
作者&投稿:徭青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am a senior high school student LiHua, now science and technology are getting more and more developed, many students have a cell phone, and they see it as a kind of fashion, it's also convenient to contact with family and friends, but some students take the cell phone into the classroom, the phone ring often appaers in class , destroying the classroom discipline. Some students even send messages in class, wasting learning time. The classroom is a place of studying, need to be quiet, students should not use mobile phones in the classroom ,they should concentrate on learning. Schools ought to make provision, banning students using mobile phonesare in the classroom .

As people's living standards improve , hobby got many people 's attention , including swimming loved people meet the eye everywhere , they immersed in swimming bring them pleasure , there are also many people who can not swim want to join the swimming in this sport, then they will learn to swim , no matter what is the beginning difficult, swimming is no exception , in the beginning the process will inevitably encounter all kinds of difficulties , this paper mainly through the analysis of the phenomenon of false breathing in swimming , as this avoids the phenomenon of beginners science , provides the reference and information

  100% 人工翻译,并根据文义分段。

  In a short term, the Olympic Gamles promoted the tourism industry in Beijing, pulled the GDP of Beijing to a great extent, in which the GDP growth rate of the year of 2007 is of the most, reached 1.14%, 2008 is 0.85%, and showed a far-reaching effect to the nation's economy.

  According to the research results of Mr. Lin Peng Beijing's ,the Director of the Sports Economy and Industry Departmentof the University of Physical Education, the indirect economic impact of Olympic games is about 250 billion yuan, coupled with the direct economic impact of 346.7 billion yuan, the overall economic impact of the Olympic Games is about 600 billion yuan.

  in the other hand, Olympics have caused very serious environmental pollution recently, and made a waste resulted from the idle Sports venues after the Olympics finished,

  but in a point of view of long-term, due to the Olympic Games, Beijing Economy brought about a industrial development pattern formed by the "quadrupole" of high-tech industries, finance and producing services, social services, cultural and creative industries, and remained a high level in the urban infrastructure investment.

  These adjustments will strongly support the investment remains a fast growth continuously after the Games. and the olympics also shortened the diferences between Beijing and world-class cities, making the Beijing's GDP per capita growth rapidly.

  Beijing Olympic Games also extended the effect of China's economic in the world, through the Olympic brand-name casting, the China enterprises took actively part in the market development led by the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee, which greatly promoted China's economy, and the Games will highly raise the level of China's sports in the future, the China' sports will show an unprecedented prosperous.

The short term, the Beijing Olympic Games to promote the tourism industry, making Beijing pulling GDP increase rate, which affect the 2007 Olympic Games by pulling GDP growth rate of the largest, reaching 1.14 percent, 0.85 percent compared with 2008. But also for the national economy, the economic role of the Olympic Games is very far-reaching. According to Beijing University of Physical Education Sports Economy and Industry Department Director Lin Peng significant research results, the Olympic indirect economic impact of about 2,500 billion yuan, coupled with the direct economic impact of 346.7 billion yuan, the overall economic impact of the Olympic Games is about 600 billion yuan. But also because of the Olympics, in the near future have caused very serious environmental pollution, and because of the Olympics after the conclusion of the Olympic venues have also resulted in a waste of idle, and from a long-term point of view, the convening of the Olympic Games, Beijing Economic and formation of high-tech industries, finance and producer services , social services, cultural and creative industries "quadrupole" to bring about industrial development pattern in urban infrastructure investment remained at a high level. These adjustments will strongly support the investment after the Games continue to maintain relatively fast growth, but also shorten the Beijing and a world-class city distance, making Beijing the rapid growth of per capita GDP, but also the expansion of the Beijing Olympic Games China's economic impact, through the Olympic brand-name casting, China enterprises to actively participate in the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee of the market development, and greatly promoted China's economic development, but also in the next Olympic Games in Beijing when China's sports has greatly improved, the Chinese Athletic Association showed an unprecedented prosperous .

The short term, the Beijing Olympic Games to promote the tourism industry, making Beijing pulling GDP increase rate, which affect the 2007 Olympic Games by pulling GDP growth rate of the largest, reaching 1.14 percent, 0.85 percent compared with 2008. But also for the national economy, the economic role of the Olympic Games is very far-reaching. According to Beijing University of Physical Education Sports Economy and Industry Department Director Lin Peng significant research results, the Olympic indirect economic impact of about 2,500 billion yuan, coupled with the direct economic impact of 346.7 billion yuan, the overall economic impact of the Olympic Games is about 600 billion yuan. But also because of the Olympics, in the near future have caused very serious environmental pollution, and because of the Olympics after the conclusion of the Olympic venues have also resulted in a waste of idle, and from a long-term point of view, the convening of the Olympic Games, Beijing Economic and formation of high-tech industries, finance and producer services , social services, cultural and creative industries "quadrupole" to bring about industrial development pattern in urban infrastructure investment remained at a high level. These adjustments will strongly support the investment after the Games continue to maintain relatively fast growth, but also shorten the Beijing and a world-class city distance, making Beijing the rapid growth of per capita GDP, but also the expansion of the Beijing Olympic Games China's economic impact, through the Olympic brand-name casting, China enterprises to actively participate in the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee of the market development, and greatly promoted China's economic development, but also in the next Olympic Games in Beijing when China's sports has greatly improved, the Chinese Athletic Association showed an unprecedented prosperous .

The short term, the Beijing Olympic Games to promote the tourism industry, making Beijing pulling GDP increase rate, which affect the 2007 Olympic Games by pulling GDP growth rate of the largest, reaching 1.14 percent, 0.85 percent compared with 2008. But also for the national economy, the economic role of the Olympic Games is very far-reaching. According to Beijing University of Physical Education Sports Economy and Industry Department Director Lin Peng significant research results, the Olympic indirect economic impact of about 2,500 billion yuan, coupled with the direct economic impact of 346.7 billion yuan, the overall economic impact of the Olympic Games is about 600 billion yuan. But also because of the Olympics, in the near future have caused very

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鄹味必奇: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

新北区17617868203: 急:怎么把下面一段话翻译成英文 -
鄹味必奇: 翻译如下:As a industry of service, commercial banks have played a more and more important role in the economical society. As a result, improving the service quality and servicing the public have become the crucial factors in the development of ...

新北区17617868203: (帮我把下面一段话译成英文 谢啦…)急用
鄹味必奇: 你好 可以这样翻译: I like reading book and listening music!我喜欢看书听音乐 I'm lively also I'd like to make friends!我很活泼我也喜欢交朋友! I hope we will be the best friend with all of you in the class!我也希望和班里每位同学成为最好朋友!

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鄹味必奇:[答案] We took part in tne summer camp in tne UK when we were in grade 2 of junior middle school .

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