暗黑破坏神 视频字幕

作者&投稿:庾章 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




第一幕: 一个老头在监狱里呆着,忽然一个身穿长袍的人进入监狱里。那老头应为多日没吃饭加上阳光的照射下,误以为是大天使泰瑞尔。在强迫下告诉了他的身世。

第二幕: “在那个风尘满地的沙漠上,我跟着那个流浪者,行了很多日,最后连唯一支撑的骆驼也死了。但是他还是不断的前进”在深夜里,噩梦又发起来了,这是是在七个古墓之间,看着一个巨柱,上面看到一个虚弱的恶魔,然后就是大天使泰瑞而,使用一个封印之石将他封印。老头从噩梦中惊醒。黑暗流浪者道:“你也做了这个梦吗,梦里那个被封印的人,就是我兄弟”第二天,我们跟着黎明的光,往高·卢因出发。

第三幕 黑暗流浪者他开了那个古墓,往古墓深处走,走到了那个房间。然而看到了噩梦里的场景。黑暗流浪者想去救了那个被封印的恶魔。没想到后面就是大天使泰瑞尔,将黑暗流浪者的手把去,黑暗流浪者和泰瑞尔奋死拼搏,那老头在四处张望,“快来救我,只要把这封印之石拔了”,那老头过了木桥,把封印之石拔去,此时泰瑞尔正要刺杀黑暗流浪者,但是一时被那恶魔阻挡住了。泰瑞尔手抓着那老头“笨蛋,你将毁灭之王的封印解除了,现在这个世界将受到毁灭的危机,赶快将这石头送到地牢里的祭坛上,快点”“我又能怎么办,只能将将计就计”

第四幕 “跟着泰瑞尔的只是,我把这石头送到他所说的祭坛上,我模模糊糊看到三个人,一个就是邪恶的憎恨之王莫非斯托,然后就是刚刚放出来的恶魔,最后就是黑暗流浪者”莫非斯托“时间到了,你该出现,伟大的恶魔,暗黑破坏神,恐惧之王!”此时巴尔和莫非斯托共同试用魔法,黑暗流浪者的身体忽然破裂,变成那暗黑破坏神。那老头往回逃跑,寻找一条生路。

原版完结: “我就看到这里,在外面听说暗黑破坏神已经死了,但这绝对不是我的错!”“就算是你的错,我也可以原谅你,只要将那封印之石给我,你就平身了!”“拿去把拿去吧,我不想在想起任何一件事!”“我对你诚实的心感到满意,但是,我并不是大天使泰瑞尔。。。”摘掉帽子“巴尔....!”只见那老头的尸体,然后整个监狱被烈火烧去。

第五幕: 冰冷的雪域,踏出了一个战士的声音,城门打开了,那战士见到无数的恶魔,然后就是巴尔。“巴尔,把你的恶魔送回去吧,我们的地盘是不会让你占领的!把你的恶魔带回去,人和恶魔可以共同安息。。。”“够啦!我应该站在你的位置上!”巴尔施了魔法,将拿战死杀害,恶魔大军向城门攻击!

完结: 泰瑞尔收挥圣剑,将世界之石毁灭,世界将再也没有悲恨,暗黑破坏神已经不存在了!


T:So Marius……At last I find you
Tyrael Yes,Yes,now I ……now I recognize you
I should have known you'd travel in disguise
There're……they're always watching!
T:I've been searching for you for a long time,Marius
T:I was rather beginning to think you didn't want to be found
Oh forgive me,Tyrael,please。It……It wasn't my fault。
T:Not your fault?Tell me,Marius,
T:how was it,not your fault?!
The Wanderer……Yes, It was……
was the Wanderer……
My days at the Rouge Citadel seemed so long ago
I sought refuge from my memories in the company of other
high in the mountains,past the Eastern Gate
W:Do you want something?
Oh,I fought sleep for days at a time,For when I dreamt
the memories would return……Memories of the Monastery……
and the evil which had claimed it,Dreams……Memories
I couldn't tell the difference anymore
Had the evil from my dreams followed at my heels?
How had he found me here?
How could this broken shell of a man
barely able to carry the weight of his own sword
be the burning terror
which drove me to hide here?
He seemed to ……to have demons of his own that he struggled to
And he was losing……
As I watched ,I ……I become convinced that I was truly mad
The terror,the destruction
the……the evil I witnessed-how else could I explain them?
Were these the dreams from my dream or
were they born within the Wanderer
Why did I follow him?
I don't know
Why do things happen as they do in dreams?
All I know is that when he beckoned……I had to follow him……
From that moment
we travel together,East……always into the East……


