
作者&投稿:集国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Soft fried fillet

1) Food & Beverage Services

1 guests arrived in the restaurant, citing bit of courtesy to the member of warm greetings to the guests. Of regular and VIP guests to call the family name or title.
2-bit member of primers lead guests, and guests earlier synchronization, the event of obstructions or steps should remind guests of the guests with mobility difficulties, should take the initiative to arm.
3 guests enter the restaurant, the waiter approached greetings to take the initiative to pull chairs for the guests seat and brought to the menu, and the timely provision of tea, towel service.
4 primers bit when the restaurant was crowded and should inform the guests waiting time, and arrange for guests to wait for rest areas.
5 guests a la carte, waiter skilled use of marketing skills to take the initiative to introduce the guests food features, characteristics, and depending on the circumstances appropriate to remind the guests dining.
6 waiter menu to be filled out accurately and rapidly. Points such as the guests of the dish taste special requirements have to be at point marked on the menu.
7 a la carte after the waiter to the point of food, beverages and other content to repeat guests, please the guests to be confirmed.
8 guests a la carte, the first time to dish out the food should not be more than 10 minutes, all the food is generally considered to be at or within 45 minutes At the request of the order on Qi. If a certain food production a long time, should inform the guests beforehand. Temperature to hot and cold dishes appropriate hot temperature generally not less than 65 ℃, temperature汤菜generally not less than 75 ℃.
9 guests dining, the guests in time for the waiter to pour drinks down, the replacement of bone butterfly, ashtray and so on.
10 Service waiter to master the skills, service to avoid juices, beverages spilled on clothing to the guests.
Dishes on 11 points Qi, waiter should promptly inform the guests and asked the guests whether or not to add food points.
12 guests finished eating, such as the request of the guest spots packaged food should be provided, the corresponding services, such as drinks storage.
13 Qing waiter at the table to remove disc light using light release, to avoid affecting the dining guests. Shall not be implied, urging the guests dining.
14 guests left the restaurant waiter should take the initiative to collect clothing for the guests and remind guests not to forget items.

(2) Banquet Services
Banquet waiter one master Service procedures and the requirements.
2 to accept reservations after the banquet, according to the banquet the nature, scale and requirements of the organizers of the banquet venues carefully designed layout, appropriate atmosphere contrast Banquet.
Table 3 times, seating, etc. should be arranged before the banquet. Banquet menu table should be placed more than 2.
4 large banquet guests to seating arrangements for payment plans, the guests arrive, the waiter to guide the guests took a timely manner.
5 Chinese food served at the location should normally be the masters of seats next to the third seat gap Department, at the guest of honor should not go on between the owner and serve. Inverted glass of wine, as well as serve food should be in accordance with the first after the chief guest, the owner then clockwise around the table followed by or in accordance with the first female chief guest, Female Philippines, man of honor, gentlemen, the final order of the main people.
6 provide分餐waiter, the first disk will be vegetables on display in the table, please watch the guests, they shall be reported to菜名, and then sub-dishes.
7 waiter to master the skills at cooking, so the distribution of uniform, rapid and sound small, sub-Tang Sheng appropriate Gomantong Tim.
8 in many bones, thorns, or taste different dishes of fruit between and on the former should be the replacement of the pelvis for the guests.
9 if eating food by hand stripping, should provide hand-washing cup, and the guests on擦手巾.
Arrangements such as 10 during the banquet speech, toast or performances, etc., promptly notify the waiter to the kitchen, serve the appropriate time to adjust.
11 after the end of the banquet waiter at the restaurant entrance to bid farewell to the guests.

(3) buffet Services
Buffet waiter one master Service procedures and the requirements.
2 buffet Units Designed to be scientific and rational, table size, table space and the number of meals suited to facilitate the guests taking food.
3 buffet dishes, cutlery display rational layout, guests convenient access. Placing dishes point to classification, the order is generally placed first cold, and then followed by soup, hot dishes, desserts, fruits and so on.
Open 4 to 15 minutes before dinner dishes point on chai, hot to stamp with a warm pot insulation.
5 guests during the dinner waiter timely visits to Units, organize the table, depending on the circumstances point to add vegetables.

