急!急!急! 雾都孤儿中Nancy和Rose两人物的现实意义?( 要英文 )

作者&投稿:察琰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist
Bill Sikes
Artful Dodger
Mr. Brownlow
Mr. Bumble
Mrs. Corney

Symbols of Oliver Twist/雾都孤儿的人物象征意义

人物的名字代表的个人素质。雾都孤儿自己是最明显的例子。命名为“扭曲” ,但由于偶然的,暗示的残暴逆转的财富,他将经验。玫瑰Maylie的名称相呼应她与花和春天,青春与美丽。托比Crackit的名字是一个轻松愉快的提及他所选择的专业入侵房屋。大黄蜂先生的名字意味着他装模作样的嚣张气焰;曼女士的,她缺乏母性本能;和Grimwig先生,他的肤浅的严峻,可以很容易地被删除的假发。


比尔赛克斯的狗,靶心,有“故障的脾气与他共同拥有” ,是一个象征性的标志,他的主人的性格。狗的邪恶赛克斯反映和代表自己的动物的暴行。经过赛克斯谋杀南希,靶心是代表赛克斯有罪。离开血腥的狗脚印的地板上的房间里谋杀承诺。不久之后,赛克斯就急于摆脱棒球,相信狗的存在将他带走。然而,正如赛克斯不能摆脱他有罪,他不能摆脱靶心,谁到达众议院赛克斯的灭亡之前,赛克斯自己没有。靶心的名字也让人想起了的形象,南希的眼睛,这困扰赛克斯的痛苦,直到结束,并最终导致他自己不小心挂。

London Bridge


Plot Overview

雾都孤儿是出生在一个济贫在1830年英格兰。他的母亲,他的名字没有人知道,被发现在街头和去世后,奥利弗的出生。奥利弗花费的头9年的他的生活在一个严重运行的年轻家庭的孤儿,然后转移到成人济贫。在其他男孩欺负奥利弗到要求更多稀饭年底的膳食先生,大黄蜂,教区差役,提供了5磅的人谁将采取男孩远离济贫。奥利弗差一点被学徒到野蛮扫烟囱和最终学徒当地承办先生, Sowerberry 。当殡仪馆的其他学徒,诺亚Claypole ,使诋毁评论奥利弗的母亲,奥利弗攻击他和应负的Sowerberrys '愤怒。绝望,奥利弗逃跑凌晨对伦敦旅行。

Outside London

费金送奥利弗协助赛克斯在一宗爆窃案。奥利弗是拍摄的一个仆人的房子,并在赛克斯逃逸,是在谁的妇女生活在那里, Maylie夫人和她的美丽通过侄女玫瑰。他们成长喜欢奥利弗,他花费了田园诗般的夏天,他们在农村。但费金和一个神秘男子名为僧侣上设置夺回奥利弗。同时,它表明,奥利弗的母亲留下了黄金锁当她死亡。僧侣获得和破坏的锁。当Maylies来伦敦,南希符合秘密玫瑰,并通知她的费金的设计,而是一个成员费金的钢无意中会话。当Word的南希披露达到赛克斯,他残忍地杀害南希并逃离伦敦。他追求的内疚和愤怒的暴民,他无意中自杀,当他们试图逃跑。

Mr. Brownlow

与他们团聚的Maylies有奥利弗,僧侣和wrings面对的真相,奥利弗的父母从他身上。它表明,僧侣是奥利弗的同父异母兄弟。他们的父亲,先生Leeford ,是不幸嫁给了一个富有的女人,有外遇与奥利弗的母亲阿格尼丝菲林明。僧侣一直推行奥利弗都在希望确保他的同母异父兄弟是被剥夺了他的家庭所占的继承。布朗洛部队蒙克斯先生签署了奥利弗的份额奥利弗。此外,它是发现,玫瑰是阿格尼丝的妹妹,因此奥利弗的姑妈。费金是洪对他的罪行。最后,通过奥利弗布朗洛先生,他们和Maylies退休了幸福的存在在农村。

The names of characters represent personal qualities. Oliver Twist himself is the most obvious example. The name “Twist,” though given by accident, alludes to the outrageous reversals of fortune that he will experience. Rose Maylie’s name echoes her association with flowers and springtime, youth and beauty. Toby Crackit’s name is a lighthearted reference to his chosen profession of breaking into houses. Mr. Bumble’s name connotes his bumbling arrogance; Mrs. Mann’s, her lack of maternal instinct; and Mr. Grimwig’s, his superficial grimness that can be removed as easily as a wig.


