
作者&投稿:郎邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 主语从句:
1、That he will e and help us is certain.他来帮我们是肯定的了.
2、What he is has nothing to do with you.他是干什么的与你无关.
3、Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.任何得到这份工作的人都将要有很多工作要做.
4、How we can protect hte grain from damp needs to be discussed.我们怎样才能保护粮食不受潮需要讨论讨论.
5、When and where the test will be given is not yet decided.什么时候在什么地方进行考试还没定下来.
6、How much water is flowing can be easily measured.有多少水在流动很容易就能测量出来.
7、It is not clear who was responsible for the accident.这次事故应由谁来负责还不清楚.
8、Whether this is true or not remains a mystery.这是对是错还是个谜.
9、How much we can spend must be agreed on.我们可以花多少钱必须要达成共识.
10、That he was right was quite clear.很清楚,他说的对.
1、The problem is that *** okers can't go without *** oking.问题是抽烟的人不抽烟就会感到难受.
2、Virtue is whatever one must possess first.品德应是一个人必须首先具备的.
3、I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.上周我开车去珠海看航空表演了.
4、The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困难在于他怎样才能向其他科学家证实他的想法.
5、Is that why you had a few days off?那就是你为什么请几天假的原因吗?
6、It looks as if it hasn't been washed following the instructions.看起来这件衣服没按说明要求去洗涤.
7、This is because two thieds of the earth's surface is made up of wast oceans.这是因为地球表面的三分之二是由广阔的海洋构成的.
8、The problem with looking into space from the earth is that there is a lot of dust in the earth's air.从地球上观察太空存在一个问题,这就是地球的大气中有大量的尘埃.
9、This is what I want to say.这是我要说的
10、My opinion is that you should not go alone.我的意见是你不应单独前往.
1、They know that the habit may kill them.
2、I'm glad that you have e.
3、Considering that Charles would be sentenced to death,he went to a chemist's shop and bought some special medicine.
4、I'll go to that shop and see whether they have a telephone.
5、whether he is an expert,I don't mind.
6、They doubt whether or not Jack is a good student.
7、Go to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford.
8、Take whichever you like best.
9、We will see what we can discover.
10、Do you know where he lives?
1、We must remember the fact that goats usually live in mountainous country.
2、I have no idea when he will be back.,5,

选d.what。我确定她所说的是错的。首先排除c、a,她所说的话或者内容不用this或者which指代。再看b.all,全部,所有,在这句话并不是这个意思,后面是is。d.what指代she said,因此选d。

第一个问题:主语是dass引导的从句,这句话语法意义上叫做主语从句。如:Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Problem nicht einfach zu lösen ist.这样比较难看清楚主谓宾,但反过来看或许容易些:Dass das Problem nicht einfach zu lösen ist, lässt sich ...

我想你, I miss you.主语是我(I),谓语动词是想(miss) ,宾语是你(you)。通俗地讲,主语(定语、宾语)从名就是句子中的主语(定语、宾语)成分是一个句子而不是一个词。按你的要求,用中文举例如下:我想你,变成主语从句可以是这样的:我想你是真的。主语是我想你这个从句。(也可以用...

定语从句 The man who spoke at the meeting last week was a famous writer.上周在会上发言的那个人是位作家.We visited the village which stood at the foot of the hill.我们参观了座落在山脚下的村落.直接引语 间接引语 she said,”He will be happy”she said that he would be happy ...

but…, 构成的让步状语从句和由because或so构成的原因状语从句, 注意Though(虽然)与but(但是), because(因为)与so(所以)不能同时出现在句子里, 只用其中之一表达汉语中两个词的意义。表语从句在句子中起表语作用的从句叫做表语从句,位于主句系动词的后面。表语从句的引导词和主语从句的引导词相同。也是名词性从句的...

1. 定语从句从本质上讲相当于形容词,我们可以把它看成是一个加长版的形容词。如 a red rose=a rose which is red; 又如 a smiling boy=a boy who is smiling后面的定语从句完全可以代替原词组中的形容词。所以,在比较专业的语法著作中,定语从句被称为“形容词性从句”。2. 主语从句、宾语...

