歌舞青春 英文简评

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歌舞青春 英语影评~

This movie is about the life in the high school. The wonderful songs in it are really amazing. Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball.
  Both of them want to find their music dream. And they thought that the mind of other people are really important to them atfirst. And they didn't live very happy. But now they find that others' minds aren't the most important thing to them. What's the most important is your dream and the things you want to do.
  We can aslo know that don't care others' mind very much. Just do the things you like

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 一首《start of something new》开始了一段充满活力的青春,充满青春活力的感觉让人羡慕不已,这正是〈〈歌舞青春〉〉的魅力所在。


  面对有些神经质的老师,不理解,但支持自己的父亲,和一群为面子而做自己并不愿意的事情的朋友,能做的是找到自己并帮助朋友找到他们自己。与此同时上帝赐给了他一件美丽的礼物那就是盖比*瑞拉。 面对盖比*瑞拉,特洛伊找到了自己,即使有骄傲自负的夏佩姐第从中阻挠也无济于事,夏佩对这次不小的打击似乎也找到自己的位置。最后以大团圆的结局让看完的人们会心一笑,似乎找到了自己曾经或现在的青春活力。




  作为一部优秀的歌舞电影,在镜头和场面调度上也下足了工夫,给观众的流畅舒适的视觉感受。优美的音乐,轻松的视觉享受只有两个个字可以解释——美妙。这条评论对我有用没用1/1人认为本影评有用 | 回复话题回复 504 人想看 288 人已看过

这是第一篇 有点长... ...

High School Musical> is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the film is neither as <the United States to send> just so funny and serious, unlike <EUROPE TRIP> so colorful, unlike the <Mixed hostel> so difficult to obscure, not <life-giving spring breeze> of the older generation, and other inspirational preaching wealth to the movies then, not more <boy hip-hop> <girl cheerleaders> then a single, and at the same time have their own distinct characteristics . Of course, the most distinctive features of music, beautiful melodies, the voice actor is also a super-Chan, Troy's voice is pure, without impurities, in particular, to grasp some of the bass, treble, but it is a pity that some of the occasional break to sing. Gabriella's voice is clear, great treble. Ryan I appreciate very much a role, not artificial voice, singing school songs for singing RAP, R & B, what would be the ideal. Sharpay's voice, of course, very artificial, you compare her to speak and sing to know. All in all, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the quartet I really had a beautiful, as if Nature, when singing their grasp of eye contact is also in place. The first screen test at the same song by two pairs of two kinds of people out of style interpretation, and there is great taste. As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed.

Troy I am not a role like that feeling is hard to be made out of, the kind of body height should not be playing basketball, Shuai do, I think not Shuai Ryan, and Ryan wearing a lot less than that also. Gabriella this role well, very pure, Mexico should be the origin, of course, I have reservations about this style of female appearance, coupled with the all-A Health a good voice, should constitute an element of good girls, not to mention her There are a pair of talking eyes. Ryan and I really appreciate too, although some artificial performance, but was wearing envied people dressed, perfectly clean face jealous people, the quality is very good, Sharpay in the side I think he's much more vigorous and even shine. I do not want to evaluate more than Sharpay, I did not like this type of girl, she reminds me of me a painful girls, the same beautiful colors, the same Xingaoqiao, who do not care about her pay, even like Those who do not like her very much like the fate of. Zeke and Chade hard to make up a pair of I do not agree with very much, Kelsi was a very lovely girls, I really appreciate his ugly duckling type of character, a small body in a vast reservoir of strength and stunning beauty, waiting for the real Her understanding of the people to discover.

The film, of course, there are deficiencies, as the songs in order to emphasize the sense of the scene, a bit like a shot of the MV ordinary music or movies (especially the singing actor into the future), this can not be reflected as an inspirational film school youth The nature of the. But also because of restrictions on film, and some cases where the development of some haste, in order to pursue the plot twists and turns, an increase of too much coincidence, but some modeling.

In general, the Department is a very good film, worthy of recommendation, I have been looking forward to tomorrow, a Data.

第二篇,比较适合你的要求... ..
This movie is about the life in the high school. The wonderful songs in it are really amazing. Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball. They met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. They had a really good time and became friends. Both of them wanted to find their music dream.And then after the winter break,they decided to run for a part in their school’s musical.But Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical,tried their best to stop them. But Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, So they got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.

