
作者&投稿:错郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Speaking of "good faith" we are not familiar, it is the traditional Chinese virtues, the core of this virtue is sincere, it is every person on the road of life indispensable friend, "honesty" is honest, do not lie, cheat, Zhicuojiugai, Xinkouruyi; "trust" is disloyal, can fulfill their promises. As a primary school should I make up, do a good honest young civilization.
We heard "Little George cut the trees of the story" it! Little George at home saw a new ax, then took the ax to the garden to play, I suddenly saw a small George Sakura peach, he thought to himself: This tree confirm this with an ax fast unhappy. Little George raised his ax, ax in the sun shining golden light. Sakura peach ax to cut off, "pa" tree broken. Little George's father came back, ask who cut off my tree. Little George bowed his head to acknowledge the mistakes my father, my father has not hit him, picked him up also excited to say: "My child, your honesty is priceless." George, although a small mistake, but he dared to admit mistakes is commendable. He can establish credibility, do not lie, get a piece of childhood passes ethics - integrity.
In life, everyone will lie in compelling circumstances, then the temptation of something, you can do to resist maintained their own curiosity? Sometimes their own worst enemy is their own. Must first be overcome in order to achieve complete self-honesty.
My second grade when the teacher wants us to learn the next level, wanted a way. Who is operating the whole way on the issue it on a book. Indeed, this approach is very practical, the students these days to do the job well, only I do not do the job the same table. He discussed with me privately, said: "You let me copy a work, I will give you two dollars," I thought: if he copied, in vain I get two dollars, and then learning from losses. I thought: I can not let him copy his habit if I naturally benefit from them, but his achievement is a spiral on the surface, in fact plummeted ah! I said to him: "Your score is not good though, but that is your real achievements and your honesty than your results, several times to be valuable, as long as you strive to harvest, to seriously study it and it listened to me the advice of his head, from efforts to learn, succeed in life.
Integrity is the most important personality, because faith, so as good as gold, in any case, can not forget about integrity, honesty is the healthy growth of the students the importance of nutrients, should I start, start from the moment of everyone honest, to be honest a good student.

Honesty is the people of this, is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. To be honest, first of all, you can't lie and hide the truth. To seek truth from facts. After that, you should do. To be responsible for their commitment. So you will be around people's trust, but also to trust the people around. Although honesty is not easy. But only if you are an honest man, you will be welcome, can make many friends, see more of the world.

Friends are very important to everyone of us. They are the people that we can share our happiness with when we have good time, to seek for supporters when we need the most, to lean on when we want to cry. It takes years to build true friendship but it may take a second to ruin it if we don't cherish it or keep nursing it. To have great friends, you need to be a good friend to others by being sincere, being available, being empathy and being honest. Among all the efforts to maintaining the true friendship, being honest probably is the most important one. Like Confucius said:"don't treat others in the way you don't want to be treated", if you want an honest friend, you've got to be one first. Honesty is the foundation to build up friendship. Having all that said, being honest doesn't give you right to be overbearing. You still need to be sensible and respectable enough to protect your friend's feelings. Your honest can't be used as an excuse to hurt other, which unfortunately we do sometimes. Friendship is the blessing we get from God, let's not take it for granted.

if you want to have a friend .you must be honest. real friendship does not rely on money wealth or anything else .

八年级作文 600字 《我渴望拥有--的朋友》
《 我渴望拥有真诚的朋友》生活就像一本书,有成功、也有失败,还有我从失败或成功中懂得的道理.翻开书的一页,它记载了一件小事,而正是这件事,唤我心中美好的愿望:让人与人之间更真诚.那天,娇阳似火,我买了一瓶可乐,回到家后,把可乐倒进杯子里,不断浮出的汽泡格外诱人.端起杯子,正要细细品味,...

交友贵在真诚,要有一种以做到无怨无悔地付出的心怀。希望自己能交到一个为你生为你死的朋友,首先自己要具备能为朋友两肋插刀的素质。假如自己对朋友做不到这一点,那就想也不要去想啦!同时又要重信,不能想像一个食言的人,会拥有真正的朋友。孔子曰:“人而无信,不知其可乎!” 本文来自: 梦想作文网() ...

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《我好想有个知心朋友》作文 500字左右 谢谢~

作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。下面是我为大家整理的我真幸运能成为你的朋友作文(精选7篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 我真幸运能成为你的朋友作文 篇1 一年级,一个懵懂天真的时候,我偶然遇见了你。对我来说,你是我最好的朋友之一。我很高兴可以拥有你这个朋友。 你的身影...

但是,如果拥有了友谊,大家陈群结对的拥在一起,唧唧喳喳的说着话,每个人笑容满面的,整个校园也会怎点不少生气,可想而知,友谊有多么重要。 友谊就像是调味剂,你会品道幸福的味道,就像是在心里拂过的一屡春风,轻轻柔柔,温温切切…… 生活因友谊而精彩作文2 转角的那一刻,泪水涮涮地流了下来,心狠狠地像被...

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