Bill Sikes’s dog, Bull’s-eye, has “faults of temper in common with his owner” and is a symbolic emblem of his owner’s character. The dog’s viciousness reflects and represents Sikes’s own animal-like brutality. After Sikes murders Nancy, Bull’s-eye comes to represent Sikes’s guilt. The dog leaves bloody footprints on the floor of the room where the murder is committed. Not long after, Sikes becomes desperate to get rid of the dog, convinced that the dog’s presence will give him away. Yet, just as Sikes cannot shake off his guilt, he cannot shake off Bull’s-eye, who arrives at the house of Sikes’s demise before Sikes himself does. Bull’s-eye’s name also conjures up the image of Nancy’s eyes, which haunts Sikes until the bitter end and eventually causes him to hang himself accidentally.

London Bridge

Nancy’s decision to meet Brownlow and Rose on London Bridge reveals the symbolic aspect of this bridge in Oliver Twist. Bridges exist to link two places that would otherwise be separated by an uncrossable chasm. The meeting on London Bridge represents the collision of two worlds unlikely ever to come into contact—the idyllic world of Brownlow and Rose, and the atmosphere of degradation in which Nancy lives. On the bridge, Nancy is given the chance to cross over to the better way of life that the others represent, but she rejects that opportunity, and by the time the three have all left the bridge, that possibility has vanished forever.

Plot Overview

Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England. His mother, whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life in a badly run home for young orphans and then is transferred to a workhouse for adults. After the other boys bully Oliver into asking for more gruel at the end of a meal, Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle, offers five pounds to anyone who will take the boy away from the workhouse. Oliver narrowly escapes being apprenticed to a brutish chimney sweep and is eventually apprenticed to a local undertaker, Mr. Sowerberry. When the undertaker’s other apprentice, Noah Claypole, makes disparaging comments about Oliver’s mother, Oliver attacks him and incurs the Sowerberrys’ wrath. Desperate, Oliver runs away at dawn and travels toward London.

Outside London, Oliver, starved and exhausted, meets Jack Dawkins, a boy his own age. Jack offers him shelter in the London house of his benefactor, Fagin. It turns out that Fagin is a career criminal who trains orphan boys to pick pockets for him. After a few days of training, Oliver is sent on a pickpocketing mission with two other boys. When he sees them swipe a handkerchief from an elderly gentleman, Oliver is horrified and runs off. He is caught but narrowly escapes being convicted of the theft. Mr. Brownlow, the man whose handkerchief was stolen, takes the feverish Oliver to his home and nurses him back to health. Mr. Brownlow is struck by Oliver’s resemblance to a portrait of a young woman that hangs in his house. Oliver thrives in Mr. Brownlow’s home, but two young adults in Fagin’s gang, Bill Sikes and his lover Nancy, capture Oliver and return him to Fagin.

Fagin sends Oliver to assist Sikes in a burglary. Oliver is shot by a servant of the house and, after Sikes escapes, is taken in by the women who live there, Mrs. Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose. They grow fond of Oliver, and he spends an idyllic summer with them in the countryside. But Fagin and a mysterious man named Monks are set on recapturing Oliver. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Oliver’s mother left behind a gold locket when she died. Monks obtains and destroys that locket. When the Maylies come to London, Nancy meets secretly with Rose and informs her of Fagin’s designs, but a member of Fagin’s gang overhears the conversation. When word of Nancy’s disclosure reaches Sikes, he brutally murders Nancy and flees London. Pursued by his guilty conscience and an angry mob, he inadvertently hangs himself while trying to escape.

