
作者&投稿:虞钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁能把这些 翻译成 英语啊~~~~谢谢了~~关于法律的~

Business secret rights holder is the crystallization of the fruits of labor and business secret rights holder is a kind of intangible property owned, anti-unfair competition law will infringe business secret behavior as unfair competition shall be prohibited behavior is very necessary. Commercial secret is different from patent and registered trademark, it can be for multiple right subject have at the same time and use, as long as they get and use method legal. Such as independent research and development, or through reverse engineering deciphering others commercial secrets, etc.

Commercial secrets of actual or potential with the economic value can bring competitive advantage, become can give operators enormous competitive advantage "secret weapon", more and more attention by people. Also will certainly become support the technology force, across the industry, thus become business force economic development of important property basis. The commercial secrets of the legal protection and relief problem increasingly cause the attention of people, countries all over the world for the protection of commercial secrets experienced increasingly careful, from all the domestic to treaties even global convention, generally speaking, is history

Simply said, the modern commercial competition commercial secrets are not known to the public.

General commercial secrets of the leak is caused by employees, to reduce the occurrence of commercial secret violations to protect the business secret, good players must be solved before the leak "problems" employees

您好,法律合同中的“制定,规定”条款通常用的是 stipulate
XX laws stipulates the clause XXX
the clause XXX is stipulated in XXX
the clause XXX is XXX as stipulated in XXX

When a society and its government decide that certain conduct is dangerous to citizens, or damaging to the society as a whole, such conduct is labeled a "crime" and is made punishable by sanctions such as fines and imprisonment. Most crimes are identified in statutes that have been enacted by federal, state, and local government legislatures, in response to issues that affect the jurisdiction.
People who are found to have violated a criminal law -- whether through their own admission by a "guilty" plea, or as a result of a jury trial -- can be punished through imposition of fines, imprisonment, probation, and community service, among other penalties.
The criminal law "system" encompasses the entire criminal process itself -- from investigation and arrest, to conviction and sentencing -- and the people who play a role in that process: the accused, police officers, prosecuting attorneys, criminal defense attorneys, judges, witnesses, probation officers, and corrections officers.

When一个社会和政府决定的某些行为是危险的公民,或有损于整个社会,这种行为称为“罪行” ,并受到了制裁,如罚款和监禁。大多数犯罪都是确定的法规已经颁布了联邦,州和当地政府的立法机构,针对问题,影响到管辖权。



谁可以帮我翻译一下下面的法律条款吧 , 万分感谢
直译的,你可以找到这部法律名称然后找到中文译本,下面的直译仅供参考 1.独立承包商。了解并同意 PWCO 是一个独立的承建商和 PWCO 不是,也不会是,代理、 合作伙伴、 受托人,或该公司或审计委员会的代表。2.生存。完成或终止此服务的协定和本公司参与这些条款附加到的信中 ("参与字母"),连同...

Any wire received from the buyer may be applied by seller, against any obligation owing by buyer to seller,under this or any other order,regardless of any statement appearing on or referring to such wire,without discharging buyer's liability for any additional amounts owing by buyer...

1. He tends to lose his temper easily when someone disagrees with him.2. The new law forbids smoking in the public.3. It is said that green tea and black tea are claimed to be effective in preventing cancer.4. No country has the right to interfere with another country's ...


因此,关于这个问题,仲裁庭不应该考虑仲裁条款的文字及其范围,基于“不利草拟者原则”也不应该考虑外在的方法来解释。免费翻译,会有瑕疵 专业法律英语翻译 参考资料:http:\/\/lawelites.ycool.com\/

麻烦翻译一段法律英语,谢谢Assignor hereby irrevocably assigns...


The supreme people's court on the trial of labor dispute case applicable legal interpretation (3)Article labourers shall claim the overtime work overtime, the existence of facts bear the burden. But there is evidence to prove that unit of choose and employ persons laborer master ...


