
作者&投稿:荤菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Y: Nice to meet you.I'm the representative of Company Y.My name is XXX. We saw your ad on Family Life and we are interested in the silver wares of court styles.

W: Nice to meet you ,too.Welcome to Company W. I'm the representative of Company W.You can call me XXX. What can I do for you?

Y: Yep.We’ve specially made out a list which covers those items. Here you are.

W:Oh, it’s very considerate of you. If you’ll excuse me, I ’ll go over your list right now.

Y: Take your time,XXX

W: Oh, XXX. After going over your list and catalogues, we are interested in doing bussiness with you. But we found that your price are too low . You must know that the cost of production has risen in recent years while our prices basically remain unchanged. To be frank, our products have always come up to our export standard and the packages are excellent designed and printed. So our products are moderately priced.

Y:I’m sorry to hear that.I’m afraid I can’t agree with you in this respect. I know that your products are attractive in design, but I wish to point out that your offers are higher than some of the quotations. I’ve received from your competitors in other countries. So, your price is not competitive in this market.

W: Oh, XXX. As you know, our products which are of high quality have found a good market in many countries. So you must take quality into consideration, too.We are sorry to say that we can bring our price down a still lower level.

Y:Ok, I accept. Now let's talk about the terms of payment, shipment and package, etc. Could you please offer your best prices based on CIF Shanghai?

W: Sure. We'll send you our quotation ASAP.

Waitress: Good evening, how can i help you today

Jim: What is your speciality of the house ?

Waitress: our steak here is very good, the beef is from australia, so it is very tender and juicy. would you like to try that ?

Jim: do you like steak Alice?

Alice: umm, I'm a Vegetarian Jim, i only eat vegetables

Jim: How careless of me, sorry about that alice

Alice: it's ok

Waitress: We do serve salads here, it is guaranteed to be fresh

Alice: That sounds nice, i think i will try the salad.

Jim: umm, I think i will go with the steak thanks

Waitress: Would you like Rice or bread to go with your meal ?

Jim: i will just have bread thanks

Alice: same here.

waitress: Yup, thanks, do you want any drinks ?

