
作者&投稿:徭怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


April Fool's Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. It happens on April lst every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other.


One April Fool's Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti. Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy as much spaghetti as they could.


By the time people realized that the story was a hoax ,all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. In another famous trick a TV show in England reported the discovery of special water.


They said this water would help people lose weight and that one customer had already lost a lot of weight in just four months. By the end of the day,more than l0,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how to get this water.


Many April Fool's jokes may end up being not very funny. A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day. He asked her to marry him. The lady was so happy because she really wanted to get married.


However,when she said yes, he replied, "April Fool! "That little joke didn't have a very happy ending. The TV star lost his girlfriend and his show was canceled.


九年级英语12单元2b翻译是如下:April Fool's Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world. It happens on April lst every year and is a day when many people play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other.愚人节是一个在世界各地不同国家里都庆祝...


Paul: Hi, Lisa. How was your weekend?Lisa: Great. Thanks.Paul: What did you do?Lisa: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.Paul: Really? How interesting!Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! I told the visi...

人教版英语八年级上 12单元self check 2的翻译,急急急!
第一篇(关于哈尔滨的):哈尔滨在中国的北部。冬天很冷,有时温度是零下30℃。游客们需要穿暖和的衣服。在这的冬天有冰雕节。一间旅馆住一晚是230元 第二篇(关于三亚的):三亚在中国南部的海南省。在哪里直到冬天都很暖和。在下午大概是15℃。三亚有可爱的沙滩。一间旅馆的价格是320元一晚。第三...



初一下册英语4、12单元section B 2b翻译
4单元:原文开头:Dear Dr.Know:翻译:亲爱的dr.know。There are too many rules! I am not happy.有太多的规则!我不快乐。At home.I get up six o`clock. Them I have to make my bed. After breakfast .I must do the dishes. I can`t relax at night because. I must read a ...

2a 2b s是听力。你是什么意思呢

八年级英语12单元。最高级 改成最高级 然后在翻译
1:have the most comfortable seats 有最舒适的座位 2:have the biggest screens 有最大的荧幕 3:have the friendliest service 有最友好的服务 4:have the best quality clothing 有最好质量的衣服 5:have the worst music 有最坏的音乐(有最无聊的音乐)或(有最难听的音乐)6:be ...

1a 1、在美国,你不应该用手吃东西。2、在秘鲁,你在餐桌上不能交谈。3、在中国,你不应该拿起碗吃饭。4、在韩国,年龄最小的人应该第一个吃饭。5、在巴西,你应该每次喝完饮料都用餐巾擦擦嘴。3a餐桌礼仪 亲爱的劳拉:谢谢你的信息。是的,我在法国的交换项目中过得很愉快。甚至比我原来想象...

四平市18920672481: 2015九年级英语第十二第十二单元单元课文翻译 -
里肩泰白: 九年级英语人教版sectionB的2b的翻译

四平市18920672481: 九年级英语全一册第十二单元2d翻译? -
里肩泰白: 九年级英语全一册第12单元的翻译,我这里没有找到.

四平市18920672481: 九年级下册英语十二单元b部分2b翻译 -
里肩泰白: 答案是:

四平市18920672481: 九年级英语第12单元SectionB中的1和2B的翻译 -
里肩泰白: 九年级英语12单元SectionB,2a,2b,翻译

四平市18920672481: 英语九年级下册第十二单元的翻译 -
里肩泰白: 1 he used to get up early.he has got used to get up early. 2.he is used to get up ealy.he gets used to get up early. 3. he will get used to get up early.he is geting uesed to get up early. 4. the bottle is used for keeping water.the bottle keeps water. 5. ...

四平市18920672481: 九年级英语翻译 unit2 Sectuon 2 -
里肩泰白: 意思是 第2单元第2部分 但是 应该是section 你好象写错了吧

四平市18920672481: 九年级上英语12页3b 14页3b翻译 -
里肩泰白: 人教的:12页3b:你曾经害怕黑夜吗?是的.你现在还害怕黑夜吗?不是,那么你呢?我?是的!我对黑夜很害怕.所以,你在黑夜里通常做什么?我开着床头灯入睡. 14页3b:在不久的年份中发生了让我改变很多的事,我的每一天都很不同而我小时读喜欢不同的事情.举例:我曾经不喜欢测试.不过现在我觉得无所谓.我曾经不喜欢上课,不过现在我最喜欢上课.曾经我每天都运动,现在我一直在学习.我曾经走路上学,我现在不得不坐公车上学.

四平市18920672481: 九年级上册人教版新目标英语的Unit2 1B 2B 的翻译 -
里肩泰白: many would agree that when we think of chrismas, we probably think of gifts, christmas trees and santa claus but behind all these thing lies the true meaning of christmas ; the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us .the story in a christmas carol is perhaps the best exampie of this

四平市18920672481: 2b翻译 求答案
里肩泰白: Douchbag.

四平市18920672481: 九年级英语第二单元课文翻译 -
里肩泰白: Autumn's coming.She is in a yellow dress.She is coming across the fields. The fields are yellow now. The wheat is smiling. There are some farmers in the fields. They are processing the wheat.Look at the trees, there are many birds singing in ...

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