求动画版NANA 片尾曲a little pain

作者&投稿:杜莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
动漫《nana》的片尾曲《A Little Pain》(急用)!!!!!!~


a little pain A Little Pain OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST) - A Little PainTravel to the moon 君は眠り 梦を解(と)く【你沉沉睡去 解读梦境】 谁もいない 星の光 操(あやつ)りながら【谁也不在 只有触手可及般的星光】 强(つよ)くなるため 忘れた笑颜(えがお)【为了要变得坚强而遗忘的笑容】 きっと二人なら 取(と)り戻(もど)す【一定要两人一起找回来】 気づいて【快发现】 I'm here waiting for you 今とは违(ちが)う未来があっても【即使未来与现在不同】 I'm here waiting for you 叫(さけ)び続(つづ)けて【一直不停呼唤】 きっと心は つなぐ糸をたぐってる【我们的心之间一定被命运之线牵引着】 あの顷(ころ)の私 目を覚(さ)ますように【那时的我 醒了过来】 No need to cry Travel in silence 手をのばせば 触(ふ)れるのに【仿佛伸出手就能触摸到】 君は远(とお)い それは 思い出(た)の中のこと 【你却如此遥远 那些都只是回忆中的事】 声(こえ)が闻(き)こえる 目を闭(と)じれば【闭上双眼就能听到你的声音】 小さな痛みさえ いとしくて【小小的痛楚也化为爱意】 见つめて【看着吧】 I'm here waiting for you 风に吹(ふ)かれ 一人迷っても【即使独自一人迷失在猎猎风中】 I'm here waiting for you 空を见上(あ)げて【仰望天空】 ずっと心は 手を広げて守ってる【一直张开手臂守护着彼此的心】 あの顷の君が 振り返るまで【那时的你 回眸】 No need to cry (Feel something Feel nothing Listen closely Listen closely) Wide open ears Disarm the dream tickler In the constant moment (You will find me where it's quiet Listen closely Listen closely) Let the blood flow Through all the spaces Of the universe 很高心那个为你解答。

[00:00.00]a little pain
[00:08.00]OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST)
[00:24.54]Travel to the moon
[00:30.59]君は眠り 梦を解く
[00:36.62]谁もいない 星の光 操りながら
[00:49.98]强くなるため 忘れた笑颜
[00:54.98]きっと二人なら 取り戻す
[01:05.57]I'm here waiting for you
[01:11.65]I'm here waiting for you
[01:17.69]きっと心は つなぐ糸をだぐってる
[01:23.79]あの顷の私 目を覚ますように
[01:28.95]no need? to cry
[01:49.76]Travel in silence
[01:55.69]手を伸ばせば 触れるのに
[02:01.80]君は远い それは 思い出の中のこと
[02:15.08]声が闻こえる 目を闭じれば
[02:19.50]小さな痛みさえ いとしくて
[02:30.65]I'm here waiting for you
[02:33.32]风に吹かれ 一人迷っても
[02:36.75]I'm here waiting for you
[02:42.75]ずっと心は 手を広げて守ってる
[02:48.86]あの顷の君が 振り返るまで
[02:53.86]no need? to cry
[03:25.02]Wide open ears(Feel something Feel nothing Listen closely Listen closely)
[03:30.42]Disarm the dream tickler
[03:35.95]In the constant moment(You will find me Where it's quiet Listen closely Listen closely)
[03:42.92]Let the blood flow
[03:45.05]Through all the spaces
[03:48.80]Of the universe
[03:52.60]I'm here waiting for you
[03:58.72]I'm here waiting for you
[04:04.78]きっと心は つなぐ糸をだぐってる
[04:10.84]あの顷の私 目を覚ますように
[04:15.95]no need? to cry



Just a little bit of love
I was alone, I was afraid
I couldn't face another day of pain in my life oh oh oh
I called your name and you were there
Just like an answer to a prayer
You made it all right oh yeah

So I give my heart
And I give my soul to you oh I do
And now I know
I know I found the truth oh hey

Just a little bit of love's gonna turn it around
A little bit of love can do it
And just a little bit of love's gonna turn it
Around, and around, and around, oh yeah

I found the truth I found the way
I'm standing in the light of day
I got the power
I'm not worried any longer
No I'm only getting stronger by the hour

You can move a mountain
Or calm the stormy sea
There's no doubt about it
I truly do believe

Just a little bit of love's gonna turn it around
A little bit of love can do it
And just a little bit love's gonna turn it
Around, around, and around, oh yeah

Just a little bit of love's gonna turn it around
A little bit of love can do it
And just a little bit of love's gonna turn it
Around, and around, and around