Jim: Orange juice for me thanks

Alice: Me too

Waitress: thanks, your meal will be ready very shortly

Jim & Alice: Thanks

IVY: Excuse me. I need to refill this prescription.
KAREN: It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills.
IVY: Yes, I need to refill it today.
KAREN: Alright.
I'm sorry, Miss. According to our file, this prescription has already been refilled twice.
IVY: I was worried about that.
I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not.
KAREN: Well, it looks like you have.
You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription.
IVY: Listen. This is an emergency.
I tried to call my doctor, but he is out of town. So I can't see him in time.
I need this medicine. It is for skin condition. I've run out.
Can you just refill it once more?
KAREN: I'm sorry, Miss. We can't do it. We must follow the prescription.
And this prescription has run out.
IVY: But I need it. Please. Refill it for me just this once.
I can go to the doctor around ten days from now. Then I'll have another prescription.
KAREN: Miss, I understand your problem.
But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription.
It's the law. I can't do anything about it.
We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription. Never.
IVY: But I have a prescription. I just need more of it.
KAREN: A prescription must be valid. It cannot be an expired prescription.
I'm sorry, Miss. It's the law.
You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you.
IVY: Oh, it will be so expensive!
I have a special medical plan, and I can only see one doctor.
It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor.
KAREN: Miss, I just can't help you on this.
I'm a pharmacist, not a doctor. And there are other customers I need to help now.
I know it is frustrating when this happens.
But there is nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry.
IVY: This is ridiculous! In Taiwan, it is much easier to get medicine when I need it.
KAREN: Maybe that's true. I don't know.
But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too.
CARL: Hello. Excuse me.
SALLY: Yes. Can I help you?
CARL: Do you remember me? I just had lunch here a half hour ago.
SALLY: Of course I remember you.
CARL: I think I lost my wallet here.
SALLY: Oh, no. Really? I didn't see anything.
CARL: Really? You didn't find a wallet?
SALLY: No, I didn't. Would you like to go look by the table with me?
CARL: Yes, I would. It's not here. And it's not on the floor.
Has anyone sat at this table since we left?
SALLY: No. It's been empty the whole time.
CARL: Hmm. I don't know how it could have happened.
SALLY: I remember, sir, that your friend took the bill.
You didn't pay for the lunch yourself, did you?
CARL: No. My friend did.
SALLY: Then are you sure you took your wallet out of your pocket while you were here?
CARL: No, I'm not sure. But I usually take out my wallet when I sit down.
It's uncomfortable to sit on it. So I usually put it next to me on the table.
SALLY: Maybe you lost it before you came here. Or maybe you left it at home.
CARL: I don't think it's at home. I think I had it when I left the house.
But what should I do?
SALLY: Well, the first thing you should do is make sure it's not at home.
Then, if it isn't, you need to call your credit card companies and cancel your cards.
Next, you need to replace whatever you lost , your driver's license, things like that.
CARL: Should I call the police?
SALLY: You can if you want. But the police usually don't do anything about lost wallets.
CARL: Hmm. I'll go home and check. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's at home.
SALLY: I'm sorry we couldn't find it, sir.
CARL: Thanks for your help.
TRISH: Well, I'm glad you're finally back. I was wondering what happened.
SARAH: I feel kind of stupid.
SARAH: We got lost coming back. I guess I don't really know this town yet.
TRISH: You got lost. You're kidding!
SARAH: No. We took a wrong turn somewhere.
And Joseph doesn't know the town at all. So I started giving him directions.
But I didn't really know where we were. So we got seriously lost.
TRISH: You could have called.
SARAH: I know I could have. But finally we asked someone where we were.
TRISH: You've been gone for two hours. How could you get lost for so long?
SARAH: Guess where we ended up.
TRISH: I don't know. Where?
SARAH: When we finally decided to ask someone, they told us we were in Grangerfield.
TRISH: Grangerfield! You were in Grangerfield?
That's a completely different town! How could you drive to a completely different town?
SARAH: I don't know.
The person we asked had to give us directions to the highway to get back here.
TRISH: Grangerfield is like a dozen miles away from here.
SARAH: I know it is. I don't know how it happened.
TRISH: Hmm, maybe I do.
SARAH: What?
TRISH: Maybe I have an idea how it happened.
TRISH: You were too busy looking at Joseph, and you weren't paying attention to the road.
SARAH: Oh, that's what you think, huh?
TRISH: Yes, that's what I think.
Maybe the next time you go out with him to buy groceries, you'll get lost for even longer.
Maybe six hours or so.
SARAH: You know what, Trish?
TRISH: What?
SARAH: I hope so. I really hope so.
TRISH: Hah, hah! See? I guessed right. You weren't watching the road at all.
SARAH: No, I wasn't. It's kind of hard to watch the road when Joseph is behind the wheel.

