
作者&投稿:种梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Appropriate public funds is a kind of job crime, its new crime form pile up one after another, the problem for have the controversy compares greatly and knows in the judicatory the fulfillment different.For right usage law, accurately the cure a crime, now practice medium reflection more outstanding few problems take in to inquiry into.Want to know first in the appropriate public funds of the definition on the penal code offense and it to constitute important item first, so then can for affirm the work lays good foundation next move.But is also the boundary that needs us to peg out to appropriate public funds offense and other offenses during the period of affirming physically of, certainly appropriate public funds offense to exist the problem of a lot of controversies in the judicatory the fulfillment, for how the exactitude punish, or need us to carry on a discussion further again of, only handle to appropriate public funds offense with punishment with the legal system principle that insist a practical and realistic attitude, then can match"take fact as a basis, take law as standard".

Misappropriation of public funds as a job-related crimes, the new forms of crime are some controversial issues in the judicial practice, understanding mixed. To correctly apply the law, accurately crimes are more prominent on the practice reflect several issues to be addressed. First we recognize the definition in the Criminal Code of embezzling public funds and their constituent elements, so as to lay a good foundation for the next step. But in the actual process is that we need to distinguish between embezzling public funds and other crimes boundaries, of course embezzling public funds itself in the judicial practice on the existence of many controversial issues, the proper punishment, or we need further discussions, only to uphold the pragmatic approach to meet the "in the facts and with the law as the yardstick "to deal with the principle of the rule of law and punishment of embezzling public funds.

Defalcation as a functionary crime, some new crime forms occured in defalcation, there are some big controversies in the judicial practice. in order to accurately operate the law and accurately punish the crimes, we will discuss some issues that is very projecting in the practice. First of all, you must know the definitin of defalcation and forming elements of defalcation in the criminal law so that put a good base for the next step.We need to identify the ambit circumscription between defalcation and other crimes in the actual procedure of cognizance, certainly, defalcation is a problem that has many controversies in the judicial practice, which need us to make a further analyse for how to make a correct punishment, as long as we insist on keeping a practical and realistic attitude, we can successfully dispose and punish the crime of defalcation accordint to the principle of "take fact as a basis, take law as standard".


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臧雄迪利: Both... also既.......也 Not only... and不但......而且

东营区19735552098: 英语翻译,急!!!! -
臧雄迪利: 1 你应该检查一下眼睛, You should check your eyes.2 你真聪明,解出这道数学题, You are very smart for being able to solve this math equation3 对于学生来说,英语很重要, English is very improtant to students.4 我有重要的事情告诉你, I ...

东营区19735552098: 英语翻译....
臧雄迪利: 1:在西方国家,多数人认为幸福是可以买到像拿破仑和他的士兵众士兵排列整齐的上.男:注意.(立正)左/右转.快的时候,3)(吹哨齐步走!)停下!(立定)左/右转.稍息(稍息!(解散).Dismiss).(在宿舍里).学生:加油...

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臧雄迪利: 1. will appreciate it2.unless

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臧雄迪利: Sorry, I was naughty, so you had a sad, users still be considered? 对不起,我之前很顽皮,所以令你伤心,所以我的用户还能被你考虑吗? *尽力了,句子很Chinglish,所以有点难翻译. 希望这能帮助到你吧!

东营区19735552098: 英语翻译.急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
臧雄迪利: 1.各种颜色的服装价格都非常优惠 2.红、黄、白的长裤每条只要15美元 3.男孩专用的运动鞋20美元一双 4.女生的漂亮短裙每条只卖12美元 1 Clothes with all colors on sale 2 $15 for any one pair of red, yellow and white colors 3 $20 for any one pair of boys' shoes 4 $12 for any one pair of mini-skirts以上都是比较简洁的短语 并非句子 比较符合英文表达习惯

东营区19735552098: 英文翻译,急 -
臧雄迪利: 1. 在你安排好他的接机之后请确认 2.过了安检,你可穿过并到达主到达大厅 3. 你的到达编码是:*****due in at 08:30意思是:正点达到时间是8.30

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东营区19735552098: 英语翻译,急 -
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东营区19735552098: 英语翻译 急!!!
臧雄迪利: 1 jeeps speeded up, soon, he was caught in the truck . .2 the teacher five minutes in advance, which is class dismiss rule-breaking big .3 the visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries . 4 many young people in the country ...

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