
作者&投稿:枞泼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




天上有多少星光 世间有多少女孩.
So many stars up there in the sky and so many girls down here passing by;
但天上只有一个月亮 世间只有一个你.
But the moon stands alone in the night and in my world only you stay by my side;
Countless dreams I've had, with your images flashing by;
Into many a fantasies I've dived, only to seek your warmth there inside;
Endless prayers I've had said, wishing nothing but to see your smile.
May the God of fate bring me your figure, your sound, your remembrance..
i miss u
but it makes no difference.
during day and night
in every single moment
your finger tips sweep over the corner of my eyes,
一如你的音容, 踪影不见,
like the lonely dreams I've had
唯余丝丝凉意, 款款柔情在我心
they drift away leaving no trace behind,
taking away the warmth of your smile.
when it shows on your face
i think im in the Garden of Eden
its so sweet that can melt my heart.
Is it supposed be winnter?Why i feel so warm just like summer?
oh,because of you spending time with me.
I can feel the sun shiner.Even the smiling of all kinds of flower.
i love u,the amazing love just like a circle.
no orgin,and never end.


1 优秀是一种习惯
Excellence is a type of convention.
2 生命是一种过程
Life is a process.
3 两点之间最短的距离并不一定是直线
The shortest distance between two points may not be straight line.
4 只有知道如何停止的人才知道如何加快速度
Only the one who knows stop knows how to speed up.
5 放弃是一种智慧,缺陷是一种恩惠
Abjuration is sort of intelligence, limitation is sort of benefaction.
6 幸福或许不排名次,但成功比排名次
There may not be any order for happiness but success.
7 这一切都会过去的。
All will be past.

1. Excellence is a habbit.
2. Life is a process.
3. The shortest distance between two points is not necessary a straight line.
4. Only the one who knows how to stop knows hows to accelerate.
5. Giving up is a kind of wisdom and imperfection is a gift.
6. There is no distinction for happiness but for success.
7. All these will be gone.

1. Being excellent is a habit.

2. Life is a process.

3. The shortest distance between two point might not only be a straight line.

4. The one who knows when to stop is the one who knows how to accelerate.

5. Giving up is a wisdom, imperfection is a gift.

6. There are no ranking in happiness, but in success.

7. All these shall pass

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⒈翻译:A.独下帏绝编,迨能倍诵乃止。 B.用力多者收功远。 ⒉解释句中的字:A.患记忆不若人 [患]: B.众兄弟既成诵 [既]: C.乃终身不忘也 [乃]: D.或在马上 [或]: ⒊在下列句中加一个逗号:司马温公幼时患记忆不若人 ⒋能概括本文主旨的句子是___,文中"独下帏绝编"是说司马光勤奋苦读的,...

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