安慰父母经常吵架的朋友 写一篇英语作文

作者&投稿:第豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have heard that you sometimes argue loudly with your parents. I would like to offer you some suggestions, and therefore I am now writing to you. In my opinion, parents are our best friends in the world. They love us and dedicate everything to us. I love my parents so I alwasy ask myself to be kind, generous, and good to them. Every time I went to some places for travelling, I brought my parents some gifts. I would suggest you that not to argue loudly with your parents because it is a rude behavior. If there is something that you don't agree with your parents, please discuss the issue with them patiently and quietly. I hope you can be a good friend with your parents.

Recently I heard that you were arguing with your parents. Here are a couple of suggestions I have for you to deal with the relationship with your parents:

You can't compare anybody to them. Yes, on days you may feel like saying "I wish my mum is extremely rich", but you don't really mean it, even if you think you do. Parents are the people you should love a lot in your life.

A nice, simple greeting like "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning," will brighten their day. They just yearn for an "I love you" from you.

Take care of them, mentally and physically. If they are feeling sick, make them some chicken soup and give them a box of tissues, and if they're feeling stressed, give them a massage and chat to them about the good things in their life.

Write/text/email things to them every day, about how much you love them. Call them up at work to say hello and check how they're doing. Parents love nothing more than talking to you.

Hope you will find them helpful.

My friend Fleur had an argument with her parents yesterday since her parents did not allow her to watch the midnight shift of the movie. Their parents insisted that watching midnight movie will affect her sleeping schedule and health. But Fleur argued that she has grown up already and does not need her parent to tell her what to do and what not to do.
I told Fleur that I can totally understand her objection to the parental control. Teenagers like us are often disobedient to their parents. And it is also true that a single visit to a midnight movie will not cause grave health problem. However, we should also understand that her parents stopped her to go to movie out of their love to their child. They try to protect her from any potential danger that a midnight movie incurs. So I made my suggestion to her that if she really wants to go, she can certainly try to have a nice conversation with her parents, telling them that she is going with her friends, along with the reassurance that she will not go to midnight movie frequently. She can also leave her friends' phone number to her parents in case that they cannot contact with her.



1. 你好,听说你和家长发生了争执?别太难过了,毕竟我们和父母之间的争论往往是难以胜出的,他们是我们的父母,给予了我们生命,抚养我们成长,对我们有着深厚的恩情。2. 当我们还小,什么都不懂的时候,都是他们教会我们如何做人,现在我们开始有了自己的观点,但这并不意味着他们的观点就不再适用。

当朋友和父母发生争吵时,可以采取以下几种方式安慰朋友:1. 倾听朋友的感受:首先,要认真倾听朋友的感受和事情的经过,了解他们内心的想法和感受。2. 给予朋友支持和理解:在了解了事情的经过后,要给予朋友支持和理解,让他们感到被关心和被理解。3. 帮助朋友分析问题:可以适当地帮助朋友分析问题,找...

父母吵架是很正常不过的事情只不过会对我们造成很大的伤害,可以尽量多陪陪她 听她诉说 让他把心里的委屈和害怕说出来 可以劝他 告诉他 孩子是维系 父母关系的 纽带 让他帮助父母重归于好





就跟他说 夫妻之间不吵不闹的那是不相爱了 吵架就代表还很在乎对方 而且感情就象火山喷发 总是小火喷着就不会爆发 老是不吵架,要是突然一吵,感情准完了 所以不要担心


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