We traveled East。Over the mountains and into the vast deserts of
Broken Lands
As the days passed my companion told me of himself
that he had once been a great warrior……
and that a dark and secret burden,now weighed heavily upon him
We traveled for an etemity across that arid wasteland
How long?I couldn't say……
And always,a dark cloud seemed to follow us,just over the horizon
Finally,the journey ended,we climbed the last ridge

There below us lay our destination:the shining jewel,Lut Gholein
with the great Sea beyound
We Made camp the last night。Perhaps it was the warm desert wind
or the sound of the ocean,but for the first time in many weeks,
I slept,
However,the dreams returned,but these were clearly not my own
I beheld a vision of a great man,the Mage,Tal Rasha
You were there too,Tyrael,I remember seeing you in my dream
His brethren had cornered a great demon:Baal,Lord of Destruction
who had been set loose upon the world
They attempted to imprison the demon within a sacred stone……
Yet,when their attempts failed
Tal Rasha selflessly volunteered to contain the demon within
himself,completing the prison
he instructed his Brethren to bind him within a tomb,buried under
the sand
there to wrestle with to demon for all eternity

D:Now you know what I seek,Marius
D:This is my brother
D:Sleep now。We set out with the dawn
The next morning,we walked over the hill,toward Lut Gholein……
I had no idea then of the horrors that were in store for me there


My companion drew in the dank, cold air of the tomb. It seemed to……
strengthen him.
I stood in the doorway,between light and dark.
What was left of my sanity implored me not to enter
But the voice was just a whisper now……
As we worked our way down,deeper and deeper into the crypt
I began to see a change in my companion, He seemed to be gaining
I could hardly see in the gloom,but my companion seemed to know the way
We came at last to a great hall
It was then I realized My companion hadn't gaining strength
he had been losing what was left of his humanity
He moved with demonic speed then……
And then……and then you appeared
T:The beast contained harein shall not be set free!
T:Not even……by you
B:Look what they're done to me. Release me!Help me!
B:Hurry……Please hurry!
T:No! Don't do it!
T:You have just insured the doom of this world
T:You cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion this day
T:Go to the Temple of Light in the Eastern city of Kurast
T:There you will find the gate to Hell opened before you
T:You must find the courage to step through that gate, Marius
T:Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed!
T:Now, run! Take the stone and run!
What choice did I have?
I ran


M:I did as you told me, Tyrael .I found the Temple of the Zakarum

M:In the deepest recesses of the Temple, I found a dark gathering
M:my companion,the Wanderer……Tal Rasha,and a great Evil
M:who could only be the Lord of Hatred himself - Mephisto
M:I heard a voice then……like a thousand needles in my heart
Mephisto: My brothers! At long last we stand reunited!
The Infernal Gate has been prepared -
And the time of our final victory is at hand……
Let the way to Hell be opened!
(Tal Rasha手发红光,Baal手现黄光,和Mephistol的蓝光聚集在一起)
And the evil that was once vanquished shall rise anew! Wrapped in
the guise of man
shall he walk amongst the innocent
and Terror shall consume they that dwell upon the Earth
The skies shall rain fire, and the sea will become blood
The righteous shall fall before the wicked
and all Creation shall tremble before the burning
Standards of Hell!
What I saw then was not meant for mortal eyes……
The Gate stands ready!
(Dark Wonderer开始变化)
Now my young brother, the time has come t assume your
true form
Arise,Diablo:Lord of Terror!
You are the harbinger of our return,Diablo!
Send forth your terror into Hell!


I heard later that he was defeated……
……that the Soulstones were destoryed at Hell Forge……
……All except one……I falled Tyrael,I couldn't do as you asked……
I couldn't…… enter that Gate…… Forgive me,Tyrael Forgive me……
T:Marius……Give me the stone,and all is forgiven
(M从领口拿出了藏在里面的Soul stone)
T:Give it to me,Marius
Take it,Take it,take it.I'm glad this is finally over
Tyrael,Look what the Stone has done to me!
T:You haven't failed,old man……you're done
exactly as you were meant to do
T:However……I am not the Archangel Tyrael
(T拿起Soul stone,发亮的Soul stone照出了T的面容,浮现出Baal的面孔)
B:You have done well (这句话字幕没有,但是听得到,此后T改称Baal(B))
B:Now I think you shall have your reward……
What have I done to deserve this?