NICK: Excuse me.
ALICE: Yeah?
NICK: I've never used this place before.
Can you give me some idea what I need to do?
ALICE: You just put quarters in the machines. It's easy.
NICK: Yes, but... well...
ALICE: What?
NICK: How do I use the machines?
ALICE: What do you mean?
These are the washing machines. Those big things over there are the dryers.
NICK: I see. Do the machines have soap in them?
ALICE: No, of course not. You have to put soap in. Did you bring your soap?
NICK: No. I don't have soap.
ALICE: Well, you can buy some from that vending machine over there.
NICK: Thanks.
NICK: Okay. I have my soap.
ALICE: My God! You really bought a lot. Why do you need so much?
NICK: I don't know. I want my clothes to be clean.
ALICE: But you can't use so much.
The machine won't be able to rinse the soap out.
NICK: Oh. I guess I didn't know. I have never washed clothes before.
ALICE: What? Did you say you never washed clothes before?
NICK: Yes.
ALICE: In your life? Are you kidding? Never?
NICK: No. Never.
ALICE: I can't believe it. How can that be? How old are you?
NICK: I'm nineteen.
ALICE: But how can you live nineteen years without ever washing clothes?
NICK: My mother always did it.
ALICE: Yes, my mother washed my clothes too.
But when I was twelve, I started to wash clothes myself.
NICK: I know about this fact.
American children are more independent. They do more for themselves.
But I am from Taiwan. In Taiwan, children must study very hard.
So the mother does everything for the kids.
The mother wants her kids to get very good grades at school.
So I've never washed clothes before. You shouldn't laugh at me for it.
ALICE: I'm not laughing at you. But let me ask you something?
NICK: What?
ALICE: How are you going to survive here?
I mean, if you can't do anything for yourself.
If you can't cook, if you can't wash clothes, if you can't clean house.
How can you live on your own?
NICK: I don't know. It's hard. But I have to learn.
ALICE: Well, I'll help you learn how to use these machines.
NICK: Thanks. My name's Nick.
ALICE: I'm Alice. I guess I'll have to be your mother for today.
NICK: Thanks, Mom. Thanks.
JASON: It's too hot. I'm not sure I can walk any more.
CHRIS: Oh, c'mon. You're not so old.
I want to go to Monkey Island and look at the monkeys.
JASON: What? They have a monkey island here? Really?
CHRIS: Of course they do.
This is an excellent zoo. They have all kinds of monkeys here.
JASON: Great. Let's go. I love monkeys. That's why I started going out with you.
CHRIS: You're very funny today.
As for me, I've always loved boars and rhinos.
I like their smell. Maybe that's why I chose you.
JASON: I wish we could get some good iced coffee somewhere.
Wouldn't it be great if zoos had Starbucks in them?
Then I could buy you a few espressos and you'd climb over the fence into the lion cage.
I wouldn't have to worry about you any more.
JASON: Hah, hah, hah. Hey, look at that polar bear.
CHRIS: Oh, terrible.
JASON: Yes, I can't believe they have him out in the sun like this. Isn't it too hot?
CHRIS: It's sad. Sometimes I think zoos should treat animals better than they do.
Look at the space they have him in. It isn't enough.
JASON: No. It isn't. They should have him indoors in the air conditioning.
They should give him a nice tank to swim in, and fresh seal meat every day.
They should let him have an iced coffee every couple days.
CHRIS: You're thinking about yourself again. Always so selfish.
JASON: I feel sorry for that bear. Just like him, I'm too hot.
Both he and I--we should be in a nice cold wilderness right now.
We're both sick of southern California.
CHRIS: Do you really want to move away? To Alaska?
JASON: Yes, when I graduate. I will move away from California. That's for sure.
And I will take the bear with me. We will open an iced coffee cafe in Alaska.
He will do tricks for the customers and I will make the coffee.
It will be a great success.
CHRIS: You are a clown, Jason. You are just a clown.
JASON: Thank you. I respect clowns. Thank you very much.
So where is that Monkey Island?
CHRIS: Over this way. Follow me.
如果动物园有星巴克 咖啡店,不是很棒吗?
CHARLIE: Excuse me. Is anyone in that seat next to you?
ANGELA: No, I don't think so.
CHARLIE: Do you mind if I put my jacket there?
ANGELA: No. It's no problem.
ANGELA: Are you American?
CHARLIE: Yes. And you?
ANGELA: No. I'm from Taiwan. Can't you see?
CHARLIE: Well, there are many Chinese Americans, you know.
And your English is very good. You sound like an American.
ANGELA: I don't think so. You are flattering me.
CHARLIE: No, really. I can only hear a little accent.
ANGELA: Are you flying home?
CHARLIE: Well, yes. Actually, I'm going back to visit.
ANGELA: You were visiting Taiwan?
CHARLIE: No, I'm going back to America to visit.
I'm from America, but I don't live there now. I live in Taichung.
ANGELA: Really! You live in Taiwan!
CHARLIE: Yes. Why not?
ANGELA: May I ask what your job is in Taiwan?
CHARLIE: Sure. I teach history in a university. Have you heard of Dong-Hai University?
ANGELA: Of course. It's a good school. How long have you lived in Taichung?
CHARLIE: I have lived in Taichung for two years now.
So this is the second time I am going back to the States.
I go back once a year to visit my family.
ANGELA: It must be strange for you to live in Taiwan.
CHARLIE: No, it isn't strange at all.
Many people from Taiwan move to America too, you know.
Do you think it is strange for them?
ANGELA: No. Well, I don't know.
But Taiwan is so crowded. Don't you miss life in America?
CHARLIE: There are some things I miss. But I love Chinese food.
And I think the people in Taiwan are really hospitable.
Besides, I grew up in Los Angeles, so I'm used to living in crowded places.
Why are you going to America?
ANGELA: I'm going to New York to visit my sister. She is in art school.
I've never been to New York before. I'm kind of scared.
ANGELA: Well, I know a lot of people have guns there. I think maybe it isn't too safe.
CHARLIE: Don't worry about it.
Your sister lives there. She probably knows the places in town you shouldn't go.
It's true there are some dangerous places in big American cities.
But if your sister lives there, she must know the city pretty well already.
ANGELA: Yes, I'm not really scared. Maybe only a little.
CHARLIE: Don't believe what you see on TV. You will have a good time in New York.
What things do you want to see?
ANGELA: I want to see the museums, and I want to shop a lot.
CHARLIE: The museums are excellent. And the shopping!
Well! I'm sure you'll spend a lot of money there.
ANGELA: Hmm. I hope not.


