
作者&投稿:赞乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、一般现在时:I love her, 我爱她。
2、一般过去时:I loved Ann,我爱过她(现在不爱了)。
3、现在进行时:I am loving her, 我爱着她。
4、过去进行时:I was loving he,我那时一直爱着她。
5、现在完成时:I have loved her, 我爱过她。(现在可能还爱)
6、一般将来时:I will love her, 我会爱她的。
7、过去将来时:I said that I would love her,我说过我会爱她。
8、过去完成时:I had loved her before she left me,她离开我之前,我还是爱着她的。
9、现在完成进行时:I have been loving her,我一直在爱着她。

英语九大时态造句 谢谢好心人?
1. 一般现在时:The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。2.正在进行时(也叫现在进行时):I am speaking. 我正在说话。3. 一般过去时:They were here only a few minutes ago. 几分钟前他们还在这里。4.一般将来时:He will get married. 他就快结婚了。5.过去进行时:This time ...

1、一般现在时:I love her, 我爱她。2、一般过去时:I loved Ann,我爱过她(现在不爱了)。3、现在进行时:I am loving her, 我爱着她。4、过去进行时:I was loving he,我那时一直爱着她。5、现在完成时:I have loved her, 我爱过她。(现在可能还爱)6、一般将来时:I will lo...

1、一般现在时:一般疑问句:Dose she go to school by bike?肯定句:She goes to school by bike.否定句:She does not go to school by bike.2、一般过去时:一般疑问句:Did you finish your homework yesterday?肯定句:I finished my homework yesterday.否定句:I did not finish my homew...

What did she often do last year? 一般将来时They will have a class meeting next Tuesday. 他们下周二将举行班会。They won’t have a class meeting next Tuesday.Will they have a class meeting next Tuesday?When will they have a class meeting? 现在进行时They are watching TV now. 他...

I was a student.\/ We were students.现在进行时 I am reading a book.\/ We are reading books.过去进行时 I was reading a book.\/ We were reading books.现在完成时 I have read the book.\/ We have read the book.过去完成时 I had read the book.\/ We had read the book.一般将来...

英语的八大时态里 用被动 和主动 造句 前边写上时态后边写上例句 求...
1. She opens the door at 8:00 every day 2. The door is opened by her at 8:00 every day.二、一般过去时 1. He drove the car back to the company at 18:00 yesterday.2.The car was sent back to the company at. 18:00 yesterday.三、一般将来时 1. I will repair the ...

一般过去时:I loved Ann.我爱过她(现在不爱了)。现在进行时:I am loving her. 我爱着她。过去进行时:I was loving her.我那时一直爱着她。现在完成时:I have loved her. 我爱过她。(现在可能还爱)一般将来时:I will love her. 我会爱她的。过去将来时:I said that I would love...

1.一般现在时 I like living in the suburbs.Mum goes to the supermarket once a week.There aren’t any shops or restaurants.2.现在进行时 Now we are living in the new neighbourhood.Tom is playing football on the playground.3.一般将来时 I’ll go to the estate agency tomorrow.It...

1 一般现在时 Shanghai lies in the east of China.Columbus proved that the earth is round.I leave home for school at 7 every morning.The earth moves around the sun.Pride goes before a fall.2 一般过去时 he was tired after working he didnnot know anything before i told him he...

7.现在完成时 The lazy woman hasn't cleaned the bedroom for weeks.(主动 ) 这个懒女人已经好几周没整理卧室了 The bedroom hasn't been cleaned for weeks by the lazy woman . (被动) 卧室已经好几周没被这个懒女人整理了。8.过去完成时 ...

勃利县14792257770: 英语8个时态造句 -
南侧二母: 一般过去时态: I went to Beijing last month. 一般现在时态:I often go to Beijing. 一般将来时态:I will go to Beijing next week. 过去进行时态:I was staying in Beijing yesterday afternoon. 现在进行时态:I am staying in Beijing now. 进来就行时态...

勃利县14792257770: 英语8个时态造句 -
南侧二母:[答案] 一般过去时态:I went to Beijing last month.一般现在时态:I often go to Beijing.一般将来时态:I will go to Beijing next week.过去进行时态:I was staying in Beijing yesterday afternoon.现在进行时态:I a...

勃利县14792257770: 8种时态的被动语态造句 每种时态各造2个句子,共造16个句子.一般现在时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态:现在进行时的被动... -
南侧二母:[答案] 1. 一般现在时 Rice is grown in the south of the states. 大米长在南方的州上. We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher. 我们不允许在没有老师陪同的情况下进入实验室. 2. 一般过去时 T...

勃利县14792257770: 要英语八大时态的例句(肯定,否定,一般疑问,特殊疑问) -
南侧二母:[答案] 1、一般现在时: 一般疑问句:Do you watch TV at home? 肯定句:You watch TV at home. 否定句:You don't watch TV at ... 肯定句:He said he would help me. 否定句:He wouldn't come.特殊疑问句:What did he say?不是很了解你要哪些句子啊....

勃利县14792257770: 英语8种时态造句,主动和被动 一种时态造一个 总共是16个句子 主动8个被动8个..用thy boy write a letter 造句 -
南侧二母:[答案] 一般现在时主动We make cars in China. 一般现在时被动Cars are made in China. 一般过去时主动They repaired the car yesterday. 一般过去时被动The car was repaired yesterday. 现在进行时主动They are repairing the car now. 现在进行时被动The car ...

勃利县14792257770: 英语八大时态各造六个句子 -
南侧二母:[答案] 一般现在时i eat an apple. 一般过去时i ate an apple yesterday. 一般将来时i will eat an apple tomorrow. (i am going to eat an apple tomorrow) 现在进行时i am eating an apple. 一般完成时i have finished my task. 过去完成时i had finished my task.

勃利县14792257770: 用英语八大时态各造十句话,在选五句改成被动语态的句子, -
南侧二母:[答案] 一)一般现在时 被动语态: 主语+be+动词过去分词+by(加宾格) eg:He waters the flowers every day. The flowers are watered by him every day. 二)一般过去时 被动语态:主语+was\were+动词过去分词 eg:He took care of his little brother yesterday. ...

勃利县14792257770: 用英语八种时态and情态动词 主动句变被动句造句 每种造两个句子 -
南侧二母: 英语八大时态: 一般现在时eg.1. She sings with the band Crazy Boy. 2. I don't think you are right. 一般过去时eg.1. Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. 2. I was very thin in my childhood. 一般将来时eg.1. I will not be free tomorrow. 2. ...

勃利县14792257770: 求初中英语的8种时态各造15个句子 ,要求有翻译 -
南侧二母:[答案] 一般现在时: 1.I often go to school on foot.我经常走路去学校. 2.I'm a senior high school student.我是一名高中生. 3.He is freindly.他很友善. 4.Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗? 5.She doesn't want to buy a car.她不想买一辆车. 6.I am able to speak...

勃利县14792257770: 英语八种时态造句每种时态造两个句子,要用上4种句型 -
南侧二母:[答案] 一般现在时:He goes to work very early every day.他每天早早的去上班.I go to school by bike every day.我每天骑车上学.一般过去时:He didn't go to work yesterday.他昨天没上班.She went to the cinema.她去...

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