And it can free your mind
Yes it can free your soul
Yes it can free your mind
And it can free your soul
Bit of love...
Just a little bit of love
Free your soul let it go let it go
Just a little bit of love just a little bit of love yeah

Just a little bit of love's gonna turn it around
A little bit of love can do it
And just a little bit of love's gonna turn it
Around, and around, and around

Just a little bit of love's gonna turn it around
A little bit of love can do it
And just a little bit of love's gonna turn it
Around, and around, and around
A little bit of love...just a little bit


加查县18011523919: 动漫版《娜娜》的片尾曲名
盖注引阳: a little pain 很不错的歌很喜欢

加查县18011523919: 《NANA》(动漫的)的片尾曲叫什么名字?
盖注引阳: 片头1-rose/土屋アソナ 片头2-Wish/OLIVIA 片头3-Lucy/土屋アソナ 片尾1-alittle pain/OLIVIA 片尾2-Starless Night/OLIVIA 片尾3-黑い泪/土屋アソナ 片尾4-Winter sleep/OLIVIA 片尾5-Stand by me/土屋アソナ

加查县18011523919: 谁知道动画片《NANA》的片尾曲叫什么名字?
盖注引阳: 插曲shadow of love 片头1-rose/土屋アソナ 片头2-Wish/OLIVIA 片头3-Lucy/土屋アソナ 片尾1-a little pain/OLIVIA 片尾2-Starless Night/OLIVIA 片尾3-黑い泪/土屋アソナ 片尾4-Winter sleep/OLIVIA 片尾5-Stand by me/土屋アソナ OST-ZERO/土屋ア...

加查县18011523919: 求nana这部动漫的几首片尾曲 -
盖注引阳: 片尾1-a little pain/演唱OLIVIA片尾2-Starless Night/演唱OLIVIA片尾3-黑い泪/演唱土屋アソナ片尾4-Winter sleep/演唱OLIVIA 片尾5-Stand by me/演唱土屋アソナ

加查县18011523919: 谁知道《NANA》的片尾曲是什麽?~~~!!
盖注引阳: 动画主题曲 片头1-rose/土屋アソナ 片头2-Wish/OLIVIA 片头3-Lucy/土屋アソナ 片尾1-alittle pain/OLIVIA 片尾2-Starless Night/OLIVIA 片尾3-黑い泪/土屋アソナ 片尾4-Winter sleep/OLIVIA 片尾5-Stand by me/土屋アソナ

加查县18011523919: 《NANA》动画版完整片尾曲
盖注引阳: 你是要动画结束时的那一段吧 歌曲录音的时候好象没有录到 建议你如果想要的话 从网上下载一个音频剪辑器 然后就可以按照自己喜欢的长度直接从动画里把音乐剪辑下来 这是最好的办法 因为动画里总会根据剧情需要 拉长或者剪短歌曲 而出唱片的时候则不会考虑这个因素

加查县18011523919: 动画片《娜娜》的片尾曲
盖注引阳: nana 之前的一个片尾曲a little pain 是olivia 唱的,你在百度的mp3里搜一下就有了, 片头曲 rose 你也可以在百度的mp3里直接搜才出来的,不过你要找一下. 现在nana 又有新的片头曲和片尾曲了,分别是wish 和 starless night 两首都是olivia 唱...

加查县18011523919: 哪位知道动画片娜娜片尾曲叫什么名?是谁唱的?
盖注引阳: 是《a little pain》 以下是歌词 a little pain OLIVIA inspi' REIRA (TRAPNEST) Travel to the moon 君(きみ)は眠(ねむ)り 梦(ゆめ)を解(と)く 谁(だれ)もいない 星(ほし)の光(ひかり) 操(あやつ)りながら 强(つよく)くなるた...

加查县18011523919: 求动画《NANA》的全部歌名字! -
盖注引阳: 片头1-rose/土屋アソナ片头2-Wish/OLIVIA片头3-Lucy/土屋アソナ片尾1-a little pain/OLIVIA片尾2-Starless Night/OLIVIA片尾3-黑い泪/土屋アソナ片尾4-Winter sleep/OLIVIA片尾5...

加查县18011523919: 动漫版NANA中的歌 -
盖注引阳: 主题曲、片尾曲 片头1-rose/土屋アソナ 片头2-Wish/OLIVIA 片头3-Lucy/土屋アソナ 片尾1-a little pain/OLIVIA 片尾2-Starless Night/OLIVIA 片尾3-黑い泪/土屋アソナ 片尾4-Winter sleep/OLIVIA 片尾5-Stand by me/土屋アソナ OST-ZERO/土屋アソナ

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