●Place: Air’s villa.
地点: 空气的别墅.
Time: on the Mid – Autumn Festival.
时间: 中秋节
People: Air and Rich
人物: Air 和Rich
Rich is from American. He is an exchange student. Now he is studying at Beijing University. He majored in culture of China. His best friend, Air, a designer, works for a photo workshop. Today is Mid – Autumn Festival. So Air invited him to dinner at home.
Rich是个美国人.他是个留学生.现在他在北京大学学习.他主修中国文化专业.他最好的朋友, Air ,一个设计师, 在一个摄影工作室工作. 今天是中秋节. 因此Air 邀请他去家做客.

(Air listens to the music when she hears the doorbell.)
A: That must be Rich. (She goes to open the door.)
那一定是Rich. (她去开门.)
B: Hi, Air.
你好啊, Air.
A: Welcome. It’s so nice of you to come.
B: Air, thanks for inviting me to the dinner. Today is Mid – Autumn Festival. I bought a bunch of roses for you. Beautiful flowers for beautiful girl.
Air, 谢谢你邀请我来做客的. 今天是中秋节了. 我买了一束玫瑰花送给你,美丽的花给美丽的女孩.
A: It’s nothing. Thank you for your roses.(she hands him a present.) A little present for you.
不客气.谢谢你的玫瑰花 .(她递给他一个礼物) 给你准备的一个小礼物.
B: (he unwraps the present to find four mooncakes in boxes.)
Oh, it’s wonderful. Thanks. You shouldn’t have bought this.
(他打开礼物发现在盒子里面有四块月饼) 噢,太棒了.谢谢啦! 你不该这样破费了.
A: oh, my pleasure. It’s just a little present for you.
哦,不客气啦. 仅仅是给你准备的小礼物而已.
(They sit in the living room.)
Can I get you some coffee or tea or a cold drink?
B: Thanks. Coffee is ok.
A: Black coffee or white coffee?
B: white coffee, please. Thank you.
A: Ok 好的.
(She goes to the kitchen to make coffee. A few minutes later, it’s done. She comes back.)
(她去厨房做咖啡. 几分钟后,咖啡好了.她回来了.)
Rich, here you are.
Rich, 给你咖啡.
B: Thank you, Air.
A: You are welcome. Take your time. Maybe it is hot.
B: No problem. Air, you know, I’m interested in different culture. Chinese festival is very interesting, too. Would you mind telling me about the Mid – Autumn Festival?
A: Ok, speaking of eating mooncakes, we have to talk about the story between Chang-Er and Hou Yi.
B: Is that true?
A: No. It’s not true. It’s only legend.
B: Oh, I see. What is it?
A: Long, long ago, the Earth once had 10 suns circling it.
B: What? 10 suns circling it?
什么? 10个太阳围绕她运转?
A: Yes. But I told you it was only a legend. One day all 10 suns came out at once. The temperature of the earth went up quickly.
是的.但是我告诉你了,它仅仅是个传说.一天所有的10个 太阳一次出现了. 地球的温度很快升高了.
B: Wow. I guess many people 、plants and animals died. The high temperature must kill them.
噢! 我想许多人,植物和动物都死掉了. 这种高温一定杀死他们了.
A: Yes. It was a skillful archer who saved the earth.
是的. 是一个熟练的弓箭手拯救了地球.
B: Who is he?
A: Hou Yi.
B: How did he save the earth? Is he a sprint?
A: No. He only shot down nine suns. Everything will be ok.
不是,他仅仅射掉了九个太阳. 一切就平安了。
B: He did a good job.
A: Yes. As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave him a bottle of magic liquid.
是的. 为了奖励他,王母娘娘给了他一瓶神奇的药水.
B: What? What’s for?