如果有,到网页里搜一下吧。游戏大多都是D 版的,谁会去镶中文字幕呢,是不


要找字幕 很难的

中方县13998984799: 求暗黑破坏神2的过场动画字幕补丁!!! -
祝和介宁: 暗黑里的过场动画是已经做好了的,所以没有补丁可以打的,下面是动画内容的翻译,希望对你有帮助哦~ 看见很多人都问暗黑的过场动画讲的是什么,所以又把电影看了一遍来发个比较详细的帖子来详细解说一下它们的内容~~这些电影可以在...

中方县13998984799: 哪儿有暗黑破坏神的过场动画的台词?
祝和介宁: 中文: 白雪覆盖着亚瑞特山脉. 城堡的门开了,年长的野蛮人长老缓缓地走出了城堡.外面迎接他的,是无数的恶魔.他们跳着,呐喊着,中间是四面迎风招展的旗帜. 长老把一直手放在头上遮了遮阳光.中间的恶魔推开了旗帜,中间涌出一...

中方县13998984799: win7玩暗黑破坏神2毁灭之王时没字幕. -
祝和介宁: 可以调的 具体操作:按ECS→选项→声音选项→NPC语音 在NPC语音中选择"语音及文字"就可以了

中方县13998984799: 1,求暗黑破坏神2过场动画合集(内嵌字幕)注意,是合集,合在一起的.画质要高. 2,求暗黑破坏神3 -
祝和介宁: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1512095581&uk=2452576093

中方县13998984799: 请问暗黑破坏神2的动画有没有中文字幕的?我下的没有,如果有的话中文字幕的补丁哪有下呢? -
祝和介宁: 1、不知道就不要胡说八道!2、台湾松岗发行的繁体中文版的动画是带中文字幕的!3、下载台湾松岗版的4CD版本的暗黑2毁灭之王即可!BT有!

中方县13998984799: 暗黑破坏神2NPC说话 字幕是哪个文件夹 -
祝和介宁: d2char.mpq 暗黑II的数据文件 – 人物的动画 d2data.mpq 暗黑II的数据文件 – 其他所有文件 d2exp.mpq 暗黑II毁灭之王的数据、音效、动画 d2music.mpq 暗黑II的音乐以及Blizzard公司片头 d2speech.mpq 暗黑II的人物以及NPC的对话 d2xtalk.mpq 暗黑II毁灭之王的人物以及NPC的对话 d2sfx.mpq 暗黑II的音效 d2video.mpq 暗黑II的过场动画 d2xmusic.mpq 暗黑II毁灭之王的音乐 d2xvideo.mpq 暗黑II毁灭之王的过场动画 patch_D2.mpq 发布补丁中所包含的修改过的内容

中方县13998984799: 为什么我下的暗黑破坏神2完全版的过场动画没有字幕? -
祝和介宁: 完全版的过场动画是没有中文字幕的,只有语音和动画,你要看中文字幕要去再载一个汉化包.

中方县13998984799: 暗黑破坏神2资料片1.11里跟NPC对话没有字幕出现怎么办? -
祝和介宁: 是不是第五幕才会出现这个问题?如果是在第五幕才出现的,说明D2XTALK.MPQ文件缺失,去下一个放进去 如果是前面几幕也出现的话,说明d2speech.mpq 文件缺失,同样去下一个放进去就可以了

中方县13998984799: 暗黑破坏神2动画里面的英文对白 -
祝和介宁: 下面的参考里有,我就不全复制了1,2,3,4,5 http://www.diablo.hu/programs/knowledge/knowledge_show.php4?id=141 http://www.diablo.hu/programs/knowledge/knowledge_show.php4?id=142 http://www.diablo.hu/programs/knowledge/knowledge_...

中方县13998984799: 暗黑破坏神2最后1个BOSS 杀不了
祝和介宁: 这个是BUGKB保护,辅助程序自带的,按E键可以解除. BUGKB是刷装备的方法,比较复杂,负责刷装备的角色一定不能完成杀巴尔的任务.

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