
作者&投稿:守艳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


英文翻译是the act of a person rubbing a man's penis with their hand to give sexual pleasure。




男女手交: 男性抚摸女性的外阴部或以手指插入阴道,女性套著男性阴茎摩擦或抓住男性的阴囊、睾丸



Jobs and work do much%是什么意思
I got a new job and a new set of work associations.我有了新工作和一班新同事。23.Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happi-ness and contentment.职业和工作在使人得到幸福与满足方面所起的作用比我们大多数意识到的要多得多。The survey contains many positive...

career、job、occupation 和 profession 这四个词都与工作和职业有关,但它们之间存在一定的区别。一、career 含义解释:career [kəˈrɪr],指一个人在其工作生涯中的长期职业发展,通常涉及相关技能的提升、经验的积累以及职位的变动。语法、使用方法不同之处:与其他三个词相比,...

作文Hobbies and job
回答 Hobbies and Interests From Monday until Friday most people are busyworking or studying, but in the evenings and off weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies;others participate in sports.It depends on individual interests. ...

Face the life and job with shiny optimistic attitude,they will...

job的解释:the regular paid work that you do for an employer.比较口语化,career是“事业,职业生涯”的意思,Career的解释: a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life.Profession的解释是: a job that needs a high level ...

job and finish的意思
job and finish 英 [dʒəʊb ənd ˈfɪnɪʃ] 美 [dʒoʊb ənd ˈfɪnɪʃ]【经】计件并完成

the life and job
给你做个参考吧 Life and Job What is a life? I think it depends on it's value, different people have different opinions. I think the real life is to make my family feel happy, make the members feel proud of me! I will try my best to make this come true.The Job, it ...

《habby and job》英语作文不少于10句话
My hobby and my career I am an English teacher. My job is related to English. So my hobby is doing something about English.In my spare time, I often watch TV on CCTV 9. It's an English channel. I can practise speaking English in this way. And I can practise my ...

1. He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral.他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。2. Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.在汽水厂工作的一个男子夺去了诺拉的童贞。3. The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents.救援人员因...

翻译参考[网络]First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything!列出教育背景。包括学历和证书,专业和主要课程,学校名称,主要课程和与职业目标相关的课程。

涞水县17314048475: hand jop是什么意思啊
狐巧消眩: hand job吧..就是A(男女不限)用手给B(男)做令人羞羞的事情.

涞水县17314048475: hand job什么意思及同义词 -
狐巧消眩: 两个意思差不多,但是一般 on the one hand 比较常见.on the one hand 在一方面 on the one hand, she is a gifted chemist. 一方面,她是一位很有天分的药剂师

涞水县17314048475: 在泰国HJ和BJ是什么意思
狐巧消眩: 在泰国bj=blowjob,意为口交,hj=handjob,意为飞机.泰王国(泰语:ราชอาณาจักรไทย,英语:the Kingdom of Thailand),通称泰国(Thailand).位于东南亚的君主立宪制国家.泰国位于中南半岛中部,其西部与北部和缅甸、安达曼海接壤,东北边是老挝,东南是柬埔寨,南边狭长的半岛与马来西亚相连.

涞水县17314048475: 英文请问handjob是什么意思?
狐巧消眩: handjob n. (由他人实施的)手淫

涞水县17314048475: she just did a handjob,why not jerk yourself? -
狐巧消眩: 意思:她刚刚才自慰过,你不如自己解决吧.handjob: 手淫jerk: 急拉,急推,急动(男人的那种动作……自行想象)

涞水县17314048475: 什么是hand job? -
狐巧消眩: 怎么都是这样的问题 = =!汗 是一样的回答,只是把嘴换成手.u got that/?

涞水县17314048475: handjob什么意思
狐巧消眩: 参考资料:http://www.iciba.com/handjob/

涞水县17314048475: handjob 翻译中文 翻译要具体 速回给五星
狐巧消眩: 按摩的意思

涞水县17314048475: 提示 :服务: HK$ 300 全套 HK$ 200 DUP+HJ 这个DUP 和HJ 分别代表什么服务. -
狐巧消眩: dup是按摩的意思,hj是hand job的意思

涞水县17314048475: 为什么HJ是老婆的意思呢 -
狐巧消眩: 我来解答,HJ是QQ三国“豪杰”职业的简称.

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