A: If you had it, you would cure illnesses or make you live forever.
B: oh, my god. Are you kidding?
噢,我的天啊. 你在开玩笑吧?
A: I’m serious. In many Chinese stories, people want to live longer. So they want to get something magic.
我使认真的. 在中国的许多故事中, 人们都想活的长些,因此他们都想得到这样神奇的东西.
B: I see. What did he do then?
A: It’s pity that he paid no attention to her advice.
B: You mean that he drank that all.
A: No. I mean, in front of the fame and fortune, he became a bad-tempered、selfish man.
B: Oh, I see. As the saying goes: Money is the root of all evil.
A: I couldn’t agree more. So his wife, Chang-Er could not bear to live with her husband. Then she stole his liquid, drank them and fled to the moon. This is the beautiful woman in the moon, the Moon Fairy.
我太同意了. 因此他的妻子,嫦娥不能在忍受和他生活了.然后她偷了药水, 喝掉了,逃离到月球上去了. 这就是月亮上美丽女人的传说了.
B: Interesting!
A: Ok, this is the legend that I know. Maybe you will find another story like this. But I’m not for sure.
B: Thanks. 谢谢
A: Oh, Rich. Would you like more coffee?
哦, Rich. 你想添点咖啡吗?
B: No. Thanks. Air, why not tell me the mooncakes itself? (He points to the cakes in the box.)
不了,谢谢. Air,你为什么不给我讲讲月饼本身的东西的?(他指了下盒子里的月饼).
A: It’s a neat idea. In China, it is important for us to have dinner together on Mid-Autumn Festival.
好主意. 在中国,在中秋节这天,对于我们能在一起吃顿团圆饭是很重要的.
B: Really? I find that many Chinese are busy with their work. When their parents ask them to have dinner, they always have many excuses. I mean they don’t want to come back.
真的吗? 我发现许多中国人都忙于他们的工作.当他们叫他们去吃团圆饭的时候,他们总找借口. 我的意思是他们并不想回来.
A: Yes. You are right. But many people think today is the time of reunion. It is said that the moon is at its brightest and fullest. It’s very interesting. This year the festival falls on 18 th September.
是的,你是对的,但是许多人认为今天是团圆的时候. 据说今天的月亮是最亮最圆的. 非常有意思吧. 今年的中秋节在9月18日.
B: Yes. Air. I hear that the seasonal round cakes have many different fillings. Is that true?
是的. Air,我听说这种季节性的糕点有很多种馅的.是真的吗?
A: Yes. It is true. Lotus seed paste, red bean paste and so on. Are you hungry? In fact, I’m hungry.
是的,是真的.莲子馅或是红豆馅等等. 你饿了吗?实际上,我饿了.
B: I’m hungry, too. I can’t wait to have them right now. Air, what is this? (He points to the cakes.) Ah,
A: Ah! It’s a surprise. I asked the bakery to stamp them with your name so that I’ll give you a big surprise.
B: Thanks
A: But I have to make some tea.
B: Why?
A: Some doctors tell us that the mooncakes are loaded with calories, so it’s not for the fat people who are on a diet.
B: Oh, what’s the best way to have them?
A: Ok, the best way to wash down one of these cakes is with a cup of Chinese tea, especially Jasmine or Chrysanthemum tea. Tea aids the digestion.
B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢.
A: Just for a few minutes. I make tea. 稍等片刻,我去泡茶了.
B: Go ahead. 去吧
(Air goes to the kitchen.) (Air去了厨房.)