This movie was made by Disney company.It's a movie that are about some high school students'lives.wherever they are,they are always singing and dancing.They can regard every problem as a chance to show.I think they are so confidend that they can do well.They show a lot of energy no matter what they do.I have learnt a lot from the movie.Maybe we should be confident of ourselves.Be active to face any trouble,even though we can't deal with it.

你可以三篇综合一下,希望可以帮到你啊 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

This is a Disney Channel Original Movie.While on a New Year's Eve vacation,high school hoops star Troy and brainy Gabriella - two teens who are worlds apart - meet.
During a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other.After vacation,Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school.Troy and Gabriella decide to audition for the upcoming high school musical.Troy's new friend Chad and Gabriella's new friend Taylor discourage them from moving forward with their plans.But it's Ryan and his sister Sharpay - who really try to thwart their efforts.Find out how Gabriella and Troy's decision to audition turns their world and their school upside down!

This movie is about the life in the high school. The wonderful songs in it are really amazing. Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball.
Both of them want to find their music dream. And they thought that the mind of other people are really important to them at first. And they didn't live very happy. But now they find that others' minds aren't the most important thing to them. What's the most important is your dream and the things you want to do.
We can aslo know that don't care others' mind very much. Just do the things you like .

翠峦区17272383516: 歌舞青春 英语影评 -
邬冠芪风: This movie is about the life in the high school. The wonderful songs in it are really amazing. Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball. Both of them want to find their music dream. And they thought that ...

翠峦区17272383516: 用英文写“歌舞青春”的影评,60个词以上 -
邬冠芪风:[答案] I heard the film's name , but I had no chance to appreciate it until last night , I have appreciated it .The students are very cool, they are good at playing basketball or learning . In a wo...

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邬冠芪风:[答案] There were some big questions going into "High School Musical 3: Senior Year," not the least of which was whether its concept is cinematically "worthy." After all, there are other television projects that were similarly popular with audiences but still ...

翠峦区17272383516: 歌舞青春英文观后感最好是简洁,适合用于英语口语,3分钟之内能说得完的, -
邬冠芪风:[答案] 歌舞青春1:As basketball tatent boy Troy did not reject all hope,also did not give up the pursuit of dreams,a happy confidence.Gabriella's intelligence,she will learn and interest is better,because sh...

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邬冠芪风: .《歌舞青春》是一部青春励志篇.它以青春为主线,通过活力四射的舞蹈与美妙无比的音乐讲述了一个曲折动人的故事,将一群少男少女的青春激情表现地淋漓尽致. 故事发生在东部高中.一些快要毕业的学生为了“是否该在毕业前这段忙碌...

翠峦区17272383516: 用英文写“歌舞青春”的影评,要原创!!60个词以上 -
邬冠芪风: I heard the film's name , but I had no chance to appreciate it until last night , I have appreciated it . The students are very cool, they are good at playing basketball or learning . In a word , I like them, like their life , they are really happy high school ...

翠峦区17272383516: 急求”用英文描述歌舞青春这个故事”不知从什么方面写,要简写大概240左右 -
邬冠芪风:[答案] 竴閮?细5涓?増链?细1 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party.They became friends,and expected not to see each other again.But then,Gabr...

翠峦区17272383516: 歌舞青春 英文简评 -
邬冠芪风: This is a Disney Channel Original Movie.While on a New Year's Eve vacation,high school hoops star Troy and brainy Gabriella - two teens who are worlds apart - meet.During a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in ...

翠峦区17272383516: 求歌舞青春的英文观后感、、简单一点的哦=.= -
邬冠芪风:[答案] My Review on High School Musical After watching the movie,I have to say it is more than just a movie .I learned a lot from it which one can not fully understand by reading our textbooks only. The first thing I learned is that we should learn to change .Don...

翠峦区17272383516: 关于歌舞青春的英语版读后感
邬冠芪风: 《歌舞青春》是获得国际殊荣最多的青少年电视电影之一,目前为止已经获得艾美奖6项提名、2项艾美奖以及全美青少年票选的3项大奖;其原声带在去年更是成为全美年度专辑销售总冠军. 这部好评如潮的迪士尼原创电视电影在美国首播当日...

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