F.当that引导的主语从句出现在疑问句中时,要以it作形式主语,而把主语从句后置。如: Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week? 下周那位科学家将给我们作报告是真的吗? Does it matter much that they will not come tomorrow? 他们明天不来很要紧吗? G.当主语从句出现在感叹...

That在这儿起一个引导的作用。he is the best student in the class是that 引导的成分,它们构成一个整体做主语,后面的is 是这个句子真正的谓语。之所以前面会有that是因为省略了主语从句的一个标志性的词the fact,如果有the fact存在的话,就知道肯定要加that连接,现在省略了the fact,that仍然可以...

He looked everywhere as if (he was)in search of something .他到处看似乎在找什么东西。He came across the picture while (he was) on a visit to New York.(三)若从句的主语和主句的主语不一致,但和主句的宾语一致时,从句中的主语和be动词亦常可省略。例如:Father advised me not to...

这个很好判断 ,关键是能分清楚什么是主谓宾定状补表同,能找到主句,再看从句部分在主句里起到什么作用 一句话充当主句的某个成分,那这句话就是这个成分的从句 一句话做宾语就是宾语从句 一句话做表语就是表语从句 一句话做定语就是定语从句 从句如果修饰主句的某个名词,通常是主语宾语 那就...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 麻烦找10个主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,2个同位语从句的例句 -
将科神曲: 主语从句: 1、That he will come and help us is certain.他来帮我们是肯定的了. 2、What he is has nothing to do with you.他是干什么的与你无关. 3、Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.任何得到这份工作的人都将要有很多工作要做...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 麻烦写10个既有主语从句又有宾语从句的句子,再写10个既有主语从句又有表语从句的句子 -
将科神曲:[答案] 主语从句+表语从句: What you want to say is that we are about to talk about. That We talked about is what you want to say too. What he tells me is what I'm expecting for a long time. Where he comes is what we want to know. What he gave me ...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 求30句英语定语从句要高一水平的主语从句10句 宾语从句10句 表语从句10句 不要是太复杂的 一般就好 -
将科神曲:[答案] 主语从句: 1、That he will come and help us is certain. 2、What he is has nothing to do with you. 3、Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do. 4、How we can protect hte grain from damp needs to be discussed. 5、When and where the test will ...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 麻烦帮忙写几个英文句子.主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句个十个,谢谢!...
将科神曲: 主语从句 what you said is ture 表语从句 The truth is that the earth is smaller than the moon. 宾语从句 I don't know whether he will come. 同位语从句 Do you know the news that Jay will come to hold a concert.

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 从句有哪些? -
将科神曲: 从句是相对于主句而言的,即它是从属于某一个主句,而不能单独作一个句子.在英语中,主要有三大从句,即名词性从句(包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)、形容词性从句(即定语从句)、副词性从句(即状语从句,包括时间、条件、结果、目的、原因、让步、地点、方式等).

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 从句例句主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句状语从句六种从句的简单例句最少每句举例4句还要打上中文意思. -
将科神曲:[答案] 主语从句what I want are two books.我想要的是两本书.It is certain that Tom will come here.汤姆会来这是一定的.That he came late made his teacher angry.他来晚了使老师很生气.Whether we will have our sport...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 英语中的10大句型 -
将科神曲: 主语从句,宾语从句,定语从句,同位语从句,表语从句,状语从句,强调句,感叹句,疑问句,祈使句

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 英语语法中,主语从句、定语从句、宾语从句 -
将科神曲: (1) 表语从句:在句子中作连系动词的表语的从句,它位于主句中的系动词之后.例如:That is why he did not come to school yesterday. / It is because you are so clever. (2) 宾语从句:在句子中作及物动词或介词的宾语. ①基本形式:(主句+)...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 英语中的主语从句、定语从句、宾语从句以及表语从句的详细总结 -
将科神曲: 1.主语从句1)主语从句可直接位于主语的位置,如果从句较长,谓语又较短,可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末.常见的句型有:*It is a fact\a pity\a question\good news that...*It seems\appears\happened\has turned out that...*It is clear\...

融水苗族自治县13515133407: 英语主语从句和表语从句 -
将科神曲: 主语从句(Subject Clause) 定义:如果一个句子在复合句中充当一个主语,那么这个句子就是主语从句.第一部分:常规主语从句,即句子在复合句中充当一个主语 (1)That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us ...

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