A:The Heavenly Queen Mother gave him a bottle of magic liquid.
B: What? What’s for?
A: If you had it, you would cure
illnesses or make you live forever.
B: oh, my god. Are you kidding?
A: I’m serious. In many Chinese stories,people want to live longer.
So they want to get this magic something.
B: I see.

A conversation about shopping

Clerk :Welcome to Kenny’s Shoes. Can I help you?

Shopper: I don't know yet. I just want to take a
Clerk: Ok. Let me know if you need any help.
Shopper: Thanks.
Clerk: You are welcome.
The shopper is looking around in the store. After a little while, the clerk talks to the shopper again.
Clerk: anythiny you like? We’re having a sale on dress shoes.

Shopper: That’s great. I need some dress shoes. What do you have on sale?
Clerk: Well, we have Silver Jims and Cool Walkers.

Shopper: What do you recommend?
Clerk:Well, Silver Jimms are more fashionable and
higher quality. Whereas, Cool Walkers are not as expensive and they’re more comfortable.

Shopper: What’s the difference in price?
Clerk: With tax, the Silver Jims come to $47.00 and the Cool Walkers
come to $39.00.

Shopper: So that’s about an $8.00 difference.
Clerk: That’s right.

Shopper: I’ll take the Cool Walkers. Could you get me Size 7 in white?
Clerk: Ok. I will be right back.(Go get the shoes)
Clerk: Here you are.
Shopper: Oh, thanks.
Clerk: My pleasure. They look good on you.
Shopper: Thanks. I'll take them.
Clerk: How would you like to pay?

Shopper: put it on my credit card.
. . .
Clerk: Alright, here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.
Shopper: Thanks.You, too.

Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白
People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.

1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far?
C: It's really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.
B: How do you do?
C: Hello.
B: What's your impression of the United States?
C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.
B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!

3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: Nice to meet you.
B: What do you think of Dallas?
C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.

4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: How do you do?
B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.
B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.

(2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候

There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year's
Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays.

1. A: Merry Christmas!
B: The same to you!
A: Are you doing anyting special?
B: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?
A: Oh, I'm just going to take it easy.

2. A: Happy New Year!
B: Thank you! Same to you.
A: Have you got any plans?
B: I've been invited over to la friend's. And you?
A: My reemmate's having a party.

3. A: Have a nice Thanksgiving!
B: Same to you!
A: Are you going anywhere?
B: I thought about going to my sister's. How about you?
A: Oh, I'll probably just stay at home.

4. A: Have a nice weekend!
B: Thanks. You too!
A: Do you have any plans?
B: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?
A: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.

(3).Meeting old friends 老友重逢

Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each other for a long time.

1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.

2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?
B: No, I've been visiting relatives.
A: That's nice. Where?
B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.

3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
B: No, I've been away on vacation.
A: Oh? Where were you?
B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.

4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?
B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.
A: Oh, really? Where did you go?
B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.

(4).Saying Goodbye 告别

When you're far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them by letters, post cards, short notes or phone calls.

1.A: I've come to say goodbye.
B: When are you off?
A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon.
B: Well, goodbye. See you soon.
A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me.