沿滩区18897637307: 总结下有关法律的英文单词 -
宋乔麻黄: law 法律 legislation 立法 constitution 宪法 amendment 修正案 rights 权利 obligation 义务 court 法庭 act 立案 judge 法官 trial 审判 jury陪审团 还有好多,说不完了,先这些了

沿滩区18897637307: 英语翻译 与法律有关的 -
宋乔麻黄: 您好,法律合同中的“制定,规定”条款通常用的是 stipulate XX laws stipulates the clause XXX the clause XXX is stipulated in XXX the clause XXX is XXX as stipulated in XXX

沿滩区18897637307: 急!!请帮忙翻译一个 法律英语的 句子!! -
宋乔麻黄: 1) If the litigants losed a lawsuit in the federal district court, can go to the court of appeal located in the federal district to lodge an appeal!2) If the litigants losed a lawsuit in the federal district court, can lodge an appeal to the court of appeal located in the federal district !

沿滩区18897637307: 英语翻译一个短句子,和法律有关 -
宋乔麻黄: 你好:可以这样翻译:如果原告的损失是由于被告的过失而导致的可以预见的后果,并且不存在导致大范围伤害或者不成比例的损失的风险...希望可以帮助到你.

沿滩区18897637307: 法律英语比较好的帮忙翻译下:legal terms of art
宋乔麻黄: legal terms of art指的是一些有明确的、固定的法律意义,通常不能用其他词替换其意思的专业词汇或者词组.这样的词有一些是为普通人所熟悉的,如patent,share,royalty,etc.而有一些通常只是为从事法律工作的人所知,如bailment, abatement, etc. legal terms of art要注意同legal jargon区分开.legal jargon可以理解为法律术语,仅为从事法律工作的人所使用,而其他人难以理解,legal jargon 包含一些已经不存在于日常用语中的词,也包含那些晦涩难懂的有确切法律意义的只会出现在法律文件上的词.但Jargon 可以尽量用其他表达替换.

沿滩区18897637307: 4.求英语高手.帮忙翻译一下法律方面的英方... -
宋乔麻黄: 1881年7月15日,维拉德作为管理员的冯检属圣诞节提交本条例草案对木材和布赖恩,设法向他们收取下,他们数个假设的抵押贷款债务与A缺乏所引起的后,销售及赎回, 断言这种缺陷有被摘要看成是个人的判断,对迪克森;木材作为持证人的迪克森曾支付$ 4000的主要的抵押贷款债务;布赖恩表示,由于承批人的木材已进入拥有和享受了租金和利润等,以及木材的时候,他转达了布莱恩曾支付给后者的总和,美元2000元,将它用于降低了抵押贷款债务,但布莱恩虽然同意这样做并没有使申请该笔款项.该传票被退回1881年8月18日,应送达木材只.

沿滩区18897637307: 您好,我有一小段法律方面的英文,不知道如何翻译,可以帮忙一下吗?非常感谢 State of New York and also Clerk of the Supreme Court in and for said County and State,the same being a
宋乔麻黄:即是纽约州,同时也是上述的县和州的最高法院的职员 后面的好像不全面. 仅供参考

沿滩区18897637307: 英语翻译;与法律英语有关: action, suit or proceeding 分别表示什么不同的意思吗? 谢谢 -
宋乔麻黄: 仅从字面翻译来讲,这三个词都是诉讼、起诉的意思,其中action指通过法庭采取排除缓解争端的司法手续,suit则表示为了恢复权利或者主张的审判程序,proceeding单数形式表示采取法律诉讼的任一步骤,复数形式proceedings和lawsuit意思一样,法律诉讼、法律行动.

沿滩区18897637307: 英语翻译能帮忙翻译一段大概250多字的法律相关内容吗,回复我通过消息发内容过去.请勿用翻译器,要自己翻译的. -
宋乔麻黄:[答案] 答应你20分钟的,现在25分钟,因为网速有点慢,下面是翻译的,检查一遍了!请查收! This article is for the basically analysis of the legal system of copyright using,including the coming out,present development situation,properties and legislative ...

沿滩区18897637307: 法律英语在线翻译 -
宋乔麻黄: 违法性认识是一个比较古老的话题.Knowledge of illegality is a relatively old topic.它最早可以追溯到古罗马法格言“不知法律不免责”.It harks back to Roman law maxim "do not know law exemption".但随着社会发展和法律体系的日益完善,...

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