A)nearly B)almost C)hardly D)mostly

作者&投稿:鄣苗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Those who like listening to pop music are ____ young people A.mostly B.almost C.nearly D.most~




It’s a mistake they almost always make.


Dinner’s almost ready.


He’s almost six feet tall.


(2)用于no, nobody, none 之前,表示“实际上,简直”等,如:

Almost no one believed him.



We’re mostly out on Sundays.

1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可。almost不能用not修饰。 2)nearly表示“接近”。常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearly. not修饰nearly 意为“远非”,“远不及”。 如: He almost knocked me down before he saw me. 他看到我之前差点把我撞倒。 Almost no one(=Hardly anyone)believes her.几乎没有人相信她。 He said almost nothing worth listening to. 他说几乎没什么值得听的东西。 They are nearly at the end of their journey. 他们快结束旅行了。

1C 根据句意 他很害怕他几乎不知道说什么

2 A 病人变得越来越削弱,ill 可修饰人表生病的 虚弱的,但是bad-worse-worst 表程度或坏的

3 A 要选择修饰电影的形容词,exciting修饰物,excited修饰人
4B 后者的,后来的

5A nothing 定语后置

nearly和almost的意思很接近,表面意思都是“几乎、差不多”。但almost比nearly的差距更小。从说话人的心理角度来讲, almost暗含"还有距离",nearly暗含"似无差别"。本题的句子是想表达“我有20块钱,但这几乎不够我的路费”,意指钱太少了。所以almost是更确切的。

almost后跟nothing,nobody,no one之类的词,
nearly与否定词搭配是not nearly


兴海县17783357184: - This summer is very hot. - Yes,but it's not - --as hot as last summer. -
毅舒乙肝: almost与nearly倒是比较容易混淆的.下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别: 1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可.almost不能用not修饰. 2)nearly表示“接近”.常可与almost换用,但...

兴海县17783357184: 1.There was - ________nothing in the building.A.nearly B.almost 答案是什么,原因.2.--You have never been to the new restaurant,have you?--__________,The... -
毅舒乙肝:[答案] 请稍等!我来说说清楚! 1、B、almost.句意:此建筑物里几乎没有任何东西. 近义词:almost 与 nearly 辨析 almost:能与 never、no、none、nothing、nobody、nowhere 等连用,这种情况下不能用nearly. nearly:可以和 not 连用,not nearly 是“...

兴海县17783357184: 形容词,副词语法题:(B) 1.There was - ______ - no snow that winter.A.nearly B.almostC.quite D.hardly析:nearly 和 almost 怎么区分?(C)2.The stars ... -
毅舒乙肝:[答案] (1)这个不知道..好象是nearly表示肯定吧,almost表示否定 (2)原句意思是:当没有月光时,星星是最亮的 因此用最高级 就是加the 再加最高级 即the brightest 题目答案是否有误? (3)这题的本意你就理解错了,应该是这种水果的味道比看起来更...

兴海县17783357184: The people are - ____ - young workers between the age of twenty and thirty. -
毅舒乙肝:[选项] A. nearly B. almostC. mostly D. most

兴海县17783357184: There is - -- - no water in the glass. A.nearly B.almost C.near D.most -
毅舒乙肝: B.almost nearly大多数情况下等同于almost 但是,nearly不可以用于否定句中,almost可以用于否定句中,nearly almost解释为“几乎”.near 近的意思 most 大多数

兴海县17783357184: I - _ - never see him. -
毅舒乙肝:[选项] A. nearly B. almost C. just D. only 选什么为什么

兴海县17783357184: he told me that( )nothing there was worth looking into.
毅舒乙肝: 答案B 〔析〕 nearly 与 almost的含意相近,在很多场合可以互换,但在否定词前用almost. 如 〔误〕 She said nearly nothing.إ 〔正〕 She said almost nothing.إ

兴海县17783357184: The meeting was long and the speakers said - _ - nothing worth listening to. -
毅舒乙肝:[选项] A. nearly B. almost C. mostly D. possibly 请问为什么B不对啊

兴海县17783357184: A)nearly B)almost C)hardly D)mostlyI have 20 dollars ,but that isn't - ______ - enough for my trip.A)nearly B)almost C)hardly D)mostly最好每一个都讲讲为什么... -
毅舒乙肝:[答案] 我用排除法:hardly意思是“几乎不”,本身就包含了否定意味,所以不能用.mostly意思是“大部分地,主要地”,意思就不对.nearly和almost的意思很接近,表面意思都是“几乎、差不多”.但almost比nearly的差距更小.从说话...

兴海县17783357184: nearly almost______everyone knows how Tom got his Aunt Polly's fence painted.A.nearly B.almost请问用哪一个 为什么? -
毅舒乙肝:[答案] 选A nearly. 虽然说,ALMOST= NEARLY ,但老外很少用ALMOST EVERYBODY,USUALLY USE “ NEARLY EVERYBODY” "almost"和"nearly"的区别: almost与nearly比较容易混淆的.下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别: 1)almost强调“差一...

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