My favorite subject is math.

作者&投稿:白牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
为什么my favorite subject is math这句话是对的..而My favorite animal is dog.这句话是错的?~


Why do you like PE?
Who is your math teacher?
What's his sister's favorite sport?
Do you like English?
What do you want to talk about?
Bill doesn't have any friend in this city.
Can I play with your dog?
Which is your favorite day?
When does Tony have math?
What are your favorite movies?
Why does Linda like art?
My favorite course is science.

1、Yesterday is friday.I hope this day come quickly and go slowly.Beacuse MY SHOW is always broadcast on this day at 7:30 o'clock.I like this program very much.On boring summer holiday ,except for playing computer,This program give me the best happiness.In MY SHOW I especially like a person named seven!She is handsome and smart.I like she such as a mouse like rice.In order to help she .I spend lots of money sending message for her.
2、Time Is Money
As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light,I asked the driver,"Do you agree that 'Time is money'?" "Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?"the driver answered . "Look,the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped,"I pointed at the meter. "Oh.yes.You've got a point here,In this case,time is money for both of us,"added the driver.

Marriage Arranged by an Unborn Baby
The other day a Chinese told me that to go with the traditional custom,one's marriage has to be decided by his or her parents and that accordingly,her mother's marriage was arranged by her grandparents,but her sister has broken the tradition. "How?"I asked. "Her marriage was arranged by her unborn baby." "What do you mean?"I was puzzled. "She had to get married because of her premarital pregnancy,"She explained in embarrassment.

The Korean War Is Over
My husband's brother-in-law,Joseph,an American real estate agent,came to China for a short visit to our city.To show hospitality at the welcoming dinner party,Mr.Sun,the host,entertained Joseph with Chinese wine,saying,"According to our custom,a brother-in-law coming to his wife's native country for the first time must drink three cups of wine."Joseph declined the offer by saying,"Thank you,but I can't drink even one drop." "Then our dinner won't be over without your drinking at least one cup,"insisted Mr. Sun. To this,Joseph responded,"The Korean War is over,Don't attack the Americans any more."
Lily is crying.Her mother ask:"why are you crying?" Lily's brother Toni says:"she wants to have my coin."Her mother says:"that's impossible."She is just a baby."She does!"Toni said:"she has eaten it all ready."
3、The Arrow and the Song
I shot an arrow into air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterwards, in an oak,
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.





May our frienfship be not like the tides,
Tides rise, tides fall,
May it be like the ocean,
Whoseface may show smile, frown or anger,
But whose heart is at bottom unchanging.

May our frienfship be not like the flowers,
Flowers bloom, flowers fade.
May it be like grass and trees,
But their roots live long.

May our frienfship be not like the moon,
The moon waxes, it also wanes.
May it be like the stars,
They appear or do not appear in the sky,
But always exist with mysterious light.



5、Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are travelling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving on a crossi
6、Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel unc

My favorite subject is math.

Some people think it's difficult,but I think it's interesting.And I like my math teacher Mr Qu best.Because he is very fun.I have two math classes every day.


My favorite subject is math.
Today,many subjects work out in all kinds of industries.They all were useful.But to be honest i love MATH best.
Also i`m pround of math.In my opinion math is exciting and interesting even though it`s difficult .For the reason it can make me more clever and curious.I regonize math as my part of life.It can make me more confident .it was also important on the exams.
In a word,MATH not only a subject,but also is a goddess for your life.NOTHING is difficult to the courage ,so everyone can learn math well!


my favorite subject is math. i love it ever since i was in primary one, math is a interesting combination of logic, calculation and inference. in addition, math improved my intelligence and strengthen my academic abilities. further more, math gives me better understanding of science, economics and arts also. you might doubt that will math do any good to arts, the answer is definitely yes as math excelled in ratio, don't you know that Da Vinci is both an artist and an Mathematician. i love math as math delights my life.
我最喜欢的科目是数学. 我在小一的时候就喜欢它了,数学是逻辑,计算和推理的奇异组合. 数学更帮我提高智力以及加强我的学术能力. 数学更多的给我了对科学,金融和美术的理解.你也许会怀疑数学会不会对美术有任何的帮助,答案是肯定的,因为更精确地比例给予了美术黄金比例.你难道不知道达芬奇既是个美术家又是个数学家吗?我爱数学因为它点亮了我的生活.


Math is my favorite subject.Mathematics is very difficult, you can fully display their wisdom, there are also infinite charm.It seems to me that is not only a knowledge of mathematics, it is also a pleasure. I pursued is a solution of a problem suddenly after. Is a kind of enjoyment.I like math, math also likes me. How cool the feeling is that devot to math and enjoy it, and how most people understand it?
数学是我最喜欢的学科.数学很有难度,可以充分展示自己的智慧,数学还有无穷的魅力. 在我看来数学不只是一种知识,更是一种乐趣.我所追求的是一种解得难题后的豁然开朗.是一种享受.我喜欢数学,数学也喜欢我。那种全心投入到数学中尽情享受的感觉太爽了,一般人怎么体会得到呢?

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