
作者&投稿:厍应 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Mr.Jones peacefully passed away in Friday morning.
2.Now that you have a job already,you must depend on yourself earning money to make a living.
3. By means of hard work,my dream has come to reality.
4.Any funds you can embezzle otherwise the funds used to help the urban poor.
5.The road is not wide enough to allow three trucks going through side by side.
6.The teacher can see that Jim is happy with his scores.
7.They are so lovely that you will fall in love with these children before long.
8.She was born with beauty and intelligence.
9.The meeting is detemined in the Friday afternoon on October 15th.
10.All the people present see it as a good suggestion.

1.He insisted on sendin me to the bus terminal.
2.Her husband is a painter or something.
3.He went on studying after his graduation instead of hunting for jobs.
4.A little girl presented a bunch of flowers to the honored guest.
5.They should not be chained by the tradition.
6.Spain is abundant in oranges.
7.They can not compete with the football team that is full of experience.
8.Are you available tomorrow?
9.Jack hopes that he can live a life free from concern.
10.He claimed to be the best tennis player in the school.



The face I came to know is missing too我熟悉的面孔也消逝了
Thank you for your wishs(wishes?).But I can not sleep at all谢谢你的祝福,但是我根本睡不着
sands of time will keep your memory,but I never thought you trades your souls to the faste.I trust that,we can get our happy ending... 时间的沙漏将保存住你的记忆,但是我从不认为你跟faste。(严重怀疑拼错,字典上没这词啊)交换了你的灵魂。我相信,我们可以得到我们的美好结局
Enough.I do not know how to say''Chinese''.Forget everything.Sleeping now.So on这就够了,我不知道怎么说中文,忘记这一切,睡了,就这样

S:The face I came to know is missing to.
S:Thank you for your wishs(wishes?).But I can not sleep at all.
S:Eh well,sands of time will keep your memory,but I never thought you trades your souls to the faste.I trust that,we can get our happy ending...
S:Enough.I do not know how to say''Chinese''.Forget everything.Sleeping now.So on.





5.My father went to Beijing to attend the meeting. He will be back next week.

帮我翻译几个句子(中译英) 在线等~
Bring joy to people.Increace happiness of life.Share\\Deliver information.Make\\Let the world colorful Keep natural balance They are regarded as our best friends,but people would like to keep them as pets.They are smart and very meek ,they amuse people by doing different things.The...


1.我们两个都擅长游泳。We are both good at swimming.2.我的父母亲工作都很忙。Both my parents are busy working.3.他和他的朋友们都是教师。He and his friends are all teachers.4.我爸爸是个好老师,他认真教书。My father is a good teacher, he teaches with great care.5.我擅长数学...

几个简单的句子 中译英!!!~~~
1.他每天早上5点起床 = He wakes up at five O'clock every morning.2.顺便问下你收到那封信了吗?= By the way,have you received that letter yet?3.为了天黑以前到达我们早早动了身?= Will we leave early in order to get there before dark?4.你正是我要找的人 5.你们应该保持教师...

3.Anything else?4.What would you like to drink?5.Our restaurant close at half past two.6.Go along this way, turn left after the first glass door.salt, soy sause, vinegar, mutton, beef, pork, vergetable, fungus, fish, shrimp, bean curd, 芝麻火烧(不知道是什么),wonton ...

That boy knows the football match rules very clearly.3.盘子里有两个苹果,一个是给你的,另一个是给你妈妈的.There'are two appleson the plate.One is for you and the other is for your mother 4.如果你丢了书,你必须赔偿.If you lose,you must pay for it 5.上周一,Miss Green ...

teacher often reminds me to pay attention to my accent.2.那个小孩对足球比赛的规则知道得很清楚.That boy knows the football match rules very clearly.3.盘子里有两个苹果,一个是给你的,另一个是给你妈妈的.There'are two appleson the plate.One is for you and the other is for your...

让我们一起努力吧!let's pull hard\/work hard together!解释:看你准备如何用,pull hard 有加油的意思,work hard 就是用功努力的意思 这不会是最后一次。It would\/will not be the last.解释:如果是阐述或对话中使用就要用过去式would, 只是一句句子就用现在式will.庆祝你的第十五个生日!cele...

5.When our do-it-yourself decide of time, we need consideration once, affair how will.6.For becoming an occupation athlete, he spends exactly three years to train.7.We need self-confidence, but can't be too self-confident but not hear anyone's advice.8.If you are better ...

古浪县15775788183: 拜托帮我把几句中文翻译成英文
进左诺德: 1、把窗户关好,不然屋里就太冷了= Shut the window, otherwise the house was too cold 2、我们应该去最需要我们的地方 = We should go to the needs of our place 3、那个人就是昨天向我要钱的人=That man was yesterday I need money

古浪县15775788183: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几个句子,中译英,1.一天一苹果,医生不找我.2.冬吃萝卜下吃姜,不用医生开处方.3.关于食物的俗语(谢谢支持) -
进左诺德:[答案] 1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……) 2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away. 请参考~ 3、slang on/about food

古浪县15775788183: 帮我把几句话翻译成英文..拜托了...尽可能的地道一点...谢谢...
进左诺德: 1 please tell me if you need anything else. 2 Have you seen JANE? I want to say something to him. 3 Would you please help me send the card to him. 4 What did you talk just now? 5 We say it in Chinese. 6 I like listening to his song because I like his voice.

古浪县15775788183: 帮我用英语翻译这几个句子 拜托了 很急的~
进左诺德: 1.I'm very pleased with your job! 2.You always speak exavtly! 3.You are successful in your business! 4.I feel respect for your job! 5.You are very humorous. 6.You are successful in your business! 7.How clever the child is ! 8.You look very great today! 9....

古浪县15775788183: 拜托帮我翻译成英文(8个句子)英语作业急!!谢啦!1萨达姆买不起
进左诺德: 1 萨达姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了 Saddam couldn't afford that kind of camera which he wanted badly due to its high price. 2 整个下午他都忙于写...

古浪县15775788183: 帮我翻译两个英语句子 拜托 -
进左诺德: I need him like I need the air to breathe 我需要他就好像需要空气来呼吸 You're my best friend ,forever 你永远是我最好的朋友

古浪县15775788183: 帮我一下,把以下的几句话翻译成英文,好吗?拜托了!
进左诺德: 1. There is a kind of feeling called "let it go" 2.Forgive my being selfish, will you? 3. Thank you for your persistent support 4. Don't ask why i left, will you? 5. If time can go back, will you waif for me at the crossing of the next stop? 6. Csan, sorry! I even can't tell if i like your or love you myself.

古浪县15775788183: 帮我翻译下着几句英语吧!拜托了.
进左诺德: 1Contribution to the country he will never be forgotten 2、I'd like to see the recommendations proposed by the staff of the valuable 3】I can not tell you the exact time of her Guilin 4、He sold the house, which makes his wife very angry 5I believe that ...

古浪县15775788183: 帮我翻译3个句子,拜托~~
进左诺德: 1, course, homework more, had to sit up all night. 2, in question is difficult, and had to stay up obstacles. 3, stay, to learn knowledge. o(∩_∩)o...

古浪县15775788183: 帮我翻译几个英语句子,急急
进左诺德: There to the hotel's taxi? Do not put your finger on mouth

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