as yours .我的耳朵和你的一样好。He was as good as dead ...

为某人安排某事物;向某人提供某事物 3.presume on sb's good nature, e.g. by asking for help 利用某人的好心肠(如请求帮助)4.Blook to sb for sth; Blook to sb to do sthbrely on or expect sb to provide sth or do sth 依赖或指望某人提供或做某事物 5.be impossible for sb ...

The knife did not pierce very deeply.刀扎得不很深。They have licensed the private hotel.他们已发了许可证给那家私人旅馆。I was silly to get out in the cold without a coat.我真傻, 大冷天没穿外衣就出门了。

英语 短语 是贯穿 英语学习 的第二法宝,必须熟练掌握英语短语的使用。为了帮助大家熟悉英语短语的运用,下面我为大家带来30个英语短语带 造句 ,欢迎大家学习!30个英语短语造句: 1) how about ...怎么样 How about this decision?2) in all 总共,合计 It is 60 dollars in all...

would rather do sth than do sth: If I were you, I would rather give it up than strive for it all the time.from home and abroad: He is famous as a scientist from home and abroad.in memory of : In memory of those soldiers who was dead in the war, they built a ...

1:Sports have something to do with health.运动对健康有影响。He must have something to do with the murder.他跟这起谋杀案一定有关。Does that have something to do with faith also?这是不是和信仰有那么一点儿关系?2:Don't make promises when you are happy 不要做出承诺你什么时候...

1、You shouldn't be angry with him.(你不应该生他的气)I'm angry with people who is always late.(对于经常迟到的人,我感到很生气)2、You should keep a balanced diet to stay healthy.(为了保持健康,你应该有一个均衡的饮食)She keeps a balanced diet to lose weight.(她通过...

驿城区17658737509: 30个单词或短语造句(用5中时态)用一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时和一般将来时找30个单词或短语造句1个单词或短语要用5中时态,... -
农苗康乐:[答案] I have a toy. I had a toy. I have bought a toy. By twelve o'clock today,I had bought fifteen toys. I am going to/will buy a toy. (可... necklace/bed/speaker/pencil/rubber/knife/dictionary/football/basketball/tennis ball)一共30个,150句. 要加分(⊙o⊙)哦~

驿城区17658737509: 请帮我找一下英语5种时态的造句每句10个 -
农苗康乐: 1.一般现在时 He(she,they) is(are) a boy (girl). 2.一般过去时 He(she,they) was(were) a teacher (solidier). 3.正在进行时 He(she,they) is(are) writing(swimming) 4.现在完成时 He (she,they) has (have) finished the work (gone away) 5.过去完成时 He (she,they) had finished the work (gone away)

驿城区17658737509: 英语五个时态造句...急 -
农苗康乐: she is play computer she was playing computer last week on sunday she is going to play computer she has been play computer she is playing computer

驿城区17658737509: 用六种以上的语法时态各完成五句书面表达?高一的教材中总结出30个以上的单词的不同语法,时态变化用法 -
农苗康乐:[答案] 1. I am a doctor and have been working in the hospital for twenty years. 2. The hospital came into being in 1956 The beds here has reached 600. 3. All the patients here are being well treated every day and they are satisfied with the service and facilities ...

驿城区17658737509: 用英语的4种时态造句. -
农苗康乐: 现在时(1)I get up at 6 in the morning. 我每天六点起床.(2)The sun rises in the east.(3)Can you give me an apple? (4) Are you ready?(5)Read after me please. 将来时(1)I will go shopping tomorrow. 明天我要购物.(2)I am going to visit my ...

驿城区17658737509: 英语五大时态造句(陈述句不要别的,只要陈述句 -
农苗康乐: 一般现在时的构成 1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它.如: I am a boy.我是一个男孩.

驿城区17658737509: 求十二个英语造句,分别用十二句时态 -
农苗康乐: 现以“I”为主语,“do”为动词,把这十二种时态以实例表达如下:(例序即为时态的次序) 1.I do my homework every day. (1. 一般现在时) (我每天都做作业.) 2.I did my homework yesterday. (2. 一般过去时) (昨天我做了家庭作业.) 3.I ...

驿城区17658737509: 求英语五种时态的例句,各两个(一般现在时,一般过去式,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时)必须原创 -
农苗康乐: 一般现在时:I like drawing. Every evening,my mother looks through magzines at home. 一般过去式:He was a teacher. He got great progress in his English last year.现在进行时:I am playing computer games. I am reading books.现在完成时:...

驿城区17658737509: 用下列6个时态各造一个英语句子: 1、一般现在时. 2、现在进行时. 3、一般过去时. 4、现在完 -
农苗康乐: I like apple I am reading I went to Shanghai 10 days ago I have read a book 3和5重复了 我按照顺序下来的

驿城区17658737509: 请用英语16种时态造同一个句子 -
农苗康乐: 补充: 权威在这里: 应AJAX要求,我来少少解释. 不妨设置几个角色.这个做飞行员的叫阿呆,今年40岁.他有个老爸.我们为每个句子设置个场景. 一、以下这几个是基本时态,应该没什么悬念. 1.一般现在时:he is a pilot. 2.一般过去时...

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