
作者&投稿:木桦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The day started out rotten. She overslept and was late for work. Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy. By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big knot.

As usual, the bus was late – and jammed. She had to stand in the aisle. As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom deepened.

Then she heard a voice from up front boom, "Beautiful day, isn‘t it?" Because of the crowd, she could not see the man, but she heard him as he continued to comment on the spring scenery, calling attention to each approaching landmark. This church. That park. This cemetery. That firehouse. Soon all the passengers were gazing out the windows. The man‘s enthusiasm was so contagious she found herself smiling for the first time that day.

They reached her stop. Maneuvering toward the door, she got a look at their "guide": an older gentleman with a beard, wearing dark glasses and carrying a thin, white cane.


….without regard to the elderly disabled or young children

Whoever they are the elderly disabled or young children, ……..

No matter (who they are) either the elderly disabled or young children,……..


老人 不直接说the old person,而说senior citizen

残疾人 不说the handicapped,而说persons who are disabled
盲人 不说the blind 而说visually challenged

还有,黑人不说the black 而说African American

1 = 直接翻译
2 = 一般用语
3 = 婉转用语, 也叫PC用语(PC = politically correct = 政治上正确的), 有的时候感觉上很搞笑.


1. An Old Peron
2. A Senior
3. The chronologically gifted


1. A Cripple
2. A Handicapped person/a person with disabliites
3. The physically challenged/the differently-abled.

the old
the disable

词汇解析:1、have a question 英文发音:[hæveˈkwestʃən]]中文释义:有个问题 例句:I have a question about the procedure.我有一个关于程序上的疑问。2、ask 英文发音:[ɑːsk]中文释义:v.问;询问;要求;请求;恳求(给予);征求 例句:If you have any ...

1、can I ask a question for you ?2、can I ask you a aquestiong ?重点短语:ask a question:询问问题; 问问题 for you:为了你; 为你; 给你 重点词汇解析:ask:问;询问;要求;请求;恳求(给予);征求 发音:英 [ɑːsk] 美 [æsk]第三人称单数: asks 现在分词: ...

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily是错误的表达。应该是:Hard as \/ though \/ that he will try, he -- -. try hard不能放在一起,句首必须是副词hard。try必须放在原来的位置。或者:Try as he will, he --。 ---这里面没有hard,所以...

我打了几个电话。2、question 发音:英 [ˈkwestʃən] 美 [ˈkwestʃən]含义:n.问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑 v.正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑 例句:They asked a great many questions about England 他们问了一大堆有关...

如:I need somebody strong to help me.我需要一个体格强壮的人帮助我。复合不定代词的用法:更详细的请看:)~~everyone表示每个XX,可以指人,也可以指物 everyboby表示每个人,只可以指人 everyone 和 everybody 的区别是everyone 比起everybody 更加强调社会意义上的人或物,而everybody 强调的...

how 和what的用法有什么区别
回答:It is a novel about a detective solving a mystery.(这是一本关于侦探解决谜团的小说。)- What time does the movie start?(电影什么时候开始?)回答:The movie starts at 7 PM.(电影在晚上7点开始。)区别3:动词搭配不同- How:通常与动词表示行为或方式搭配使用。例子:- How ...

1. 著名的,出名的 The city is famous for its silk.该市以出产丝绸而闻名于世。He is a very famous writer in this country.他是这个国家里很有名的作家。2. 【旧】极好的;非常令人满意的 以上结果由"Dr.eye译典通字典"提供英文同义词及反义词词典 famous anonymous nameless unknown 基础...

第一: the other的意思是另一个,通常表示两者的事物,是特指,如 I have two brother,one is Jack,the other is Mike.others是代词,后面不能跟名词。意思是其他的,一般是泛指,通常也与some连用,意为一些。。。其他的。。。 如 There are many people playing in the playground,some ...

问一个英语单词 我想表达数值上的“接近,差不多”,请问用哪个单词...

a quarter to three差一刻钟到三点( 2:45)a quarter past three 三点一刻( 3:15)1. 数字积累, 如: 3:10 three ten 2.分钟+ past\/ to+ 小时, 3:10 ten past three, 4:40 twenty to five 3. 整点用 o'clock 如: 5:00 five o'clock ...

嘉鱼县13495193915: 死的形容词英语 - 一个英语问题用一个形容词表示一类人的用法,如:用old表示老人
东方费阿米: Ablind(失明的),deaf(聋的),disabled(残废的),healthy(健康的)/sick(... 前面加the时可以代表一类人. 这一表达方式具有复数含义,所以动词也用复数形式,...

嘉鱼县13495193915: 弱势群体 英语 -
东方费阿米: the disadvantaged弱势群体/人群 the disabled残疾人 the old老人 “定冠词+形容词”表示一类群体 弱势群体 有现成的标准说法,是词典上的 a disadvantaged minority

嘉鱼县13495193915: 形容老人的英语单词有哪些?(是形容老人的) -
东方费阿米: the old就够了,定冠词加某些形容词表示一类人.

嘉鱼县13495193915: 老人 英语怎么表达 -
东方费阿米: the old the aged old man or woman one's aged parents or grandparents 还蛮多种说法的,你看你适合哪种咯~

嘉鱼县13495193915: 英文表示老年人的方法有哪些? -
东方费阿米: the old ,the aged ,the elderly 形容词前加定冠词可表示一类人,以上就是老年人,也可以在其后面加people或person.意思一样.

嘉鱼县13495193915: including the disabled and the elderly是什么意思 -
东方费阿米: including the disabled and the elderly 包括残疾人和老年人disabled 英 [dɪsˈeɪbld] 美 [dɪsˈebəld] adj. 残废的,有缺陷的 v. 使无能力( disable的过去式和过去分词); 使残废; 使伤残; 使无效elderly 英 [ˈeldəli] 美 [ˈeldərli] adj. 上了年纪的; 过了中年的; 较老的 n. 老人

嘉鱼县13495193915: 实用英语:怎么用英语称呼老年人 -
东方费阿米: 老外最不喜欢把他叫老了.所以“爷爷”之类的不要叫, 除非你和他有血缘关系.“old man” 也不要当面说, 带有look down的含义.如果认识他, 就称呼他的名字, 或者Mr xxx. 如果不认识,就可以称呼: Hello, Sir, ....

嘉鱼县13495193915: 英语里表示“老年人”有多少种 -
东方费阿米: the old, the elderly, the elder 都表示的是老年人的意思,只是三者之间的关系不同而已.older和eld都是old的比较级,oldest和eldest都是old的最高级,older和oldest可以表示老的,旧的意思而elder和eldest常表示在兄弟姐妹之间的排行 elder brother=older brother哥哥 但不可与than连用只用于修饰名词. elderly是委婉用语意为上了年纪的,外国人一般不说old man而用elderly man代替,the elderly泛指老人.

嘉鱼县13495193915: 残疾人,英文怎么写 -
东方费阿米: 残疾人 [cán jí rén] 基本翻译 the disabled handicapped disabled person

嘉鱼县13495193915: "关爱残疾人"用英语怎么说 -
东方费阿米: 关爱残疾人:Care for the disabled 让世界充满爱:Let the world fill the love

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