Steamed lamb, steaming bear's paw, steamed Luk Mei-yee,
Burning flowers ducks, chickens burned children, burning sub-goose

Chatham卤煮ducks, butter chicken, bacon, egg, small肚儿
Dry meat, sausage, assorted Su disk,

Smoked chicken, white肚儿, steamed Babao pigs, ducks stuffed glutinous rice,

罐儿pheasant, quail罐儿,
Assorted halogen, halogen sub geese, brine shrimp
Shrimp cooked in soy and vinegar, cook in soy shrimp abuse, pheasant, rabbit prolyl, vegetables python, silver fish,
Steamed khash ant, braise duck waist abuse, abuse of Article duck meat, duck-ching mix丝儿, yellow heart tube abuse,
Braised白鳝, Braised albus,豆鼓catfish,锅烧catfish, soft-shelled turtle烀Paper,锅烧carp, grasping fried carp,
Soft-fried fillet, soft-fried chicken, assorted sets of intestines, Ma butter roll,
熘鲜蘑, fish熘prolyl infants, children熘fillets, fish maw熘abuse, vinegar, meat熘abuse,熘white mushrooms,
三鲜meat, fried whitebait, eel cooked in soy and vinegar, ham, steamed, fried white shrimp, cook in soy Green clams, fried fish,
Cook in soy asparagus, Furong燕菜,炒肝尖儿, South炒肝related abuse, child-ren油爆belly, soup belly burst from abuse,
Fried gold, silver cooked in soy and vinegar, sugar, fried熘饹children, sugar熘water chestnuts, honey filament yam,鲜桃Roberts,
熘南贝, speculation南贝, braise duck silk, braise San Dan,
Steamed chicken, yellow chicken stew, large炒鸡,熘shredded chicken, crispy chicken,炒鸡small children, infants熘chicken,
三鲜small children, eight small children, steamed玉兰片,


Steams the lamb, steams the bear's paws, steams Lu Weier, burns the flowered duck, burns the chickling, burns the child goose, the stewin thick gravy salty duck, the sauce chicken, the cured meat, the preserved egg, the small stomach, dries in the sun the meat, the sausage, the assorted Soviet plate, smokes the chicken, Bai Duer, steams the eight precious ingredients pig, the polished glutinous rice ferments the duck,Jar son pheasant , jar young male quail ,
thick gravy mixed , stew you goose , the thick
gravy shrimp in soy sauce , braise a shrimp ,
boil in water for a while , then dress with
soy , vinegar the shelled fresh shrimps son ,
pheasant , rabbit breast , dish python ,
silverfish , Chinese forest frog steamed in
clear soup, braise the duck middle son ,
braise the duck strip son, completely, stir
and mix duck silk son , Huang Xin Guan Er ,
braise the white eel, braises the finless eel
, bulging catfish of bean , boiler burn a
catfish , stew in shallow water the skin
soft-shelled turtle , the boiler burn carp ,
grasp to stir-fry carpSoft-Fried Pork Filet, is soft fried chicken , mixed
cover intestines , hemp butter roll up a son ,
quick-fry fresh mushrooms, quick-fries the fish breast
son, quick-fries the fillet son, quick-fries the fish
maw son , the quick-fried sliced meat with vinegar son,
quick-fry the white mushroom, braises three fresh ,
stir-fry a silverfish , braise an eel , steamed in
clear soup ham , stir-fries the white shrimp , boils in
water for a while , then dresses with soy , vinegar
the green clam , Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables fish,
boil in water for a while , then dress with soy ,
vinegar the asparagus , the Seremban swallow dish,
stir-fry liver sharp point , stir-fry the liver turn
off son in the south, oil cooked tripe of sheep or
swine benevolence son, the soup cooked tripe of sheep
or swine draws a son, Stir-fry Jinsi , braise silver
wire, candy quick-fries ? ? the eleocharis
tuberosa frying the son , sugar quick-fry , honey silk
Chinese yam , fresh peach of candied floss,Quick-fry Nanbei, stir-fries Nanbei , braise duck silk ,
braise scattered pellet , steamed chicken , yellow braise
chicken, stir-fries chicken greatly , quick-fry broken
chicken , savoury and crisp chicken, stir-fry chicken
Ding Er , quick-fry chicken size , three fresh Ding Er
, eight treasures Ding Er , dried slices of tender
bamboo shoots steamed in clear soup,

郭版 先上几个压桌碟,四干,四鲜,四蜜饯,四冷荤,三甜碗,四点心:四干:黑瓜子,白瓜子,核桃栈子,糖杏仁;四鲜:北山苹果,申州蜜桃,广东荔枝,桂林马蹄;四蜜饯:青梅,橘饼,圆肉,瓜条;四冷荤:全羊肝儿,熘蟹腿儿,白斩鸡,炸排骨;三甜碗:莲子粥,杏仁茶,糖蒸八宝饭;四点心:...


中餐宴会是在开餐前就把第一道菜摆上餐桌,来宾入席,当冷盘吃到剩下一半时,开始上热炒和大菜,上菜要报菜名,当上到最后一道菜时,应轻声告诉客人:“先生\/小姐,您的菜已经上齐,请您慢用!”。 4、 按照一定顺序上菜 中餐上菜的顺序是:冷菜,热炒、大菜、主食、甜品、水果。 5、 上菜时的菜肴佐料的跟用 常见佐...