2.A: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.
B: What time are you going?
A: My plane leaves at 7:25.
B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip!
A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington.

3.A; I'm calling to say goodbye.
B: When do you leave?
A: I'm catching the 11:00 train.
B: Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch.
A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything.

4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye.
B: What time are you leaving?
A: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00.
B: Take care and give my best to your parents.
A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.

Little Duck: Hello, this is Little Duck speaking. Who’s that? Oh, dear Grandma. Yes, I’m fine. I miss you very much. I’ll come to visit you this morning. Good bye.

Little Duck:: Wow! What a sunny day! I’m going to visit my grandma.


Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you?

Mr. Cat: Fine. Thank you, and you?

Little Duck: I’m fine, too. What are you doing?

Mr. Cat: I’m catching fish! Look! It’s a big fish! But I can’t catch it!

Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you.


Little Duck: Here you are. Have a good meal.

Mr. Cat: Thank you. It’s so kind of you.

Little Duck: My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)I have to go now.

Mr. Goat: Help! Help!

Little Duck: Who’s crying?

Mr. Cat: I don’t know.

Little Duck: Let’s go and see.

Mr. Cat: Alright.


Mr. Cat: Here! It’s Mr. Goat!

Little Duck: What’s wrong with you, Mr. Goat?

Mr. Goat: I was running with singing. But I ran too fast and fell down. My leg is broken. I can’t stand up.

Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you. Mr. Cat, can you do me a favor?

Mr. Cat: Sure.

Mr. Goat: Thank you very much.

Little Duck: It’s alright. Oh, it’s too late. I have to go now.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Where are you going?

Little Duck: I’m going to visit my grandma.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Thank you for helping us.

Little Duck: It’s my pleasure.

Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Have a good time!

Little Duck: I will. Good bye!
Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Good bye!

英语口语对话 急急急。。。
A: Greetings.B: Nice to meet you.A: There's something I want to ask you.B: What's it? Please.A: What kind of qualities do you look for in your friends?B: Qualities of friends? That's a fine topic. But why are you interested in my opinion?A: I just want to konw...

我可以给你提供四个 四人之间的口语对话 你可以选择任何一个。希望能帮到你。从1~4的口语主题分别是 : 问路 交朋友 开生日会 关于吃饭 1 A:Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the bank?B:OK.Go straight and turn left,then go down center street.It's on your...

1A:How do you spell “pig"。你怎么拼写pig B:P-I-G. P-I-G.A:What?P-U-G? 什么?P-U-G?B:No,P-I-G.I. 不是的, P-I-G. 是'I'A:U.? U?B:I. I (字母I,也有“我”的意思)A:Yes,you!pig

1:What's wrong with you?2:When did you have a cold?3:Do you have a headache?4:Can you tell me how to take these medicine?5:Thank you very much.个人观点,望采纳。

一、旅游 A:今年寒假你想去那里旅游?B:还没有想好,但是去年寒假我去哈尔滨旅游了。A:真的?那里好玩吗?我听说哈尔滨的冰灯非常有名,很多人都为了欣赏冰灯而去哈尔滨。B:是的我去了冰雪大世界,那儿的冰灯种类非常多,非常漂亮。有城堡、家具、还有滑梯等等。另外还有很多游乐设施也很有趣。A:...

A:Do you have any hobbies? What is it or what are they?B:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games.A:How do you spend your spare time?B:I usually read or so some sports.A:What kind of book are you interested in?B:My favorite books are those about ...

Doctor:Hello John, what's wrong with you this time?你好,约翰,这次是哪里不舒服?John: Hello doctor. I have a temperature, a headache and running noses. 你好大夫,我发烧,头痛,流鼻涕。Doctor: Let me see. You probably have caught a cold. I hope there is nothing serious. 让...

急求 英语商店对话 快快快啊 ~~~
1.What can i do for you?I want to buy a pencil.Here are a lot of pencils,which one do you like?I like this blue one,how much is it?1 yuan.Ok,I will take it.Here is the money.Thank you,goodbye.Goodbye.2.Amber goes to a department store to buy some empty videotape...

