
作者&投稿:干潘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 我被允许自己一个人等待着桌子
2. 我的妻子需要拿回她的助步器
3. 我曾拼命思考要说什么,感觉十分警惕
4. 第二天,我的父亲拿出了他小时候的照片,给我讲了不少他童年时期的故事。尽管我和他的关系在过了这么些年之后有所缓和,我从没觉得和他像这时候那样亲近。过了这么多年,我终于见识到了父亲的另一面。这样做,让我很开心的跟我的新朋友(这里应该是指父亲)相处。在父亲在亚利桑那的新家,他终于真正意义上的回到了我的身边。



1.the lesson we learnt yesterday was very difficult.
2.you could take any book you are interested in .
3.this is the best movie displayed last month
4.people like to live in a place with fresh air and little noise.
5.1949 witnessed the found of new china
6.we met Jany on the english party last week.
7.the girl you saw on the meeting was a famous swimmer.
8.he was the guy who we had seen his picture in the newpaper yesterday.
9.he was very happy on the first day he went to the college
10.I don't understand why he could make such a mistake.
11.please ask me on the problem I don't make it clear
12.I have walked for more than 20 miles at my utmost best.
13.he was the man i met on the prohibition
14.do not read the book beyond your understanding.
15.is this the student you have lent dictionary to ?
16.is this the new novel you have talked a lot?
17.the man i talked with in the zoo yesterday was a engineer,and also was my father's friend.
18.the house with red roof was destroyed.
19.this is the factory i have worked for.
20.this is the factory i have visited to .
21.the same with 18
22.this is your third time for late
23.this the most interesting novel that i have read
24.please read the books you like
25.the same with 16

1. Yesterday we learned that lesson well understood

2. You can take any of you are interested in a book

3. This is the best release this month of a film

4. People like to live in fresh air, noise little place

5.1949 was the year of the birth of New China

6. Are in English evening last week, we met Jenny

7. At the meeting, you see that girl is a well-known swimmer

8. He is what we saw yesterday in the newspaper photos of the Worker

9. Him that day into the University are very pleased

10. I do not quite understand that he has committed such an error

11. I did not make it clear what, you just ask me

12. I walked as far more than 20 years to

13. He is what I encountered in the exhibition that person

14. Do not read those books you do not look

15. This is the dictionary you lend him that students?

16. This is what your talking about so many of the new novel that it?

17. Yesterday at the zoo and I speak to him the person is an engineer, a friend of my father

18. Roofs are red house was destroyed

19. This is me working factories

20. That is why I visited the factory

21. Roofs are red house was destroyed

22. This is your third late

23. This is what I have read the most interesting novel

24. Read those books as you like

25. This is what your talking about so many of the new novel that you

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大三学生和大四学生用英文怎么翻译 谢谢
大三学生 junior Junior还可以用来表示下级的、年少的、晚进的,用作形容词。大四学生 senior Senior还可以用来高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的,用作形容词。大一学生 freshman Freshman, 还可以用来指其它领域的新手,比如说, "a freshman Senator," 指任期第一年的国会参议员...

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翻译 中译英

朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。( have a debt) 求翻译成英语
朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。His friends have helped him a lot and he owes them a debt of gratitude。帮忙可用Help,表示欠某人人情,表感激的意思可用owe,但后面需接宾语。翻译的句子时态应该用过去式,因为帮了他很多忙是已经发生了的事。重点词汇解释:1、help vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;...

星期一到星期日对应的英文翻译分别是:星期一 Monday,星期二 Tuesday,星期三 Wednesday,星期四 Thursday,星期五 Friday,星期六 Saturday,星期日 Sunday。1、星期制的老祖宗,是在东方的古巴比伦和古犹太国一带,犹太人把它传到古埃及,又由古埃及传到罗马,公元三世纪以后,就广泛地传播到欧洲各国。

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员明保利: 1、He is a good guy who can work with together. 2、He has already in the good habit of reading carefully.(in the habit of...是“养成...习惯”的意思)也可翻成:(1).Reading carefully has become a good habit for him. (2).He has got into the good ...

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