Mr. Brownlow, with whom the Maylies have reunited Oliver, confronts Monks and wrings the truth about Oliver’s parentage from him. It is revealed that Monks is Oliver’s half brother. Their father, Mr. Leeford, was unhappily married to a wealthy woman and had an affair with Oliver’s mother, Agnes Fleming. Monks has been pursuing Oliver all along in the hopes of ensuring that his half-brother is deprived of his share of the family inheritance. Mr. Brownlow forces Monks to sign over Oliver’s share to Oliver. Moreover, it is discovered that Rose is Agnes’s younger sister, hence Oliver’s aunt. Fagin is hung for his crimes. Finally, Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver, and they and the Maylies retire to a blissful existence in the countryside.

what a question.....
email some professors for answer,maybe they ll help u.
good luck


江城区18587554794: 关于《雾都孤儿》中南茜 人物形象的资料???英文中文的都可以.谢谢 -
锁通穿王: 南希这个人物有无比丰富,复杂的内心世界,远比E.M.福斯特所称羡的一切"浑圆人物"更富于立体感和活跃的生命力.南希是个不幸的姑娘,自幼沦落贼窟,并已成为第二号贼首赛克斯的情妇.除了绞架,她看不到任何别的前景.但是,她天良未...

江城区18587554794: 以什么观论雾都孤儿中的南希性格 -
锁通穿王: 南希是个充满矛盾的角色.从社会角度来看,南希是最底层的阶级,她存在于一个黑暗痛苦的世界,她从小被培养成犯罪者,没有选择自己命运的权利,所以oliver的经历让她产生了共鸣,心底里的善良让她帮助了oliver.可以从两方面来看,一是南希因所处环境而形成的犯罪者的性格,二是从她对oliver的帮助的善行来看待.电影的话.05年版的后半段跟原著有出入可参考前部分.

江城区18587554794: 雾都孤儿中的人物简介(英文版) -
锁通穿王:[答案] Character Profiles Agnes- Oliver's mother who died giving birth.The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed.... and when he begins to work for Fagin,his actions lead to the death of Nancy. Young Dick- A friend of Oliver's at Mrs.Mann...

江城区18587554794: 雾都孤儿中的南茜最后死在谁的手里 -
锁通穿王: 大盗塞克斯

江城区18587554794: 雾都孤儿所有人物的关系 -
锁通穿王: 抱歉啊,稍微有些长,你大概看一下就好了,主要的还是在后面吧.小说的主人公奥利弗·特威斯特,是一名生在济贫院的孤儿,忍饥挨饿,备受欺凌,由于不堪棺材店老板娘、教区执事邦布儿等人的虐待而独自逃往伦敦,不幸刚一到达就受骗...

江城区18587554794: 《雾都孤儿》中人物介绍.
锁通穿王: 纯属个人读后感. Fagin 老头子,小偷,有很多徒弟,包括机灵鬼溜得快,等,我觉得他还有一些善良,他帮过小 Oliver,Oliver刚到那时他对 Oliver很和蔼. Oliver,一个善良的小男孩,他不愿意去偷手绢,结果遇到了好心的布朗洛先生,她不愿意入户抢劫,而遇到了梅里小姐一家,因为他的善良,他得到了回报,最后过上了幸福的生活. 布朗洛先生,善良的老先生,他在法院外收留了奄奄一息的Oliver,照顾他,查Oliver的身世,后来确定它是自己朋友的儿子,最后收留了他. 总之,这个故事很感人,告诉人们要做好人做善事,这样总会有回报.

江城区18587554794: 雾都孤儿中你们最喜欢谁?我喜欢南希 -
锁通穿王: 我喜欢奥利弗.退斯特,他是一个兼有幸运和不幸的孩子,但是他有一颗诚实善良的心.我也喜欢南希,她也是一个善良的姑娘,可是环境带给了她不该有的恶性,但她本质是善良的,是她救了奥利弗...

江城区18587554794: 关于Character analysis of Nancy in Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿中南希的人物形象分析) 有那位高人指点下! -
锁通穿王: 你看这个怎么样?Nancy A major concern of Oliver Twist is the question of whether a bad environment can irrevocably poison someone's character and soul. As the novel progresses, the character who best illustrates the contradictory issues ...

江城区18587554794: 需要一份关于《雾都孤儿》南希 人物性格分析的论文大纲谢谢~ -
锁通穿王: 南希是因为贫困而加入贼党的.虽然她在开始随着贼党偷盗,也迫害过奥利弗,但她最后被奥利弗感动,同情他的遭遇,冒着生命危险帮助他,说明她是有良知的,能分清是非,见义勇为的.南希也属于圆形人物,她性格中的善良在最后也体现了出来,作者塑造这个形象主要是为了弘扬人性的美好和爱的主题.

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