相反,舞蹈,只能在校外机构学习,而且舞蹈可以塑造孩子的形体和气质,长大进入 社会 也算是自己的一项特长。现在很多公司都会有各种团建,如果此时你有很好的特长发挥,也可以在人群中脱颖而出,让领导对你印象深刻。所以我建议学习舞蹈 经验:我家老大8岁也是报了很兴趣班,我也是边学习边摸索的阶段,因为不知道孩子有哪...


2、二人合作式:一名服务员站在翻译和陪同之间,右手持公用筷,左手持长把公用勺,另一位服务员绕台将 每位客人的餐碟移到分菜服务员近处,由分菜服务员分派,另一位服务员从客人左侧送上。3、旁桌式分菜:一般用于宴会,由服务员将菜端上桌介绍菜式,供客人观赏后端回备餐桌,在备菜桌上将菜 ...

\\x0d\\x0a 一般情况是边上菜边报菜名,后退一步远离餐桌后报菜名;回答客人提出的问题。上不同大类的菜肴之间,要更换骨碟、汤碗等餐具,配料碟,递送小毛巾(如果没有一次性小毛巾的话)和洗手盅、牙签等物品。\\x0d\\x0a 3、上菜的方式。上菜的方式主要有三种:一种是将大盘的菜上到桌上,由宾客自取或互相敬让...

里的……报……报菜名了? 爷爷:跟电视上学的呗,你也知道这叫“报菜名”? 孙子点头 爷爷:看来,我孙子懂的东西还真不少! 孙子得意地昂起了头:您学……学得……真象……您教……教教……我吧 爷爷:好哇,等你学会了“报菜名”,你这结结巴巴的毛病也就改掉了。 孙子:我……现在……好……好多了 爷爷...



汤阴县13834981543: 高手进:将报菜名翻译成英文版,我找了半天也没弄好,呵呵 -
书艺霏刻: Steamed lamb, steaming bear's paw, steamed Luk Mei-yee, Burning flowers ducks, chickens burned children, burning sub-gooseChatham卤煮ducks, butter chicken, bacon, egg, small肚儿 Dry meat, sausage, assorted Su disk,Smoked chicken, ...

汤阴县13834981543: 高手进,翻译成英语 [请不用翻译器]
书艺霏刻: You are my only older brother, I'll love you forever. I need you the most, you are my smile, my angel. For as long as I'm alive, I'll be with you and never leave you alone. It seem as if you already have the answer, so why bother to ask?!

汤阴县13834981543: 急!英语高手进.将下列一段话翻译成英语.
书艺霏刻: Sometimes, watching the scenery, flashing distance with you,Sometimes the dull and staring at the ceiling, with your past emerged,Sometimes quiet looking at the sky, and your future.Let me so hard for you.

汤阴县13834981543: 汉译英高手进把一段话翻译成英语,完整的,内容如下:"下周一康康的生日1月28日,我们要为他举行一次生日聚会.聚会前我们有许多事要做,星期日,我... -
书艺霏刻:[答案] Kangkang's birthday is Jan.28,next Monday and we will hold a bithday party for him.Before this party we have a lot of things to do,like going shopping for our parents on Sunday and buying some apples,...

汤阴县13834981543: 高手进,一句话翻译成英语 -
书艺霏刻: For you,i won't fear of dying.应该是这个

汤阴县13834981543: 英语高手进,翻译成英文
书艺霏刻: 可以这样翻译: 1.I can dare to say I have never loved you. 2.There is only the dependence here,I am so happy because I have left all the things .

汤阴县13834981543: 英文题!高手请进!翻译成英文1.你喜欢在放学后打篮球吗?2.玛丽常在六点半到家.3.熊猫是最有趣的动物之一.4.走在繁忙的街道上,怎么样?5.昨天,当... -
书艺霏刻:[答案] 1.Do you like playing basketball after school? 2.Mary often return home in 6:30. 3.Pandas are one of the most interesting animals. 4.What does it feel like walking in busy streets? 5.Yesterday,when you were calling me,I was sleeping. 6.We should queue ...

汤阴县13834981543: 高手进~~英文翻译
书艺霏刻: I have to abandon you,your anything will have nothing to do with me!

汤阴县13834981543: 高手进 英文翻译
书艺霏刻: 1.they take this problem seriously,finally they find a solution which was regarded as fair to everyone. 2.the earthquake brought us huge difficulties,but we could get over these difficulties cause we had confidence. 原创翻译,望采纳,谢谢!

汤阴县13834981543: 翻译成英文,高手进! -
书艺霏刻: I think you ought to be interested in our other products. I therefore attached herewith the catalogue for your perusal. Should you be interested, do not hesitate to let us know. We are looking forward to your early reply.

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