A你好 hello\/hi (楼主自己选,hi更亲近一点)B你好,好久不见呀!Hi\/hello, long time no see (这句话我在美国老外经常对我说的,绝对正确且口语化)C你好hello\/hi A过得还好吗?How's going?BC不错呀。很好啊 not bad\/ i am fine D哦 这样 oh, ok.A:D你看起来不太好呀。you don'...

1. After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't ...

平乐县15588836575: 英语口语对话 急 急 急.关于交友的两人对话,3到5分钟.如(但有点短):请前后扩充下(原来是12句,扩充为20句以上,可以有改动,A:what kind of ... -
淫柔贝诺:[答案] A: Greetings. B: Nice to meet you. A: There's something I want to ask you. B: What's it? Please. A: What kind of qualities do you look for in your friends? B: Qualities of friends? That's a fine topic...

平乐县15588836575: ...包内钱数可观,足够他们缴纳下个学期的学费,B、C主张寻找失主,经过交谈,A同意,经多方查找,终于找到了失主D 根据此情景编写一个英语对话 四个... -
淫柔贝诺:[答案] A: Excuse me, madam, is this wallet yours?B :No, it's not mine. A: Oh, I see. Thank you. Hello, sir, is this your wallet?C: No. it isn't.A: OK. Excuse me, sir, would you please help me find th...

平乐县15588836575: 急急急急,编一段英语小对话
淫柔贝诺: A: what's wrong with you ?you look so upset.(你出什么事情了?看起来很沮丧) B: i have not passed the exam,i am so sad.(我考试挂了,我很伤心) A: come on,don't worry about your exam,show me your paper please,maybe i can help you.and...

平乐县15588836575: 英语对话 急求急急急急!!!!! -
淫柔贝诺: 我来回答…… 设A和B两人对话吧.A=经理,B=员工 A:Hi,Tom,you look handsome today!B:Thanks.A:This orange T-shirt is so nice and you look spirited and active.B:Yes,i think so.And i want to make myself energetic.A:How much is it?B:It cost me...

平乐县15588836575: 简单英文对话,要很简单的,短一点的4,5句就行了,急急急急急急急急!高分悬赏,你回答了我在给 -
淫柔贝诺: Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Harbin. How did you go there ? I went by train. What did you do ? I went skiing.翻译: 你假期准备去哪儿? 我要去哈尔滨. 你怎么去那儿? 我坐火车去. 你去干什么? 我去滑雪.(可以吧?O(∩_∩)O哈!)

平乐县15588836575: 英语对话,急急急....!!!!!!! -
淫柔贝诺: A: Hey.what would you like to do on weekend?B:I have no idea about it .how about you ?A:I'd like to go some places of interest,you know,i always want to travel all over the country.B:That sounds good.where would you like to go?A:I plan to go to ...

平乐县15588836575: 急求一篇英语对话
淫柔贝诺: wanglin:can i speak to John please? B:hold on ,please. B:John ,you are wanted on the phone? John:yes ,speak. wanglin:This is wanglin here. I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from New York to Boston on Nov.28th. John:oh yes. wanglin: that kind of you .good bye john: good bye`

平乐县15588836575: 求一篇英语对话,急!!!
淫柔贝诺: Hi,what do you do often after school? Oh,I usrually do my homework first,and then do some drawing,or whaching TV. Mn,do you do your homework first every day? Yes,or mom won't let me do anything else. If one day you don't want to do it So my ...

平乐县15588836575: 求救~~~英语小对话,急急急急急~!!! -
淫柔贝诺: Waitress: Good evening, how can i help you todayJim: What is your sp...

平乐县15588836575: 急求关于各种题材的英语对话,急急,急急 -
淫柔贝诺: shopping on the sunday ,my mother and i was going shopping ,i was very happy.my mother bought some meat ,some chicken and so on .and i ,bought some soft water and some fruit .we were also bought some new bag ,some pen .we were happily.

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