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1、diff( )rent 中文意思( ) 2、f( )mous 中文意思( )


1、Her f( ) movie star is Zhang Ziyi.

2、I want to go to a m( ) with my sister.

3、She likes reading funny and e( )stories.

4、Tony and Bill are d( ).Tony likes thrillers,but Bill likes edies.

5、Tony likes d( ).He thinks they are useful and i( ).

6、Her f( ) subject is English.



1、diff(e)rent 中文意思(不同的) 2、f(a)mous 中文意思(著名的)


1、Her f(avorate) movie star is Zhang Ziyi.

2、I want to go to a m(useum) with my sister.

3、She likes reading funny and e(xciting)stories.

4、Tony and Bill are d(ifferent).Tony likes thrillers,but Bill likes edies.

5、Tony likes d(riving).He thinks they are useful and i(nteresting).

6、Her f(avorite) subject is English.

所以at是最合适的。注:有时候单选答案几个都合适,这时候就要选出最恰当的那一个 3. 这个是固定搭配,chat over + 饮料 表示:边喝XX边聊天 chat over a cup of tea边喝茶边聊天 chat over coffee 边喝咖啡边聊天 英语翻译专业出身,希望可以帮到你,兔年快乐~...

O(∩_∩)O~如何学习人教版四年级英语语法 买一本配套练习册,比如,<<教材详解>>,或《教材全解》又有译文,又有知识点讲解,还有配套习题,这样应该效果好一点 天津小学四年级英语语法学什么 学了一些基本的句子和结构,但是没人会教他们这些名词,比较级要到5六年级才涉及到 ...

The speed___light travels is said to be the maximumin the universe.A. in which B. by which C. from which D. with which 答:D。译:光传播的速度据说是宇宙中最快的。析:考介词+which引导的定语从句。这种题常将定语从句还原来思考:Light travel ___ the spead 我们知道,说某物体...

1.These are yourbasketball shoes ,please (put them away ).put away them; put it away; put them away; put away it;2. I would like (some)bread ,please a;some ;any;two;3 _ would you like a glass of milk?_(yes ,please )yes ,please ; No,please ; you are ...

第一题可能是你们刚学了toy这个词所以才这样填的。但你填tiny是不对的,tiny的解释是微小的、极小的,是形容跳蚤之类很小的东西,比Little还更小的,所以不能用tiny修饰birds。你可以看看字典里的解释:http:\/\/dict.baidu.com\/s?wd=tiny 第二题anything用于否定句,正确。你的这种思维很好,英语中...

--I’d like some more cheese.--Sorry,there's ___ left A.some B.none C.a little D.few 题意为想要更多的奶酪,但回答是对不起,已经没有了。A不符合题意,C是有一些没有了,D是只用完了一点,其意为还剩很多,也与题意不符,所以选D。对不起,已经没有奶酪了。He___football regul...

为你解答。(A)The girl is good-looking but (a little bit ) thin.这个女孩长得很好看,就是瘦了点。解释:a little bit,表示有轻微的程度,一点点。(D)The man is not very tall. He is of medium (height).这人不太高。他是中等身材。解释:medium是形容词,修饰名词height(...

头两个题挺典型的,要记在心里,中学范围内有很多测试甚至中考都可能出这样的题型。1.原则上,序数词的前面要有the,但当序数词前有人称代词时,一定不能有the。这算是硬性规定了。The boy is her second son.2.比较下列句子:This is the third time I came to Beijing. 这是我第三次来北京。

but wait. 我只能等着。3. D examine可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等;test一般指以测验\/考查为目的的检查\/检验;review意思是“检验\/审核\/复查\/复审”。check one's maibox 查看某人的邮箱,这是一个固定用法,楼主只要记住搭配即可。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

1。今天早上方方得做饭,因为他父亲不在家。This morning Fangfang__had___ ___to___ cook _himself___ ___because his father___wasn't___at home_ ___ yesterday.2.他在打扫教室的时候,发现地上有块表 When he_cleanning___the classroom.hi_found___a watch on the ...

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错叶谊迪:[答案] 4241133141 was reading by using would come would not overcome possibility hadn't told imported reasonable am calling was browsing 给分吧,一个一个做的

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错叶谊迪:[答案] 一:many more 二:1A 2,D 3,B 4,D 1固定搭配for breakfast,for lunch ,for supper 2chicken的意思是鸡肉时,是不可数 当意思是鸡的时候,是可数的. 3running是ing形式作形容词怎么的一个明星 4 does是表示强调的,加强语气

土默特左旗13741372867: 几道英语题请教一下 -
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错叶谊迪: 1 A 固定搭配: A is to B what C is to D 2 B 尽管、虽然 即使 3 D 仅仅 刚刚 勉强 4 B the coward指的是胆小懦弱 the+形容词 表示一类人

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错叶谊迪: 1.B 这形容的是事实,是一种状态,一般现在时态.2.B on weekdays 固定搭配.4.B in English 是固定搭配,后面有个language,需要有冠词修饰.

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错叶谊迪:[答案] 5ABCAA 10BBBCB

土默特左旗13741372867: 请教几道英语题目
错叶谊迪: 1 Do you know what they worried about? 2 I want to know where the exchange students are from? 3 .....................what we are going to discuss at the meeting? 4 .....................why the train is late? 5 .....................where Tom is? 6 .....................where she ...

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错叶谊迪:[答案] 1.moving 2.offering 1.if necessary 2.bury her face in her hands. B

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